Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 321 Task Assignment (Please subscribe)

As Sun Heng finished speaking, all the foundation builders went up to the demon-killing war boat.

After getting on the demon-destroying war boat, Sun Heng asked a third-level foundation-building immortal cultivator named Chang Ren to open the demon-destroying war boat.

Chang Ren immediately handed over his hand and went over. After a moment, the demon-slaying war boat shook slightly, and the surrounding arrays lit up, forming a light curtain, covering the entire demon-slaying war boat, and then slowly rose up towards Lingxu Sect. Go to laymen.

On the deck of the second floor, stood the remaining foundation-building immortal cultivators.

The Demon Slayer War Ark is very similar to the Feidu Xuzhou. It is estimated that many of the refining secrets have been figured out, so this Demon Slayer War Ark also has two floors, but there are not as many rooms as the Feidu Xuzhou.

The disciples in the Qi refining stage all live on the first floor.

Immortal cultivators in the foundation building stage should live on the second floor, but now is not the time to divide the houses. Seeing that all the foundation building people were standing on the deck of the second floor, Wu Tao followed the trend and stood on the deck, watching the demon-killing battle. The boat flew towards the Lingxu Sect's mountain-protecting formation, and then, completely out of Lingxu Sect's range, it flew towards the north.

Sun Heng said: "This time, we mainly open up wasteland in the north, where there are twenty second-level monsters occupying it, ranging from low-level to high-level monsters. The low-level monsters include Junior Brother Feng, Junior Brother Li, Junior Brother Guan... As for the second-level high-level monsters, I will lead the team... and cooperate with the attack of the monster-killing warship to capture them together."

"Of course, if you have any better ways, you can tell us and discuss it together."

Unexpectedly, Sun Heng began to arrange preliminary tasks on this deck.

After everyone listened, they began to participate in the discussion one by one. As a logistics worker, Wu Tao did not need to take any action in cleaning up the monsters. However, he still listened but did not speak.

Feng Yuan said: "Senior Brother Sun, can we move forward slowly and step by step to clean up the monsters?"

After Feng Yuan finished speaking, Guan Peng and Li Zhi both nodded in agreement.

Wu Tao finally understood that the three of them, Feng Yuan, were all second-level Immortal Cultivators of the Foundation Establishment. Their backgrounds were so poor that the reason why it was difficult to integrate into the Lingxu Sect Foundation Establishment circle was not actually because the three of them were from casual cultivators. It's because their cultivation is really poor.

Moreover, when it comes to breaking through the foundation building, it has taken so many years to break through to the first level, the potential is exhausted, and the future seems bleak.

Because of this, Feng Yuan and other casual cultivators would often complain that as casual cultivators, they were looked down upon by Lingxu Sect Foundation Establishment.

Wu Tao, on the other hand, did not feel this way at all. Every Lingxu Sect Foundation Establishment he came into contact with treated him equally, without any alienation or contempt.

Only strength is everything.

No matter what circle you are in.

Sun Heng's distribution method at this moment is indeed in line with the rules, but the second-order low-level monsters are still a bit tricky for Feng Yuan and the others. Therefore, he thought of gathering everyone's strength to encroach on the monsters' territory step by step. , clean up the monsters.

Mainly because it's safer.

Wu Tao could see what Feng Yuan was thinking, and so could Sun Heng, a late-stage foundation builder.

He shook his head and said: "Junior Brother Feng, we only have half a month. In half a month, we have to complete the cleaning. The task is very heavy, and it is not a straight area. We can advance step by step... What do you think? Just keep it.”

Hearing what Sun Heng said, Feng Yuan had no choice but to cup his hands and say, "Yes, Senior Brother Sun."

However, it can be seen that Feng Yuan, Guan Peng, and Li Zhi still have a bit of disappointment in their eyes. The three of them have average combat power. When they encounter a more powerful monster comparable to the third level of foundation building, they are still It is very strenuous, and it is possible that the magic weapon will be lost again, or it may be injured and the work will be in vain.

Seeing that there were no more opinions, Sun Heng said: "Then let's do this first."

One of the foundation builders said: "Senior Brother Sun, you haven't arranged my task yet."

Sun Heng said to this foundation builder: "Junior Brother Che Mingxiao, your mission is the most important."

Hearing what Sun Heng said, Che Mingxiao was startled and said, "What mission?"

Sun Heng smiled, looked at Wu Tao, and said: "Your mission is to protect the safety of Junior Brother Han. You can't let anything happen to Junior Brother Han, not even a hair is lost. Junior Brother Che, tell me, is this mission? the most important?"

Che Mingxiao looked at Wu Tao and said with a smile: "Protecting Junior Brother Han is indeed the most important thing. Senior Brother Sun, please rest assured that I will definitely protect Junior Brother Han."

Wu Tao was overjoyed. He didn't expect that Sun Heng was very good at life, and even specially arranged for foundation-building immortal cultivators to protect the safety of AT, a weapon refiner who was not good at fighting. He quickly raised his hands to Sun Heng and thanked him: "Thank you, Senior Brother Sun."

Then he thanked Che Mingxiao and said, "Brother Lao Che has taken good care of me."

Sun Heng said with a smile: "Junior Brother Han, you are not good at fighting, and you are extremely important. Even one of you is more important than all of us. Your safety is already more important than this wasteland reclamation task. Moreover, Senior Brother Gao Xing and Junior Brother Zhao Zhen solemnly said that we must send someone to follow Junior Brother Han anytime and anywhere, and we must not let Junior Brother Han have any accidents."

"Junior Brother Che Mingxiao is on the fifth level of Foundation Establishment. He has been on the fifth level of Foundation Establishment for more than ten years and is considered a top figure at this level. And he is in the rear, which is enough to protect the safety of Junior Brother Han."

Che Mingxiao also said to Wu Tao: "Junior brother Han, don't worry, even if the sixth level of foundation building attacks, I can stop it and give you time to escape. However, as Senior Brother Sun said, we are in the rear, Even if there are demon thieves who want to attack and kill us, we must first get through Senior Brother Sun and the others in front of us."

After listening to what Sun Heng and Che Mingxiao said, Wu Tao thanked him again and felt warm in his heart. Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Gao Xing and Senior Brother Zhao Zhen had already greeted Sun Heng.

"The second-level weapon refiners in the sect have healthy competition. I like this atmosphere." He thought in his heart.

Then, Sun Heng said: "There is still one day before we can reach the mission location, so everyone should go to the room and rest first."

After Sun Heng finished speaking, the foundation builders all left.

Wu Tao is also planning to find a room to rest or practice.

Feng Yuan and the other two people quickly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Han, can we have a chat?"

Wu Tao looked at Feng Yuan and the others, nodded and said, "It's okay for you."

So, the four of them came to the tearoom in the demon-killing warship to reminisce about old times. After chatting for half an hour, they ended the chat, and then Feng Yuan and the others went to prepare to face the monsters.

Wu Tao also returned to the room, sat cross-legged on the futon in the room, took out the source of energy, and began to practice the Six Yang Lihuo Zhenqi.

The day passed quickly, and it was dark in the blink of an eye. Wu Tao practiced the star body exercises at night.

Early the next morning, they arrived at the mission location. Sun Heng's voice sounded, telling everyone to get off the demon-killing war boat and prepare to carry out the mission.

Everyone stood on the ground in the wild and looked towards the depths of the wild to the north. Behind them was the place that had been reclaimed by the Lingxu Sect and became the training place for the disciples of the Lingxu Sect in the Qi Refining Period. In front of them was the place that had not yet been reclaimed and was still occupied by the Lingxu Sect. Monsters occupy it.

Sun Heng turned to look at the foundation builders and said, "Junior brothers, just follow what I said before and go and clean up the monsters."

The foundation builders nodded, each took some Qi Refining Stage disciples, and set off.

Finally, Sun Heng said to Che Mingxiao: "Junior Brother Che, you start to build a place to stay. Of course, the most important thing is to protect the safety of Junior Brother Han, do you understand?"

Che Mingxiao said: "Don't worry, Senior Brother Sun."

Sun Heng said no more, got on the demon-killing war boat, and drove the war boat to clean up the territory of the second-level high-level demonic beasts.

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