Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 316 The Ten Dharma Scriptures of the Stars (please subscribe)

The next day.

Wu Tao and Chen Yao left the cave together. Chen Yao was going to the Gongxun Hall to buy Lingyuan Dan for practice, while Wu Tao planned to go to the Kung Fu Pavilion to exchange for physical training tactics before going to the Dihuo Peak Artifact Refining Room.

A physical training method that matches the star physical training technique.

"Brother, I'll go first." After Wu Tao closed the cave formation, Chen Yao said to Wu Tao. After Wu Tao nodded, she reached out and touched the storage bag. The Qingye Boat immediately landed at her feet and turned into a wave. The green light flew towards the direction of the Hall of Merit.

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao's retreating figure, and then he also released the flying sword boat and flew to the Kung Fu Pavilion.

A quarter of an hour later, Wu Tao landed at the landing and take-off square of the Gongfa Pavilion, put away the flying sword boat, and headed in the direction of the Gongfa Pavilion. All the Qi Refining Stage disciples he met on the road stopped and bowed to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at these disciples in the Qi refining period. They were still struggling for the path of cultivating immortals as before, receiving sect tasks, earning merit, exchanging skills or training resources. They had no idea that the Xianzhou plan had been initially launched, and the relationship with the demonic path had already begun. The war is coming.

Now, they are only in the Qi refining period and cannot know about the Immortal Boat Plan. Only participants in the Immortal Boat Plan like Wu Tao can know in advance.

However, when the war comes, I don’t know how many people will die during these Qi refining periods.

Not only the sect, but also the casual cultivators cannot escape.

During the previous battle between Wuquan Mountain and Ghost Dao Sect, casual cultivators in the Qi refining stage would be recruited into the battlefield. This time, a larger-scale war would not be spared.

"On the road to immortality, war is inevitable for resources."

Wu Tao thought in his heart.

Entering the main hall of the Gongfa Pavilion, disciples from the Gongfa Pavilion on the first floor came up to him and wanted to lead him to the second floor. However, it was not the first time for Wu Tao to come to the Gongfa Pavilion, so he did not bother them and went to the second floor by himself.

"Junior Brother Han, we meet again." Once on the second floor, Liu Sishu, who was guarding the second floor, heard footsteps. He sensed the footsteps and found out it was Wu Tao, so he immediately came up to say hello.

Wu Tao greeted Liu Sishu slightly and said: "Senior Brother Liu, I am here to redeem the exercises. Please bring the jade slips of the exercise list to Senior Brother Liu."

Liu Sishu said: "Okay, please wait a moment, Junior Brother Han."

When he said this, Liu Sishu was envious of Wu Tao. He had just redeemed a skill last time, but he had accumulated merit so quickly this time... He was worthy of being a weapon refiner, no, he should be a master of the four arts of cultivating immortals. They are all able to earn meritorious deeds, and they have so much merit that they can never spend it all.

Just for such an easy task as Xuzhou inspection, he could get a thousand meritorious deeds in a month, which is really enviable. Unfortunately, this is a technical job, and even if he was asked to do it, he wouldn't be able to do it.

I can only feel envious.

With such envy, Liu Sishu turned around and went to get the jade slip of the exercise list for Wu Tao.

Wu Tao was sitting on the futon beside him and waiting. He took out his identity token, and the mana entered it slightly, and the merit points on it were revealed.

Twenty-two thousand meritorious deeds.

He saved a thousand meritorious deeds every month for eighteen months. Moreover, in the past year and a half, because he could refine the second-level low-level Xuanming robe of the Nine-Way Law Ban, some foundation builders from the Lingxu Sect came to him. After refining, I earned some merit points, reaching 22,000 merit points.

As for the physical training method, it takes twenty-two thousand meritorious deeds to exchange for meritorious deeds.

It's considered cheap.

Other foundation-building spells basically cost 30,000 merit points and upwards. The reason why this physical cultivation method is so cheap is because supply and demand determine the price.

Lingxu Sect has only two or three spiritual and physical trainings, and none of them practice the star body training technique. Therefore, the physical training and combat methods that match them are naturally cheaper.

This was an unexpected surprise for Wu Tao.

Otherwise, if it goes up to 30,000 yuan, he will have to wait for more than a year to redeem this strategy.

Not long after, Liu Sishu came back. He handed the jade slip in his hand to Wu Tao and said, "Junior brother Han, I have something to do here. I need to sort out the exercises. This is not the first time you exchange the exercises and you know the process. You can do it." Go and exchange it yourself. After exchanging it, you can just put this jade slip on the desk here. I will pick it up when I finish my work."

Wu Tao heard this and said, "Okay, Senior Brother Liu, go and get busy."

Liu Sishu nodded and turned around.

Wu Tao put the jade slip on his forehead and started to check. The last battle method was on the 130th, and it would be rearranged every time it was activated.

After a while, Wu Tao found it.

""The Ten Dharma Sutras of the Stars", No. 91." Wu Tao's eyes lit up, and he put down the jade slip, stood up, and walked towards the third-order formation where the jade slip containing the exercises was recorded.

Arriving at the third-level formation, Wu Tao pressed his identity token against the light screen. With a thought, he entered the number ninety-one, and the merit points on the identity token were instantly cleared.

Once back before liberation, Wu Tao couldn't help but his eyelids twitched, and he felt a little bit distressed.

"call out."

A jade slip immediately flew out from the third-level formation and was caught in Wu Tao's hand.

"The Ten Dharma Sutras of the Stars are in hand."

Wu Tao's face was filled with joy, and he turned around and left the third-level formation. He placed the jade slip of the exercise list on the desk designated by Liu Sishu, then went to the practice room and began to meditate on the "Ten Stars Sutra".

He could only meditate in the training room for an hour, and then he had to go to the Earth Fire Peak Weapon Refining Hall to refine the components of the immortal boat.

Time was running out. Sitting cross-legged on the futon in the training room, Wu Tao immediately put the jade slip recording the "Ten Dharma Sutras of Stars" on his forehead and began to read it with his spiritual thoughts.

Two quarters of an hour later, Wu Tao finished reading the "Ten Methods of the Stars", but he only finished reading it and did not understand it. Only when he is thoroughly familiar with it and has a thorough understanding can he start practicing. Now he is just reading the "Ten Methods of the Stars". A simple understanding of the Bible.

"The "Ten Methods of the Stars" is divided into ten methods, including attack methods, speed methods, and defensive methods."

"The attack spells include Flashing Star Fist, Tianluo Falling Star Hand, Breaking Star Leg, Ten-mile Star Fall, Hundred-mile Star Annihilation Technique, Star Burial Sky, etc... I can only practice the first three techniques now. The following techniques can be used to gain spiritual power." You can only practice in the middle physical stage or the late spiritual stage..."

"The speed method is the Star Step, which is a moment of explosive power that shines like the blink of an eye. It is divided into three levels: ten miles, fifty miles, and a hundred miles. As long as you practice to three levels, you can reach within ten miles, within fifty miles, and within a hundred miles." Within a mile, you can arrive in the blink of an eye. It is the art of surprise and victory. It is also the secret art of escape. However, this requires the strength of the spirit body. I am only on the second level of the spirit body now and can only practice the Ten-mile Star Step."

"The defense method is the power of stars. It condenses the power of stars and covers the body to form a layer of high-strength defense... But this defense method requires a lot of star power. I am currently on the second level of the spiritual body, and I can only gather it as much as a palm. The strength of the stars is great. This is good, it just protects the heart."

Various thoughts flashed through Wu Tao's mind, and he made a preliminary plan based on his simple understanding of the "Ten Dharma Sutras of the Stars" and his own strength.

All in all, this "Star Ten Dharma Sutra" is really good. He made the right choice by choosing "Star Body Training Technique".

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