Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 323 The old monster seizes the body (please subscribe)

Che Mingxiao's move was unexpected by Wu Tao.

The two were very close. In an instant, Che Mingxiao took action. The violent mana blasted towards Wu Tao's chest. This momentum was completely the full strength of the fifth level of foundation building. It was bound to kill him with one blow. Wu Tao.

But Wu Tao reacted very quickly. In one thought, he activated Xuanming's robe, and Che Mingxiao's attack suddenly hit Xuanming's robe.

With a bang——

The flickering light of Xuanming's robe was flickering, but it was not broken by Che Mingxiao.

After the attack failed, Che Mingxiao retreated and distanced himself. He looked at Wu Tao on the ground. Although the attack failed, he did not feel it was a pity. After all, the opponent was a weapon refiner. How could the master not have a defensive magic weapon on his body?

Wu Tao looked up at Che Mingxiao and asked, "Are you an undercover agent of the Demon Sect?"

Che Mingxiao smiled and said: "Yes, Junior Brother Han is smart and figured it out so quickly. There is no way, and I don't want to be exposed, but who made Junior Brother Han a second-level weapon refiner? The righteous path is ready to take action, once it happens In a big war, you weapon refiners are more critical to victory than ordinary foundation building. Therefore, once there is an opportunity, we must eliminate you weapon refiners."

Wu Tao finally understood that Che Mingxiao had planned it long ago and asked him to put away the Small Five Elements Upside Down Formation. Because of the formation, it would take longer for Che Mingxiao to kill him, in case Sun Heng and others were attracted. , he would have no chance.

That's why he lied and asked Wu Tao to put away the Small Five Elements Inversion Formation. Once he put it away, it would be Che Mingxiao's opportunity to take action.

Unfortunately, Che Mingxiao still miscalculated. He was not a traditional weapon refiner. Even without the Small Five Elements Reversal Formation, Wu Tao was still confident of dealing with a fifth-level Foundation Builder.

The victory was certain, but Wu Tao was still accustomed to Lao Liu's acting style. He did not reveal his strength for a while, but dealt with it. When Che Mingxiao relaxed, he would die.

This is the least risky approach.

Much better than fighting head-on.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao looked at Che Mingxiao and said, "So, you've got me?"

Che Mingxiao smiled and said: "Junior brother Han, you are an weapon refiner and a casual cultivator. To become an weapon refiner, you must have spent all your time. How can you have time to learn spells. Moreover, you have to spend all your time to become a weapon refiner. , you have only been in the sect for six years, you should still be at the first level of foundation building, right? That's what you are like as casual cultivators. Your foundation is too poor and your potential is insufficient, so you can't go far. So, today, I am destined to serve as a member of the sect. Great service. When I break your defensive magic weapon, it will be time for me to send Junior Brother Han on his way. Okay, I won’t talk nonsense with Junior Brother Han. I also know that Junior Brother Han wants to delay time and wait until Sun Heng and the others return, right? That’s impossible, I will let you see the gulf-like gap between the middle stage of foundation establishment and the early stage of foundation establishment…”

"Junior Brother Han, please help me advance in the sect."

After saying that, Che Mingxiao thought, and the second-level magic sword flew out, cast a spell, and attacked Wu Tao.

"Brother Che, you are too close to me." A smile appeared on Wu Tao's lips. Although Che Mingxiao immediately distanced himself from him, they were still within five miles.

Now with his Shining Star Step, within five miles, the stars will arrive in the blink of an eye.

"What?" Che Mingxiao was confused.

But doubts were doubts. His magic attack was not slow at all. It hit Wu Tao's body in an instant and directly destroyed Wu Tao's body. A smile appeared on Che Mingxiao's lips. The next moment, his expression was startled. I saw that body turning into star-like points of light and dispersing in the air.

Then, Wu Tao's figure appeared on the other side, turning into an afterimage. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of him. He heard Wu Tao's words: "I said, Brother Che, you are too close to me. ”

"Flashing Star Fist."


A fist with starlight turned into light and struck his chest.

Che Mingxiao was startled. He did not evade in a hurry. He received the punch without feeling any pain. After a moment, he suddenly realized and laughed: "Junior brother Han, you have a defensive weapon, don't I? You They thought I was a poor casual cultivator like Feng Yuan."

After that, he used all his strength to activate the robes on his body and covered his whole body, forming a golden mana light shield.

Wu Tao saw that he was completely covered by the magic light shield. He did not feel any sadness, but said calmly: "Just break it."

Another flashing star punch hit Che Mingxiao's mana mask, causing the mask to shake.

But the next second, Wu Tao's Dantian moved, and a series of sword lights appeared all over his body in an instant. They were densely packed and enveloped him and Che Mingxiao. For a moment, like big and small beads falling on a jade plate, they made a tinkling sound. The magic light shield, the magic light bursts out.

Wu Tao's figure seemed to be swaying in the wind like a fallen leaf, not being affected by the Tongxin Sword. The Mangsilk Gold only flowed by his side. His hands and feet were firing at the same time, using the entry-level Flashing Star Fist, Tianluo Falling Star Hand, and broken pieces. The star legs were used at will, changing frequently, and bombarded Che Mingxiao's mana shield.

The mana shield is in danger, and there is a sign that it will break at any time.

Che Mingxiao's heart finally became restless. At this moment, Wu Tao's attack was too fierce. It was like a shower hitting a lotus pond, densely packed with no gaps. Moreover, the attack power of each blow made him feel threatened. The attack power of the fifth level of foundation building is even more terrifying.

At this time, Wu Tao was full of momentum, and he was getting close to fight. The aura on his body was also sensed by Che Mingxiao. He was horrified and said in a voiceless voice: "Building the third floor of the foundation? How is it possible? In just six years, how can it be possible? Three levels of foundation building?”

There is only one person Che Mingxiao knows about this kind of rapid breakthrough. The current head of Lingxu Sect, Ning Qiudao, is a genius who cultivates immortality and is the person that all the Demon Sects want to kill the most.

But Ning Qiudao is at the ninth level of the Golden Core. Unless Yuan Ying is dispatched, no one can be Ning Qiudao's opponent.

But Che Mingxiao's shock was not limited to that. When he attacked through the Flashing Star Fist, Tianluo Falling Star Hand, Broken Star Leg, and Wu Tao, his body seemed to be covered with a layer of starlight, which was clearly a result of physical training. Attack method.

"Are you still a physical practitioner?"

Che Mingxiao's heart was like a wave in the sea, and he was like a boat in the sea, turning the world upside down.

His cognition completely collapsed at this moment.

How could such a person exist?

As a casual cultivator, it is extremely difficult to build the foundation alone. It is indeed possible to become a second-level weapon refiner. After all, it has happened before.

None of the four arts of cultivating immortality is very difficult. To embark on the path of one of the arts, you have to have a lot of experience before you can succeed.

But now, suddenly there is a person standing in front of him. Not only is his magic power improving rapidly, but his spell cultivation is also extremely advanced, and his physical cultivation...

How is this practiced?

How could one person have so much energy?

"Are you an old monster who seizes the body?"

Che Mingxiao suddenly thought of a possibility and blurted it out.

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