Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

October plan and asking for monthly tickets

Opening words:

Dear readers, Happy National Day and good morning! I hope everyone has a holiday and doesn’t have to go to work (I don’t, I have to type every day, it’s miserable!)

During the seven days of National Day, monthly tickets are doubled. Please give me a monthly ticket. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket. If I don’t ask for a monthly ticket in August, I won’t be able to get a thousand monthly tickets. There is no way to draw a lottery. But at the end of September, there will be a double monthly ticket bonus of 1,000 monthly tickets. Of course, the most important thing is the support of the big guys.

So I’m also asking for monthly votes in October. I hope to get 1,000 monthly votes this month and look forward to 2,000 monthly votes.

About 180,000 words were updated in August. At that time, the goal of 200,000 words was set for September. Now that September has passed, the goal has been achieved. This month’s 249,000 words is rounded to 250,000 words. An average of 8,000 words per day, which is considered a relatively hard work.

Of course, the most important thing is everyone’s support. Every day when I see the monthly tickets, rewards, and code words, I am full of motivation.

Because there are so many readers who voted for me monthly, I can’t name the author’s words at the end of each chapter to express my gratitude every day. I neglected the emotions of some readers. It’s my fault. I’m sorry.

But if I really want to thank you one by one... the workload of the project is very large, and it may be enough for me to write one more chapter, so I might as well write one more chapter to give back to everyone for their monthly support.

Now set your goals for October.

The updated word count should at least not be lower than the updated word count in September. The book now has 725,000 words, and the goal is to reach one million words next month.

Because of my finger pain two days ago, I still owe two more updates, so I can only pay them back in October. My keyboard is so hard that my fingers hurt when I type too many characters. So I have to work hard to update this month, earn more royalties, and buy a good keyboard.

I asked my peers for advice on finger-free keyboards, and they all talked about electrostatic capacitance hhkb, Ranfeng, Amilo, Ningzhi... Then I went to to check, and holy shit, poverty has limited my imagination. The keyboard costs eight to nine hundred or two thousand.

I looked at my 50-yuan Shuangfeiyan and fell into deep thought.

The keyboard is the author's weapon, so I will work hard to update it in October and change it to a better keyboard next month.

Then tell your family about the results.

The book has been on the shelf for two months and 10 days.

It will be put on the shelves on July 22. The first order is 500 or 600. Why is it said 500 or 600? Because 100 of them were contributed by my fellow writer friends.

Then at the end of August, the number of average subscriptions exceeded 1,000. Now, at the end of September, there are already 1,500 average subscriptions. Sure enough, updating is the way to go.

Of course, the most important thing is the support and tolerance of my family.

So the target for October is 2000, and I hope there will be a leader by the end of October when the million words have been written. I heard that a book without a leader has no appearance hahaha...

That's it, thank you family, I will report back with updates.

October: One million, two thousand average.

happy National Day.

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