Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 322: Being attacked (please subscribe)

As the demon-killing war boat flew away, only Wu Tao and Che Mingxiao, who was protecting him, were left here.

Che Mingxiao's fifth-level foundation building cultivation level cannot protect Wu Tao at all, because Wu Tao's combat power can already confront the fifth-level foundation building level head-on.

However, he did not expose this strength to Lingxu Sect.

At most, it exposed the strength of the second level of foundation building, and Zhang Shenghong knew it. Then, Sun Heng must have thought that since he was on the second level of the Foundation Establishment, and given the traditional concept that weapon refiners were not good at fighting, it was completely reasonable to arrange for Che Mingxiao, the fifth level of the Foundation Establishment, to protect him.

Che Mingxiao's eyes watched the demon-slaying warship disappear, and he said: "Junior Brother Han, now we are the only two left. This is all thanks to Junior Brother Han, otherwise, I would not be assigned such an easy task. "

After hearing what Che Mingxiao said, Wu Tao secretly complained in his heart: "Easy? Then you think it's too easy. I am a time traveler. This time, I have not returned to the sect. I dare not say it is easy. I still have to be more prepared. .”

Thinking of this, Wu Tao summoned the Soul-Eating Insect from its invisible state with a thought, and said: "Brother Che, you still have to be careful."


Suddenly, Che Mingxiao was surprised and frowned slightly.

Wu Tao's heart moved slightly, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that the Soul-Eating Insect was sensed by Che Mingxiao? The Soul-Eating Insect has just advanced to the second level, and is still at the level of a second-level low-level monster, while Che Mingxiao is in the middle stage of foundation building... …”

But he asked with confusion: "Brother Che, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong?"

Che Mingxiao sensed carefully, but couldn't sense anything. Then, he frowned slightly and said with a smile: "It's nothing. My mind jumped just now. It seemed to be a warning, but it dissipated quickly. I guess it was I sensed something wrong. Junior Brother Han, I’m going to build a place to stay, why don’t you come with me or rest aside?”

Seeing that Che Mingxiao had not sensed the Soul-eating Insect, the reason why there was an early warning when the Divine Mind jumped was probably because the Soul-Eating Insect specially ate the Soul-Eating Insect, which gave it a mysterious illusion.

Wu Tao felt relieved and said, "I'm here to help Brother Che."

Che Mingxiao nodded, and then took out the materials for building a house from the storage bag, and Wu Tao helped build it.

As expected of a cultivator, he quickly built a small attic and came out.

After the construction was completed, Che Mingxiao said: "Junior Brother Han, if you want to rest, just go into the attic and rest. There are plenty of rooms."

Wu Tao said: "Wait a minute, I'm not in a hurry."

After that, he took out the small five-element upside-down formation and prepared to use the small five-element upside-down formation to surround the small attic. When Che Mingxiao saw this, he twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Han, are you planning to set up a formation?"

Che Mingxiao was by his side, and Wu Tao's idea of ​​setting up the formation secretly was obviously impossible, so he simply set up the formation in a generous manner. He said to Che Mingxiao: "Brother Che, you also know that we, the weapon refiners, have been studying the art of weapon refining. I don’t know the best way to do it, so I don’t know the spells and the way of fighting. I will inevitably feel insecure when I go outside. ׺°”˜˜`”°º× Therefore, I can only gain some benefits by setting up formations sense of security.”

Che Mingxiao said: "Junior Brother Han, I will protect you, so don't worry."

"But with the formation, wouldn't Senior Brother Che be safer?" Wu Tao said with a smile.

Che Mingxiao was startled, and then said: "Junior Brother Han, what you said makes sense. Do you want me to help you set up the formation?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "It's such a small thing, so I don't have to trouble Brother Che." After saying that, Wu Tao began to set up the small Five Elements Upside Down Formation around the small attic.

For things like safety, you cannot rely on others, you still have to rely on yourself.

"Brother Che, the layout is ready. If nothing happens, I will go to the small attic to learn about weapon refining." Wu Tao said to Che Mingxiao.

Che Mingxiao said: "Go, Junior Brother Han."

Seeing Wu Tao enter the room and close the door, the smile on Che Mingxiao's face disappeared, he took out the futon, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice.

As land reclamation began, Wu Tao sat firmly in the rear.

In the evening, a foundation builder came back with injuries on his body, but with a smile on his face. It was obvious that the second-level monster had been successfully killed.

"Fellow Daoist Han, come here, here are twenty kilograms of second-level low-level monster meat for you." Zhuji from Youlingxu Sect took the monster meat and gave it to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao could only accept this kind of favor and say thank you.

On the third day, Feng Yuan and the others came back. Guan Peng seemed to have been seriously injured and was still bleeding when he came back. However, Guan Peng said happily: "Fortunately, I saw the opportunity quickly, and the beast wanted to When you bitten my magic weapon, you blocked it with your body, and the injury can be healed in time. If the magic weapon is damaged and cannot be used, this trip will be in vain."

Hearing Guan Peng's words, Wu Tao thought to himself, "Fortunately, I am a weapon refiner. Otherwise, like Guan Peng and the others, they would fight monsters and would rather hurt their bodies than damage their magic weapons. Eh... "

Thinking like this, he smiled and said to Guan Peng: "Fellow Taoist Guan, you still have to pay attention to your health and don't damage your foundation, otherwise the gain will outweigh the losses. If the magic weapon is broken, you can bring it to me and I will give you a discount for Taoist Guan."

Guan Peng quickly raised his hands and said, "Thank you so much, Fellow Daoist Han. Fellow Daoist Han is so righteous."

Wu Tao thought for a while, then took out a bottle of healing elixir from his storage bag, handed it over, and said, "Fellow Daoist Guan, keep this elixir, it will be useful for healing."

Guan Peng put away the elixir, was very moved, and said: "It is an honor for me to know Fellow Daoist Han. I will definitely bear in mind the kindness of Fellow Daoist Han. If Fellow Daoist Han has any instructions in the future, just let me know."

Wu Tao said: "Fellow Taoist Guan, you don't have to be so polite."

After a day's rest, Guan Peng's injury was not completely healed, so he went on a wasteland reclamation mission with Feng Yuan and Li Zhi.

On the fifth day, early in the morning, Wu Tao came out and saw Che Mingxiao standing outside the attic, looking into the distance. When he saw Wu Tao coming out, he turned around and asked, "Junior Brother Han, are you up?"

Wu Tao said: "Yeah." In fact, he only slept for an hour every night, and spent the rest of his time practicing the star exercise.

Che Mingxiao was still going to speak. Suddenly, something moved in his heart. He reached out to touch the storage bag and took out a talisman. Light appeared on the talisman. After looking at it, he said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Han, we have to change places."

"Is this a message from Senior Brother Sun?" Wu Tao asked.

Che Mingxiao said: "Yes, I will put away the attic, and you put away your magic circle."

Wu Tao did not doubt that he was there, nodded and said: "Okay."

After that, the two began to take action. After a while, Wu Tao put away the small Five Elements Inversion Array, came to Che Mingxiao's side, and said: "Brother Che, I have put away the array, let me help you put away the attic. "

When Che Mingxiao heard this, he stopped what he was doing, looked at Wu Tao and said, "Junior Brother Han, have you put it away?"

Just as Wu Tao was about to nod, his expression suddenly changed and he shouted: "Brother Che, what are you doing?"


Asking for a monthly ticket. There are a lot of things to do during the National Day, so I’ll do the third update first. Thank you to Brother Number One in the World for the 300 starting coin reward, thank you to Wang Yudada, Xiaoyaokai and Mu Feimu for the 100 starting coin reward, and thank you to Yaoye Jiang for the 500 starting coin reward.

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