Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 319: Accompanying the Wasteland Development (Please subscribe)

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 40/459】

[Realm: Third level of foundation building]

[Kung Fu: The third level of Liuyang Lihuo True Skill (0%)]

[Spells: abbreviated, Master of the One-Method Heart Sword Technique (80%), Master of the Qi Watching Technique (50%), Fourth Level of Yin Shen Zhen (22%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique·Grandmaster (Perfect)

Mastering the prohibitions: slightly, second-level low-level legal prohibitions (comprehensive)]

[Sub-professional: Physical Training: Star Body Training: Second Level (25%), Dragon Spear·Duanjiang Grandmaster (20%), Introduction to Flashing Star Fist (20%), Introduction to Tianluo Luo Xingshou (20%) , Introduction to Broken Star Legs (20), Introduction to Yaoxing Stepping (12%), Introduction to Star Gangjin (15%)]

Wu Tao sat cross-legged on the futon in the refining room, his eyes fell on the personal information that had been opened, checking the progress in the past five months.

In the past five months, Wu Tao's Yin Shen Zhen has also reached the fourth level, but there is no enemy for him to test the power of Yin Shen Zhen, so he uses Soul-Eating Insects to test it.

The soul-eating insect of the second-level low-level monster will be temporarily sluggish for at least two seconds if it is shaken by its fourth-level Yin Shen.

When cultivators fight, not to mention two seconds, even one second is extremely critical.

Therefore, through this simple test, Wu Tao is completely unafraid if he faces a cultivator of the same level. He can use the Yin Shen Zhen to sneak attack and then kill them forcefully. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

It took five months to obtain the "Ten Dharma Sutra of Stars", and he spent the first month meditating on it. Within four months, Wu Tao began to practice the five techniques that could be practiced in his realm, including the Flashing Star Fist, the Heavenly Luo Falling Star Shou, and the Broken Star Fist. The star leg is the least difficult, so it has made the fastest progress, and has already reached 20% of the entry-level progress.

However, Yao Xing Step and Xing Chen Gang Jin have only been cultivated to 12% and 15% respectively.

Xingchen body training still maintains a steady improvement of five steps per month, one level in two years. However, Wu Tao knew that once he reached the middle stage of spiritual body, his cultivation speed would definitely be greatly increased.

The same is true for the realm of Dharma cultivation. Now in the early stage of foundation establishment, the cultivation speed is so fast, but once it reaches the middle stage or late stage of foundation establishment, it will never be as fast as in the early stage of foundation establishment.

"But there is no need to worry. I have a sub-professional physical training. The speed of physical training cannot be slow. I use the body lifting method to practice the skills and the amplification method to practice the skills. The two complement each other, so it will not be too slow."

"Moreover, every time you break through a level in the foundation building stage, there will be a bottleneck. For some foundation building, it may be difficult to break through the bottleneck in your lifetime, and your realm will stagnate. However, I feel the bottleneck very naturally, and it is very natural to break through the bottleneck... It should be due to a plug-in."

Thoughts flashed through Wu Tao's mind.

Then, since the breakthrough was achieved, it was time to start refining the components of the fairy boat.

This breakthrough took him two hours, and there were three more hours, which was enough for him to refine two immortal boat components.

Three hours later.

Wu Tao refined two immortal boat components. This month is the last day. He refined a total of forty-two immortal boat components this month.

At this time, it was already Youzheng, Wu Tao no longer stayed in the weapon refining room, put the fairy boat parts into the storage bag, left the weapon refining room, and happened to fly out of the Earth Fire Peak with the punctual Fan Zhifeng and He Changcheng. , go to the refining room to deliver the fairy boat components that were successfully refined this month and receive merit.

After nearly two years of refining, the three of them have become extremely skilled, and the loss rate is within the acceptable range, without the risk of deducting merit.

Not long after, they arrived at the weapon refining hall, and the three of them quickly delivered the fairy boat parts. Fan Zhifeng was the one who made the most, refining fifty pieces, and Wu Tao ranked third.

Mainly Fan Zhifeng and He Changcheng spent more time refining every day than he did, and he was not just refining the components of the immortal boat, he also had to practice, both in body and law, which both took up a lot of time.

Moreover, weapon refining is only for cultivation.

Therefore, Wu Tao, the weapon refiner, was not pure.

Walking in the weapon refining hall, Wu Tao said goodbye to the two of them and was about to return to his cave. At this time, Meng Haoting suddenly came over, bowed and said: "Uncle Han, Uncle Zhao asked you to go to the small gathering hall."

Wu Tao nodded and said, "Okay."

Finally, he seemed to remember something and asked, "How is Zhou Jinquan?"

It has been five years since Zhou Jinquan came to the Weapon Refining Hall. In these five years, Wu Tao's own practice has been very fulfilling, and his practice schedule is full. He only met Zhou Jinquan once, in the second year.

As for Zhou Jinquan, Wu Tao asked Meng Haoting to pick him up from Lingxu Immortal City, so Wu Tao asked about Zhou Jinquan's current situation.

Meng Haoting replied: "Jin Quan studies very hard. Now he is a first-level and second-level weapon refiner. His talent in weapon refinement is quite good. I will also visit him often and give him guidance."

Wu Tao glanced at Meng Haoting and said: "It took five years to become a first-level and second-level person. He is indeed talented in weapon refining, and you have the guidance of a first-level and ninth-level weapon refiner. Thank you for your hard work."

Finally, Wu Tao thanked Meng Haoting.

He knew that Meng Haoting was teaching Zhou Jinquan for his own sake. Otherwise, the weapon refiner was extremely busy. As a first-level and ninth-level weapon refiner, how could he find time to teach a person who had just entered the art of weapon refinement? New.

Although Wu Tao has repaid Zhou Chongguan's favor by trading the second-level magic weapon refining secret book and does not need to worry about Zhou Jinquan, but since Meng Haoting saw that his favor was done, he had to thank him. In this way, Meng Haoting would feel very grateful. Happy and excited.

This is human nature.

Meng Haoting was overjoyed and quickly bowed and said: "Uncle Han, this is a piece of cake, it's nothing."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "When I find some time, I will explain to you the art of refining weapons."

"Ah!" The surprise came so suddenly, Meng Haoting's face was ecstatic, and then he said, "Thank you, Uncle Han."

As he spoke, he arrived at the door of the small gathering hall. Zhao Zhen, who was in the small gathering hall, had already heard Wu Tao's voice and said, "Junior Brother Han, come in."

Wu Tao immediately entered the small gathering hall, while Meng Haoting was waiting in front of the door.

"Sit down and talk." Zhao Zhen smiled.

Wu Tao sat down and relaxed his posture. He had completely integrated into the Lingxu Sect's weapon refining hall. He asked: "Senior Brother Zhao, why don't you come to see me?"

Zhao Zhen said: "Seven days later, there will be a land reclamation mission in the sect, which requires the use of a demon-killing war boat, which requires a second-level weapon refiner to accompany him and repair the war boat at any time. You can also repair the second-level magic weapon now, you Just go with it.”

Wu Tao's face was startled, and then he said: "Senior Brother Zhao, is this land reclamation too dangerous?"

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Don't worry, these have been taken into consideration when the sect mission hall issues the mission. The weapon refiner will only be in the rear and will not participate in the land reclamation. He will only be responsible for the demon-killing war boat that was damaged by the demon beast."

"Furthermore, Junior Brother Han, this land reclamation mission is also rich in merit. After completing this mission, you can redeem the second-level flying magic weapon refining secret book.

In addition, this can also earn meritorious deeds or spiritual stones from the foundation building sect, because when fighting monsters, the magic weapon is damaged and needs to be repaired or repurchased.

Furthermore, the land reclamation is all along the Lingxu Sect's territory. No matter how bold the demon thieves are, they would not dare to come and cause trouble on the Lingxu Sect's territory.

After all, there are princes guarding the sect. "Having said this, Zhao Zhen bowed his hands respectfully in the direction of Lingxu Immortal Peak.

After hearing this, Wu Tao could only say: "Okay, since it is the arrangement of the sect, then I will listen to the sect."

I will update here today. My fingers are a little sore and the keyboard is too hard. Thanks to book friend 2021***1506, lxwdlx for the 100 starting coin reward. Thank you all for your monthly votes. There are too many lists to vote for, so I won’t list them one by one.

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