Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 306 The war is coming (please subscribe)

Yin Shen shook.

This is the name of this mysterious soul technique.

It specializes in attacking the opponent's soul. When fighting, spiritual thoughts and mana are indispensable. If the spiritual weapon is attacked, it will fall into a short period of sluggishness.

Then, there is an end, that is, the death of the body and the disappearance of the Tao.

When cultivating immortals fight, every breath and every moment is extremely critical.

Yin Shen Zhen uses his spiritual thoughts to shock the enemy's spiritual thoughts, causing them to fall into a short-term sluggish state. Of course, this secret technique is not just about that.

There are nine levels of Yin Shen Zhen in total. If you practice to the ninth level, you can directly kill and collapse the spirit.

A moment later, after reading the Yin Shen Zhen, Wu Tao put down the black jade slip, with uncontrollable joy on his face, and said: "This secret technique specifically targeted at the soul is really fast. When fighting with others, it is so cold. Just this little move, as long as I can make the opponent fall into silence for a breath, I can create a chance to win."

In the past, he relied on the soul-eating worms. During the Qi refining stage, he also relied on the soul-eating worms to silently attack the opponent's soul. He often won by surprise, with excellent results.

The Soul-Eating Insect is still in the process of transformation, and it is not yet known whether it can transform successfully.

Wu Tao was not 100% sure. After all, he was not a disciple of the Beast Control Sect. He did not have the Beast Control Sect's protective methods. He was indeed not as professional as others in cultivating monster beasts.

"However, even if the Soul-Eating Insect fails to advance, with this Yin Shen Zhen, I can replace the Soul-Eating Insect as a trump card. Wu Tao thought briefly in his mind.

Of course, it would be better if the Soul-Eating Insect could advance successfully. In this way, he would have two trump cards against the soul. The effect of one plus one would definitely be greater than two.

Thinking about this, Wu Tao put away the jade slips and was about to arrive at the Zijin Cave. It was better to wait for the virtual boat to dock before entering the Zijin Cave before talking about cultivation.

He took out the beast sac and checked the advanced status of the Soul-eating Insect. When he penetrated it with his spiritual sense, he found that the Soul-eating Insect was still in the process of transformation and fell into a deep sleep. There was no sign of success or failure.

If the soul-eating insect had already transformed successfully when he faced the fourth-level demonic cultivator of the Tianyin Sect and advanced to the second-level monster, he would definitely be able to kill it more easily.

The same applies to the fifth level of foundation building. The combination of the Small Five Elements Reversal Formation and the Soul-eating Insect will have a better effect and the magic cultivator will die faster.

Unfortunately, everything didn't go as planned, and Wu Tao had nothing to do.

"Purple Gold Realm, here we are."

Yao Guangsheng's voice sounded on the Xuzhou. In the ears of every Lingxu Sect cultivator, the sound was clear and the decibels were the same, which showed that the power of the golden elixir was unfathomable.

When Zijin Territory arrived, it was on the territory of Zijin Cave, which meant that it was safe. No matter how bold the Demonic Dao Sect was, they would not dare to invade Zijin Cave's territory with great fanfare.

We can only make some small moves, but small moves cannot make big waves.

The virtual boat guarded by two golden elixirs cannot be shaken by small actions.

All in all, completely safe.

Seeing this, Wu Tao got up from the futon, opened the door to the room, and went out.

As soon as the door was opened, Zhao Zhen also opened the door, and the two of them went to the second floor deck together.

On the second floor deck, Yao Guangsheng and Pei Qing were also standing on the deck.

The other foreign affairs hall foundations are also there, but they are far away from the two. After all, they are Jindan and are no longer on the same level. They feel uncomfortable standing together.

Wu Tao and Zhao Zhen came to the edge of the deck and looked down.

I saw that the virtual boat was not anchored in Zijin Xiuxian City, but flew over Xiuxian City and continued to sail forward. Wu Tao's eyesight is excellent and his ears are also sensitive, all thanks to the power of his spirit body.

Therefore, he could see the virtual boat flying over the Purple Gold Immortal City. All the casual cultivators in the city stopped and watched the huge thing flying over their heads, talking about it.

"Junior Brother Han has been to Zijin Immortal City before, right?" Zhao Zhencai asked this question, thinking that Wu Tao was a casual cultivator and that the Seven Domains of Immortal City were connected to each other.

Wu Tao nodded and said: "We will stay in Zijin Cave for about seven days. If Junior Brother Han has a problem in Zijin Xiuxian City, we can ask the people from Zijin Cave to take Junior Brother Han to Xiuxian City for a walk."

He does have an old friend in Zijin Xiuxian City, that is Zhou Yicheng, but his relationship with Zhou Yicheng is more based on the transaction of broken formation beads. There are other friendships, but they are not too deep.

Not as good as Gu Mingsheng.

So, he said: "No, it's just an acquaintance."

If he was going to Wuquan Mountain this time, he might visit Gu Mingsheng and Lin Qingquan. Gu Mingsheng was his good friend, and Lin Qingquan was a network given to him by his master Chen Shan, and he was very happy to get along with them later.

As he succeeded in building the foundation, time has changed. I wonder what happened to my old friend at this time?

Thinking of his old friend, Wu Tao couldn't help but think of the days when he lived in Xinde Lane.

He didn't know whether Zhang Li died during the battle between Wuquan Mountain and Ghost Dao Sect.

Seeing what he said, Zhao Zhen stopped talking and stood on the virtual boat, waiting for the virtual boat to fly directly to the mountain gate of Zijin Cave.

About two hours later.

The gate of Zijin Cave is here.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, immortal cultivators from the Purple Gold Cave were standing on a magic weapon flying boat. When they saw the Lingxu Sect and others on the virtual boat, a person in front immediately said loudly: "Welcome the Lingxu Sect's weapon refiners. Master, come to Zijin Cave to share the art of weapon refining."

"Hall Master Yao, long time no see."

Yao Guangsheng also smiled and cupped his hands and said: "It is really an honor for us, Hall Master Wei, to welcome you personally."

"This is Fellow Daoist Pei. Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Pei for practicing the golden elixir."

"Thank you very much. It can't be compared to a veteran golden elixir like Hall Master Wei."

Wei Ran, the head of the Zijin Cave Foreign Affairs Hall, personally greeted him in front of the Zijin Cave Mountain Gate, which could be said to have given the Lingxu Sect enough face. After that, there was an introduction, because the title this time was the exchange of weapon refining between the two sects. So Wu Tao was lucky enough to be introduced by Yao Guangsheng.

"Although Han Xiaoyou's name is ordinary, he was born as a casual cultivator and was promoted to the second-level weapon refiner, so he is not ordinary at all. Han Xiaoyou has a bright future." Wei Ran looked at Wu Tao and said with a smile.

"Senior Wei is so complimentary." Wu Tao still had to remain humble in front of this golden elixir.

After the introduction, Wei Ran sailed into the mountain gate of Zijin Cave facing Lingxu Sect's virtual boat.

Zijin Cave is indeed a Zijin Cave. As soon as you enter the real mountain gate of Zijin Cave, you will see mountains stretching and purple auras rising up, eye-catchingly bright.

The virtual boat is moored to arrange for rest, and tomorrow we will start arranging exchanges on how to refine weapons.


Wu Tao and Zhao Zhen were sitting opposite each other in the tea room. Zijin Cave had arranged a good accommodation for them, with everything they needed... Wu Tao looked at Zhao Zhen and asked: "Brother Zhao, why do I feel that this time I am not here to exchange the art of refining weapons? of?"

Seeing that they had arrived at Zijin Cave, Wu Tao simply went straight to the point.

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Of course I'm here for communication, but the person to communicate is you, and I have another mission... As for the mission, I can't tell Junior Brother Han until we have reached a cooperation agreement with Zijin Cave. .”

"However, I can reveal a little bit to Junior Brother Han."

Wu Tao cupped his hands and said, "Please give me some advice from Senior Brother Zhao."

Zhao Zhen's face suddenly turned serious and he said: "The war is coming."

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