Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 315 The second level of the spirit body (please subscribe)

Ever since he started refining the components of the Immortal Boat, Wu Tao's life seemed to have completely stabilized. He would go to the refining room to work for five hours every day, and then come back at night to practice the Star Body Exercise.

Enriched and stable, relying on the two tasks of inspecting the virtual boat and refining the components of the fairy boat can provide enough training resources and save a thousand meritorious deeds every month.

Wu Tao enjoys this kind of life very much, but he is always wary of danger in times of peace, thinking of the impending war, and wonders how long he can enjoy such a stable life.

Time flies, and there is no time in the mountains. In the blink of an eye, a year and a half has passed.

On this day, Wu Tao delivered the parts of the fairy boat from the weapon refining hall, and after receiving the merits of the month, he returned to the cave.

In the past year and a half, Wu Tao has been refining forty fairy boat parts every month, which is not much different from the speed of Fan Zhifeng and He Changcheng. Externally, Wu Tao said that he spent more time refining and urgently needed merit to redeem it. Flying magic weapon cheats.

After all, he is still commanding a first-level and ninth-level flying sword boat. He has simply lost the face of a second-level weapon refiner.

As soon as he entered the cave, the golden-winged eagle still flew towards him, asking for the Spiritual Source Pill.

A year and a half later, the golden-winged eagle has grown into a first-level advanced monster, comparable to a seventh-level Qi-refining immortal cultivator.

In the past year and a half, by chance, a foundation-building immortal cultivator from Lingxu Sect asked Wu Tao to refine a defensive magic weapon. He actually harvested a spiritual object that increased his cultivation during the Qi refining period, which greatly shortened Chen Yao's time.

In just one and a half years, Chen Yao had already broken through to the eighth level of Qi Refining.

If this continues, with the opening of Xiao Xuantian's secret realm in four years, and another year of refining the Foundation Establishment Pill, Chen Yao will most likely have completed his Qi refining.

Moreover, Chen Yao practiced the "Lingxu Qi Refining Technique" more smoothly than when she practiced the Qingxin Jue. Obviously, this Qi Refining Technique is suitable for her.

"There is hope for Ayao's foundation building."

Wu Tao thought this way.

Moreover, in the past year and a half, Chen Yao not only made progress in cultivation, but also made other growth. For example, during her training, as long as she was not a foundation-building practitioner, she could survive.

A year ago, Chen Yao encountered danger. A disciple of the Lingxu Sect wanted to kill someone and seize the treasure, but Chen Yao killed him with the help of the three-pole water and fire sword formation and the talisman.

Disciples of Lingxu Sect have learned that people die every day. This is a normal thing.

It was the first time for Chen Yao to fight with an orthodox disciple in the Qi Refining Stage. It took her several days to recover. But at the same time, she also truly felt the cruelty of the world of immortality and knew that she could be carefree in the past. In cultivation, it is her father and senior brother who bear all the dangers for her.

Chen Yao has transformed.

As the saying goes, couples look like each other. If two people get along day and night for a long time, they will become like each other.

Wu Tao felt that Chen Yao was transforming into his own form, and had been able to practice alone several times. She was still stable, had enough cards, and was not afraid of immortal cultivators of the same level.

Even if you are defeated, you can still escape safely.

"Senior brother, you are back." Chen Yao heard Wu Tao's footsteps and immediately walked out of the cave. Her heroic appearance reduced a lot of weakness, and her temperament changed drastically.

Experience can really make a person grow.

Moreover, after Chen Yao's temperament transformed, Wu Tao actually had a strange sense of freshness when entertaining, which was very exciting.

The two of them were cooking dinner together in the kitchen.

Although Wu Tao has now established a foundation, which can completely prevent him from eating grains, Wu Tao still knows how to eat. Not only Wu Tao, but other foundation-building cultivators of Lingxu Sect also eat, unless they are in retreat.

I heard that this is to maintain the ‘authenticity’.

Authenticity, Wu Tao thinks it's more about maintaining his humanity.

Finish your meal.

Full and warm——

in the future.

Chen Yao went to her assistant training room to practice, while Wu Tao walked out of the cave and came to the tree in front of the cave. He looked up and saw that the stars tonight were particularly bright.

He calculated with his fingers that tonight would be a good time to break through to the second level of the spirit body.

Wu Tao opened his personal information and found that the first level of Xingchen Body Training had reached 99% of the progress. It had been reached long ago.

He had a hunch that the last one percent of progress would be completed today.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao took out a futon and placed it on the grass next to the stone table. When the breeze blew, the spiritual rice planted on the three acres of spiritual fields set off golden waves.

He planted the spiritual rice.

With his foundation-building cultivation, he easily became a super spiritual cultivator.


With a whisper, Wu Tao's gaze fell on the starry sky, clearing his mind and practicing the physical exercises of rotating the stars.

With the operation of the star body training technique, the stars in the starry sky seemed to blink, and the light flickered. Then, there was a faint starlight as soft as gauze, penetrating the magic circle of the cave and falling on Wu Tao on the body.

Wu Tao absorbed the power of the essence of the stars to his heart's content, as if he was wandering in the vast starry sky and bathing in starlight.

Time passed slowly.

At a certain moment, Wu Tao's body shook slightly, and the second level of the spiritual body was successful.

He stopped running the star body training technique and sensed himself. Once he started running the star body training technique, a thin layer of starlight flashed out. Looking inside, his bones and organs were all covered with starlight. circulation.

This layer of starlight can increase the defense of his physical body, and as the starlight flows, his five senses and six consciousnesses are enhanced.

Even if he doesn't use his spiritual thoughts, he can still sense within ten miles.

"My spiritual thoughts have also been strengthened, their length has increased by two miles, and they are more condensed than before. Moreover, my spiritual thoughts are also flowing with radiance. It seems that this star body training technique also has the effect of tempering my spiritual thoughts."

Wu Tao felt his spiritual thoughts and had reached fifty-five miles.

Then, he opened his personal information and checked his progress over the past year and a half.

[Name: Wu Tao]

【Lifespan: 39/459】

[Realm: Second Floor of Foundation Building]

[Kung Fu: Second Level of Six Yang Lihuo True Kung Fu (76%)]

[Spells: abbreviated, Master of the One-Method Heart Sword Technique (60%), Master of Qi-Wang Technique (18%), Yin Shen Zhen third level (60%)]

[Supernatural power: none]

[Main Occupation: Weapon Refiner]: Master the Technique: Xuanyuan Weapon Refining Technique·Grandmaster (Perfect)

Mastering the prohibitions: briefly, the second-order low-level defensive magic prohibitions, the second-order low-level flying magic prohibitions, the second-order low-level attack magic prohibitions, the second-order low-level five-element magic prohibitions]

[Sub-professional: Physical Training: Star Body Training: Second Level (0%), Dragon Spear·Duanjiang Master (80%)]

There is still 24% progress left in the Six Yang Lihuo True Skill. According to the current progress, it will take another six months to break through to the third level of foundation building. However, the Star Body Refining Skill has broken through to the second level. Six Yang The speed of practicing Lihuo Zhengong will definitely increase.

"Within half a year, we will definitely be able to break through the third level of foundation building!" Wu Tao was confident.

He had reached the master level of the Yifa Sword Technique and the Qi-Watching Technique. Using the Qi-Watching Technique, Wu Tao could detect the cultivation of immortal cultivators who were three realms higher than himself.

Yin Shenzhen also came to the third floor.

As for the second-level low-level magic bans, he has learned them all. Now, he can say that he is a true second-level low-level weapon refiner.

Before, they were all quasi-second-level low-level weapon refiners.

After learning the second-level low-level magic ban, the next step is to learn the second-level intermediate magic ban.

However, the secrets of the second-level intermediate magic ban must be exchanged for merit, unlike the low-level magic ban, which can be learned for free.

This setting is also for the weapon refiner to contribute to the sect and not to sit back and enjoy the success.

However, now that the war is imminent and the Immortal Boat Project has begun, there are a lot of things to do, so there is no need to worry about meritorious deeds.

Thanks to Wang Yuda, Brother No. 1 in the world for the 100 starting coin reward. I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable today, so I could only do three updates. Yesterday I promised five updates, but they were not completed. I will make up for it tomorrow. I will not break my promise. Sorry, force majeure.

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