Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 307 The Immortal Boat Plan (please subscribe)

The war is coming!

When Wu Tao heard this, his expression became serious. If there really was another war with the devil, he, as a member of the Lingxu Sect, would not have nothing to do with it.

The most important thing is that as a weapon refiner, he can stay at the rear most of the time and does not have to rush to the front.

‘Hey, in the world of cultivating immortals, cultivators also have to fight for resources... One immortal can make thousands of immortals fall. This is fighting for immortality. It is unrealistic to truly practice stably. ’ Wu Tao’s heart sank slightly.

Seeing Wu Tao's serious expression, Zhao Zhen smiled and said, "Junior Brother Han, the war is coming, but it won't be so fast. At least the matters in Tianmen Domain will be resolved before the war begins."

Tianmen Domain...Wu Tao has heard news about Tianmen Domain several times in the past few years among the foundation-building immortal cultivators who have been in contact with Lingxu Sect.

In Lingxu Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, two second-level weapon refining masters went to Tianmen Domain.

Senior Brother Qin Yi, who was a casual cultivator, also went to Tianmen Domain to do a mission.

And he once talked about the casual cultivator alliance from Zhang Shenghong, but it seemed that Zhang Shenghong was not very interested in the casual cultivator alliance, so the conversation was only superficial, and Wu Tao did not get any useful information.

He sometimes wonders whether the Rogue Cultivators Alliance is related to Wu Zhongxing?

Seeing Zhao Zhen starting the topic, Wu Tao took advantage of the situation and asked: "Senior Brother Zhao, I heard that there is a rogue cultivator alliance in Tianmen Domain that is making trouble. Do we want to help Tianmen Mountain get rid of the shortcomings of the rogue cultivator alliance, and then the seven sects can be unified? Are we going to deal with the Demonic Sect again?”

Zhao Zhendao: "Junior Brother Han, you have guessed wrong, we will not help Tianmen Mountain.

"Ah?" Wu Tao was slightly confused.

Once faced with the six demonic sects, shouldn't the seven righteous sects be united?

Zhao Zhendao: "You know that Junior Brother Jiang and Junior Brother Han from our Weapon Refining Hall went to Tianmen Domain to work. However, they did not go to help Tianmen Mountain, but to help the Loose Cultivator Alliance and provide them with magical weapons. And Zhuji also went to help..."

"This?" After Wu Tao heard this, he felt that it was a fantasy. As a major sect of immortality, how could Lingxu Sect help the casual cultivator alliance?

Zhao Zhendao: "Not only our Lingxu Sect, Zijin Cave, Wuquan Mountain, Qingling Sect, Beast Control Sect, and Immortal Medicine Valley have secretly sent foundation building and golden elixir masters, but also weapon refiners, formation masters, and alchemy masters. , Fu Lu Master went to Tianmen Domain to help the Loose Cultivators Alliance."

After Wu Tao heard this, he couldn't calm down for a long time. Sure enough, he felt that there was no way that the Six Immortal Sects could help the casual cultivator alliance to attack Tianmen Mountain, and they planned to divide the cultivation resources of Tianmen Mountain.

It's called funding.

He also remembered the real meaning of Zhang Shenghong's words - "Don't worry about the Rogue Cultivator Alliance conquering Tianmen Mountain, he will eventually become the Rogue Cultivator Alliance Sect."

This kind of loose cultivator alliance does not look like it was established by Wu Zhongxing.

He had a deep conversation with that idiot Wu Zhongxing. Such an alliance of casual cultivators was contrary to Wu Zhongxing's philosophy.

"Wu Zhongxing is probably dead." Wu Tao said secretly in his heart.

However, by telling him this, Zhao Zhenneng has truly regarded him as a member of the Lingxu Sect, and his position is already that of the Immortal Sect.

Because what Wu Tao is enjoying now is the benefit of the Immortal Dao Sect.

"That's it. Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao, for clearing up the confusion." Wu Tao thanked Zhao Zhen with his hand.

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "What's the point? Junior brother Han is the weapon refiner of our Lingxu Sect. Once you fully understand the knowledge of second-level low-level weapon refinement, there are many things that you should be exposed to."

"Okay, it's getting late, and I have important matters for the sect tomorrow. Junior Brother Han, the reason why I recommend you to come to Zijin Cave is for your own good. Starting tomorrow, there will be weapon refiners from Zijin Cave to communicate with you about weapon refining. The way of refining weapons will be of great help to you, so you should grasp it."

At the end of the day, Zhao Zhen said to Wu Tao.

Wu Tao immediately bowed slightly and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother Zhao, for your support. I will definitely seize this opportunity."

Zhao Zhen said no more, left the tea room and returned to his residence.

Wu Tao held the teacup in his hand. The gentleness of the teacup clearly made him feel that his mind was already churning.

"The war is coming, I have to prepare early."

With these thoughts, he felt that the tea cup in his hand was getting cold. Wu Tao immediately got up, went to the training room, and started practicing Yin Shen Zhen.

One's own strength is the foundation. Only by improving one's own strength can one be more confident in facing future crises.

If a full-scale war really breaks out, we cannot rely solely on the protection of Lingxu Sect.

The next day, a second-level weapon refiner from the Zijin Cave Weapon Refining Hall came to invite Wu Tao and asked him to share the art of weapon refining. Wu Tao went there alone and seriously exchanged the art of weapon refining with these second-level weapon refiners and learned from each other's strengths. , increase your own knowledge of weapon refining.

The next days in Zijin Cave were very monotonous.

Wu Tao spent every day either practicing or communicating with the second-level weapon refining masters of the Purple Cave Weapon Refining Hall. As for Zhao Zhen, Wu Tao never saw him again.

I guess the next time we see each other, it will be time to leave Zijin Cave.

Yao Guangsheng didn't see him either. He only met occasionally with the foundation-building brothers from the Foreign Affairs Hall.

In the blink of an eye, the seventh day has arrived.

The second-level weapon refining master of Zijin Cave said to Wu Tao, "Fellow Taoist Han, this exchange has come to an end. We welcome Friend Han to come to Zijin Cave next time to share the art of weapon refining with us."

When Wu Tao heard this, he knew that the negotiation between Zhao Zhen and Zijindong was over, and they were going back to Lingxu Sect.

Sure enough, after returning to his residence, he saw Zhao Zhen again.

At this time, Zhao Zhen's face seemed to have a hint of joy.

Wu Tao took advantage of the situation and asked with a smile: "Senior Brother Zhao, but the negotiation was successful?"

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Yes, it was successful. Finally, we have lived up to Hall Master Wen's instructions."

Wu Tao said: "Congratulations to Senior Brother Zhao."

Zhao Zhen said with a smile: "I've been really exhausted these past few days, even more tiring than refining magic weapons. Moreover, negotiation is what the Foreign Affairs Hall is good at, and it should be the responsibility of the Foreign Affairs Hall. However, this time, with When it comes to weapon refining, the Foreign Affairs Hall is a layman after all, so it’s up to us, the Weapon Refining Hall, to negotiate it ourselves.”

Wu Tao still remembered that Zhao Zhen said that if the negotiation failed, the content of the mission was not allowed to be told to him. Now that the negotiation was successful, he wondered whether Brother Zhao Zhen would tell him, so he asked tentatively: "Brother Zhao, I don't know if we are spiritually weak." What are the Zong Weapon Refining Hall and the Zijindong Weapon Refining Hall talking about?"

Zhao Zhen looked around and said, "Junior Brother Han, follow me."

Wu Tao then followed Zhao Zhen to Zhao Zhen's residence. Zhao Zhen activated the formation and then said, "It's the Immortal Boat Plan."

The Immortal Boat Project requires all second-level weapon refiners and above from the seven immortal sects to participate in the refining, so this is not something that cannot be said to Wu Tao.

Therefore, Hall Master Wen did not tell Zhao Zhen that he could not reveal the Xianzhou plan to Wu Tao.

Furthermore, Wu Tao is also a member of the Lingxu Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, and he cannot be left out in the plan to build the Immortal Boat.

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