After hearing Wu Tao's agreement, Zhao Zhen said: "Okay, Junior Brother Han, tomorrow you don't have to go to Dihuo Peak to refine the components of the Immortal Boat. You come to the Refining Hall. I want to focus on some important parts of the Demon Slayer War Boat." Let me tell you.

Wu Tao said: "I understand, Senior Brother Zhao."

There was nothing going on below, so Wu Tao said goodbye to Zhao Zhen and left. When he went out, he saw Meng Haoting still standing at the door. He probably thought he had something else to tell him.

So Wu Tao said to him: "Xiao Meng, I don't have anything to do here. You should go do your own thing first."

Seeing this, Meng Haoting bowed and said, "Okay, Uncle Han." After that, he turned around and left.

Wu Tao came to the take-off square and flew the flying sword boat out of the mountain where the weapon refining hall was located, towards his cave.

Returning to the cave, Chen Yao did not leave the sect to practice today, but practiced magic at home. She has now learned several new spells, and the "Lingxu Twelve-Way Sword Scripture" that matches the "Lingxu Qi Refining Technique". It is a Qi refining spell.

There is also an escape technique called Lingxu Qingfeng Escape. It is performed like a breeze, making the spirit soft and invisible without a trace. It is also an escape technique that matches the Lingxu Qi Refining Technique. At the level of the Qi Refining Stage, it is considered a top-notch spell. .

Seeing that Chen Yao was still practicing in the training room, Wu Tao started to make dinner by himself.

While cooking dinner, he was mentally calculating what preparations he had to make for his journey to open up wasteland in seven days.

Now that he has the third level of foundation building and the second level of spiritual body, Wu Tao is not afraid even if he faces a fifth-level immortal cultivator head-on.

He has a complete set of defensive and offensive weapons, and he also has the blood escape technique to escape. Because he is still a physical practitioner, his energy and blood are strong, and his blood escape technique is still very useful.

There is also a second-level formation, the Small Five Elements Reversal Formation, which has a certain effect on the mid-stage of foundation building.

The unexpected spells include the Yin Shen Zhen and the Soul-Eating Insect.

According to what Zhao Zhen said, there is no danger for the weapon refiner when traveling along the wasteland.

However, as long as you leave the sect, you must be prepared to face danger. This way, even if danger comes, you will have the ability to face the risk and reduce the intensity of the risk.

This is Wu Tao's consistent principle of conduct.

Caution is king.

It is also because of this that he is able to save the day from danger time and time again.

"Strength is accumulated step by step in daily life, and the trump cards are similar. The rest depends on luck. On the road to immortality, luck is also a part of strength."

"Also, what Senior Brother Zhao Zhen said is that those who are building foundations and cultivating immortals are going to fight monsters to open up wasteland. If they are not careful, they may damage the magical weapons. Therefore, I will have to go to the Hall of Merit to exchange some magical weapons in the future. Refining spiritual materials. Prepare spiritual materials for defensive magic weapons and offensive magic weapons."

After dinner was ready, Wu Tao had already thought about what he would do in seven days.

After meal.

Tiga vs. Spider-Man.

The light won.

Wu Tao touched Chen Yao's smooth skin and said to Chen Yao: "A Yao, you'd better not go out of Lingxu Sect recently, just practice at home.

Chen Yao was startled and asked, "Senior brother, what is going to happen?"

Wu Tao couldn't tell Chen Yao about the Xianzhou Project yet, so he had to say: "I can't tell you what it is specifically. Anyway, you just have to listen to me."

Chen Yao said: "Well, then I won't go out recently."

The next day.

Wu Tao came to the Refining Hall to see Zhao Zhen.

Zhao Zhen was reading the weapon refining book at this time. When he saw Wu Tao coming, he immediately put down the weapon refining book, stood up and said, "Junior brother Han is here, okay, you come with me."

After that, Zhao Zhen led Wu Tao to the place where the demon-killing war boat was parked.

Wu Tao saw the Demon Slayer War Boat. At first glance, he felt it was very familiar. Isn't this a mini version of the Feidu Xuzhou? It is only one-tenth the size of Feidu Xuzhou.

Of course, even if it is only one-tenth the size of Feidu Xuzhou, it is still very large. At least, it can accommodate more than fifty people.

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Now you know why I asked you to follow me to open up wasteland. This demon-destroying war boat is actually a weakened version of the Feidu Void Boat. It can be used for traveling and attacking, but it can only face second-level monsters. . Therefore, the task of clearing up the wasteland this time is to face the second-order monsters. There are no third-order monsters, so it is relatively safe."

"Junior Brother Han, after annihilating them, I will tell you some of the subtle differences between this war boat and the Feidu Xuzhou."

Wu Tao nodded and listened carefully to the precautions Zhao Zhen told him.

After listening to it, it turns out that the Demon Slayer War Ark is indeed somewhat different from the Feidu Xuzhou.

The day passed quickly. Everything Zhao Zhen wanted to explain had already been explained. Wu Tao had also written it down and left the weapon refining hall.

The next day, Wu Tao went to the Gongxun Pavilion to buy spiritual materials.

After purchasing the spiritual materials, Wu Tao went to the Earth Fire Peak to get the Earth Fire and put it in a jade bottle, a magic weapon specially designed to hold Earth Fire. Because he had to refine the magic weapon when he went outside, how could he refine it without Earth Fire?

However, refining a magic weapon in the Earth Fire Peak is affected by the environment of the Earth Fire Peak, so the success rate of refining the magic weapon is slightly higher.

If you take the reserved ground fire in this way, it will be smaller.

Wu Tao didn't care about this chance. After all, as long as he succeeded, he would never fail.

Seven days later.

At the Demon Slayer War Boat, one by one Foundation Builders came, totaling eleven Foundation Builders. These Foundation Builders were all members of the team heading to open up wasteland this time.

There are also twenty Qi refining stage disciples.

The disciples in the Qi Refining Stage are responsible for cleaning up the first-order monsters. After all, if the first-order monsters are killed by the Foundation Establishment Stage, wouldn’t they be overkill?

Furthermore, with the subdivision of tasks, disciples in the Qi refining stage can also earn some merit.

"I heard that the newly joined second-level casual cultivator, Han Fan, is following us to open up wasteland this time. I don't know about this person's weapon refining strength. What's going on?" asked a Lingxu Sect foundation builder who was unfamiliar with Wu Tao. .

"Since the Weapon Refining Hall has sent Master Han to follow Xuzhou, this Master Han must have real weapon refining skills."

"Fellow Daoist Feng, you are also from casual cultivators, and Master Han is also from casual cultivators. You must be very familiar with him. How is this Master Han?"

Someone looked at Feng Yuan and the other three.

This time, Feng Yuan, Li Zhi, and Guan Peng were all present in the land reclamation team.

The positions of Feng Yuan and the other three people obviously formed a small circle. When he heard that the Foundation Architect was asking, he immediately looked at the Foundation Architect and replied: "Fellow Taoist Han is a very good man, he is moral, and he can become a second-level weapon refiner. The weapon talent is definitely not bad. My geomagnetic magic sword was made by fellow Daoist Han, and it is much easier to use than my previous magic sword."

"You said so much, you will know when Master Han arrives."


A blue light flew towards this side and landed in front of everyone. When everyone looked, they saw a young man in his early twenties, wearing a Lingxu Sect Foundation Establishment uniform, glancing around at them.

"Fellow Daoist Han (Junior Brother Han) (Master Han)..." The foundation builders immediately slightly arched their hands.

Wu Tao looked at the foundation builders. Some of these foundation builders were familiar to him, such as Feng Yuan and the others. Some of them had met him during his initiation ceremony, and some had never met before. He handed over his hands together: "I have met all of you fellow Taoists. "

"Junior Brother Han, I am the person in charge of this land reclamation. My name is Sun Heng." A very tall middle-aged foundation builder came over and said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao immediately cupped his hands and said, "I've met Senior Brother Sun."

Sun Heng nodded and said to everyone: "Since Junior Brother Han has arrived, let's set off."

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