Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 326: Demon Catching Plan (please subscribe)

The demon-killing war boat headed in the direction of Lingxu Sect.

The foundation builders of Lingxu Sect all returned to their rooms to heal their injuries.

Wu Tao also returned to the room and sat cross-legged on the futon. He did not take out the storage bags of Che Mingxiao and the fifth-level foundation-building demon cultivator to count the harvest, but waited to return to the sect's own cave to count again.

But he would not wait any longer. Instead, he took out the mana pill and began to practice the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill.

One day later.

Early the next morning, we finally arrived at Lingxu Sect. The Demon-Slaying War Boat flew into Lingxu Sect and flew to the place where the Demon-Slaying War Boat was parked. Then, all the disciples in the foundation building and Qi refining stages got off the Demon-Slaying War Boat.

This time, the demonic cultivators mainly targeted the foundation-building immortal cultivators, and two of the foundation-building immortal cultivators died.

Although there were no demonic cultivators specifically targeting the Qi Refining Stage, because they were too close, the fight between the Foundation Establishing Immortal Cultivators was affected, and nine Qi Refining Stage disciples died as a result.

Sun Heng glanced at the foundation builders and said: "Junior brothers, although the task of clearing up wasteland has not been completed, there is a reason for the incident. It was attacked by the demon cultivator. I will go to the mission hall to report this matter now. Junior brothers, please go back to the cave first. Heal your wounds and wait for my results. But please, fellow juniors, please do not leave the sect before my results come out, so as not to be attacked by demonic cultivators again."

"I understand, Senior Brother Sun." Zhuji present all said to Sun Heng.

After saying that, each of the foundations rose into the sky and returned to their own caves. Then Sun Heng said to these disciples in the Qi Refining stage, "My nephews, you have worked hard this time, and your achievements will be paid off."

The faces of these Qi Refining Stage disciples were solemn, and they all bowed to Sun Heng and said, "Thank you, Master Sun."

Then Sun Heng went to the mission hall to report on the mission. After that, he had to go to the Demon Slaying Hall.

Wu Tao did not return to his cave immediately, but flew directly to the weapon refining hall to see Zhao Zhen.

I came to the place where Zhao Zhen usually worked and saw Zhao Zhen. When Zhao Zhen saw Wu Tao, he was surprised and said, "Junior brother Han, didn't you go to open up wasteland and come back so soon? Did something happen?"

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Senior Brother Zhao, something did happen."

Then he told about the attack by demonic cultivators during the land reclamation.

Of course, it was impossible for him to say that he personally killed Che Mingxiao and a magic cultivator on the fifth floor of the foundation. The rhetoric he used was still the same as Sun Heng's.

After Zhao Zhen heard this, he said angrily: "It's a demon cultivator again. Damn it, this group of demon cultivators is really endless... It must be another demon cultivator who has joined the Lingxu Sect like last time. What's going on with the Demon-Slaying Hall? Is there water leaking everywhere?”

Wu Tao said: "The demon cultivator is treacherous and insidious. It is impossible for the Demon Slayer Hall to be watertight."

Zhao Zhen patted Wu Tao on the shoulder and said, "Fortunately, Junior Brother Han, you are fine this time.

Wu Tao just came to report the situation to Zhao Zhen. Now that the report was over, he said goodbye.

Zhao Zhen said: "Junior Brother Han is frightened, so just go back and rest."

Wu Tao returned to his cave. Chen Yao was surprised to see Wu Tao and asked why Wu Tao came back early.

Wu Tao told Chen Yao about his encounter with the demon cultivator again.

Chen Yao said with a frightened look: "Brother, why are there demon cultivators everywhere? It's not as safe as we were in Xiuxian City before. Now you are bound to be attacked by demon cultivators as soon as you leave the sect. Can you try to go out as little as possible in the future? Is the door open?"

Hearing Chen Yao's words, Wu Tao thought to himself: How could he have the skills after foundation building if he didn't join Lingxu Sect? Wouldn't it mean that the future would be cut off? It's not that safe in Xiuxian City, but Chen Yao didn't know that he had shouldered all the crises. As for staying out of the sect less, Wu Tao still agreed. Unless it was a task that had to be carried out, he could shirk it if he could.

In the main training room, Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon, holding two storage bags in his hands.

One is Che Mingxiao's storage bag, which bears the sect mark of Lingxu Sect. ·

A mana restriction is set on the storage bag.

Foundation-building immortal cultivators are different from Qi-refining stage immortal cultivators. The imprints on their life and death storage bags will be dissipated immediately. Foundation-building immortal cultivators can set up mana restrictions that will not dissipate for a while after their death.

Wu Tao felt the mana restriction set by Che Mingxiao. It seemed that it would take some time to kill, but it would only last a few days.

Then he picked up the storage bag of the magic cultivator at the fifth level of foundation building and found that there was also a mana restriction set up.

Wu Tao was not surprised when he encountered this situation, because he also set a storage mana restriction on his storage bag. This was just a basic operation.

Two days later, Zhao Jitian, the deacon elder of the Demon-Slaying Hall and the ninth-level immortal cultivator, came to ask Wu Tao about the attack by the demon cultivators.

After Wu Tao finished telling his story, his face was very moved and regretful, and he said: "Senior Brother Che died at the hands of a demon cultivator to protect me. I will definitely remember this kindness."

Zhao Jitian said: "Fortunately, nothing happened to you this time, Junior Brother Han. The mission hall is not aware of the situation. The mission accompanying the second-level weapon refiner should be canceled during this period, so that this situation will not occur."

Wu Tao heard other meanings from Zhao Jitian's words. Thinking that Zhao Jitian was the deacon and elder of the Demon-Slaying Hall, with a high position, he asked: "Senior Brother Zhao, do you mean... that the demon cultivators are targeting Did I come?"

Zhao Jitian shook his head and said: "Junior Brother Han, the demon cultivator is not here for you, but for the second-level weapon refiner."

Wu Tao asked in confusion: "Senior Brother Zhao, I am just a small second-level low-level weapon refiner. Am I worthy of such a high price for a demon cultivator?"

Zhao Jitian thought that Wu Tao was a second-level weapon refiner and had already known about the fairy boat plan, so he no longer concealed it and said, "Maybe the Demonic Sect knows about our next fairy boat plan. The second-level weapon refiner is very important in the plan. , and our second-level weapon refiner doesn’t leave the sect often, so if we can seize the opportunity to attack and kill the second-level weapon refiner, we will naturally launch an attack."

"That's it." Wu Tao suddenly said.

Zhao Jitian said: "Okay, since Junior Brother Han is fine, I will go back first. After the investigation is completed, the mission hall will calculate your merits."

Wu Tao sent Zhao Jitian out of the cave.

Another two days passed.

Meng Haoting came and said that Uncle Zhao Zhen wanted to see Wu Tao for something.

Wu Tao immediately went to the weapon refining hall to see Zhao Zhen.

In the small gathering hall.

Zhao Zhen said to Wu Tao, "Junior Brother Han, do you still remember your wasteland reclamation mission a few days ago and the attack by demonic cultivators?"

Wu Tao nodded with fear on his face and said: "Of course I remember that time I almost lost my life at the hands of a demon cultivator. Now that I think about it, I feel like I was destined to die."

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "So in view of this matter, the sect plans to come up with a plan to catch the demon and give the demon sect a severe blow."

The fourth update has arrived.

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