Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 317 Third-order real weapon (please subscribe)

Next, Wu Tao began to meditate on the "Ten Dharma Sutra of Stars".

An hour later, Wu Tao walked out of the practice room and returned the jade slip recording the "Ten Dharma Sutras of the Stars" to the third-level formation, waiting to study it again tomorrow.

After meditating for an hour every day, Wu Tao estimated that it would take a month to meditate on all these ten methods.

However, he is not in a hurry. The real battle will not come until the immortal boat is refined.

There is still some development time.

"When a full-scale war breaks out, if I can practice to the late stage of foundation building, I should be able to protect myself...and escape." Wu Tao thought like this, then left the Kung Fu Pavilion and went to Earth Fire Peak to refine immortal boat parts. , earn merit and prepare for the exchange of second-level flying magic weapon refining secrets below.

In the past, he always came to Dihuo Peak on time to say hello to Fang Zhengqi, who managed Dihuo Peak, and also met Fan Zhifeng and He Changcheng, who also came at the right time.

After five hours, Youzheng left Earth Fire Peak again.

As soon as he landed on Earth Fire Peak and arrived at Fang Zhengqi's management office, Fang Zhengqi smiled and said, "Junior Brother Han, why are you here an hour late today?"

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Something happened, so I was a little late. Fellow Daoist Fan and Fellow Daoist He have already gone to the weapon refining room, right?"

Fang Zhengqi nodded and said: "Well, they are on time, and the Chenzheng moment has arrived. Junior brother Han, let me tell you, today, Wen Tang is coming to Dihuo Peak to refine magic weapons. Maybe you can experience the refining process of a third-level weapon refiner. The style of the time.”

"Master Wen Tang is here to refine the magic weapon?" Wu Tao's heart moved, but he said: "That's really great."

He was speaking from his heart. It would be helpful to him if he could see the process of a third-level weapon refiner.

Fang Zhengqi said: "That's not true. Alas, it's a pity that my talent for refining is not good. I can only stay at the first level and the ninth level for the rest of my life. Otherwise, I have to go and observe it myself. After all, Hall Master Wen has only ten years It’s difficult to refine once.”

"It's difficult to refine it once in ten years?" Wu Tao hesitated, but thinking about it, a sect only has seven golden elixirs, so third-level magic weapons should not be needed much.

Wu Tao has a deep understanding of this. When he was a first-level weapon refiner, the people he faced were casual cultivators, who were in the Qi refining stage. They were the lowest beings in the world of immortality, and they were also the ones with the largest base. The demand was Naturally huge.

But when he was promoted to the second-level weapon refiner and came to Lingxu Sect, Lingxu Sect only had more than 100 foundations, and the magic weapons were not disposable. He was not the only second-level weapon refiner, and others might not be the same. You have to find him to refine the magic weapon, so the demand becomes less.

"However, when the war between good and evil breaks out in the future, the loss of magic weapons will definitely increase greatly. Then it will be the time for us weapon refiners to make a lot of money. Wu Tao thought in his heart.

At this time, Fang Zhengqi said: "The third-level magic weapon that Hallmaster Wen refined this time is probably for Uncle Yao. After all, Uncle Yao has been promoted to Jindan not long ago and has not yet used the third-level magic weapon."

Wu Tao agreed very much with Fang Zhengqi's statement, but Wu Tao had a different view on Yao Guangsheng's promotion to Jin Dan not long ago. Yao Guangsheng was secretive in doing things. It was done quietly. As for the length of promotion, perhaps only he himself knew.

Wu Tao was about to say goodbye to Fang Zhengqi and headed to the Earth Fire Peak refining room.

Suddenly, an aura that was naturally oppressive to him and Fang Zhengqi flew towards them. It was the power of the golden elixir. When they looked up at the same time, they saw a golden light flying towards this side at great speed. In the blink of an eye, they , Wen Xingrui's figure was revealed.

Seeing Wen Xingrui, Wu Tao and Fang Zhengqi immediately bowed and said respectfully: "Meet Hall Master Wen."

Wen Xingrui stretched out his hand to support her and said, "No need to be polite."

Then he looked at Wu Tao, showed a gentle smile, and said with appreciation: "Han Fan, I heard Zhao Zhen say that you have thoroughly understood all the second-level low-level magic prohibitions. Being able to understand it in such a short time shows that Your talent in weapon refining is quite good. Keep working hard, and you may have the opportunity to be promoted to the third level weapon refiner in the future and bring glory to our Lingxu Sect."

Wu Tao immediately bowed and said, "Disciple must work hard."

Wen Xingrui nodded and said, "You also want to go to the Earth Fire Peak refining room, so let's go together."

Wu Taogong said yes, and then followed Wen Xingrui to fly towards Earth Fire Peak.

After flying into the mouth of the Earth Fire, Wen Xingrui flew directly towards the bottom of the Earth Fire Peak. Wu Tao was in the weapon refining room above, watching Wen Xingrui fly directly to the weapon refining room deep in the Earth Fire.

In the deepest part of the Earth Fire is the turbulent magma of the Earth Fire, and in the deepest part, there are only three refining rooms.

I heard that these three refining rooms can only be used by Gao Xing, a second-level senior refining master. No one below the second-level advanced level can use these refining rooms, because the ground fire becomes more domineering as it goes down, and it is not for foundation building. Can't go deeper later.

Wen Xingrui's golden elixir aura was revealed, so when Fan Zhifeng and He Changli sensed Wen Xingrui's arrival, they immediately stopped refining the weapon, walked out of the refining room, and bowed to Wen Xingrui: "Meet Hall Master Wen. .”

Wen Xingrui spoke, and his voice resounded throughout the Earth Fire Peak. He said: "Next, I will refine the third-level real weapon. You can watch it carefully. Although the gap between the realms of weapon refining is too large, many of them are not capable. It’s understandable, but looking at it carefully can still be somewhat helpful.”

"Yes, Hall Master Wen." Wu Tao and the other three people said quickly.

It is a very rare opportunity to watch a third-level weapon refiner refine weapons from the sidelines.

So Wu Tao and the others immediately sat cross-legged on the protruding cliff outside the weapon refining room and looked at the weapon refining room where Wen Xingrui was at the deepest part of Earth Fire Peak.

Wen Xingrui did not immediately start refining the third-level real weapon. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the stone slab in front of the weapon refining room, closed his eyes, adjusted his breath, and restored his condition.

Wu Tao said in his heart: "It seems that no matter what level the weapon refiner is at, these preparations are indispensable to clear the mind and restore one's own state before refining the weapon. Hall Master Wen just mentioned a third-level real weapon. It turns out that Third-level magic weapons are no longer called magic weapons, but real weapons."

Wu Tao learned another little knowledge.

A quarter of an hour later, Wen Xingrui suddenly opened his eyes, and it seemed as if golden light was emitted, alarming the ground fire below, which suddenly became more turbulent.

At this moment, a ray of magic light fell from the mouth of the earth fire, manifesting Gao Xing's figure. Wu Tao and the other three were about to bow respectfully, but Gao Xing waved his hand, telling them not to say anything, and then landed. At the door of one of the three refining rooms at the bottom, he sat down and waited for Wen Xingrui to start refining the real weapon.

"Yes, Wen Xingrui rarely refines a third-level real weapon once in ten years. Why not ask Gao Xing, a second-level senior weapon refiner, to observe this refining process? If Gao Xing can also successfully advance to the third-level refining process, Weapon masters are very important to Lingxu Sect.”

Wu Tao quickly figured this out.

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