Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 308: Killing the Donkey (please subscribe)

"The Immortal Boat Plan?"

Wu Tao has just joined Lingxu Sect for more than four years. In fact, there are still many deeper things in Lingxu Sect that he has not been exposed to. He doesn't know what Xianzhou means?

However, these deeper secrets, secrets that can only be mastered by the Immortal Sect, are slowly being revealed to him and revealed in front of him.

Zhao Zhen was not surprised by Wu Tao's puzzled expression. After all, Junior Brother Han was a casual cultivator, but he did not directly tell the story of the Xianzhou Plan. Instead, he asked: "Junior Brother Han, do you know how Lingxu Sect came to be?" Of? How did the Seven Immortal Sects come about?"

Wu Tao thought of his initiation ceremony. Senior Brother Hong Tiebao of the General Affairs Hall was mentioned in those memorial texts when he worshiped the ancestral tablet of the Lingxu Sect. Moreover, in the following days, he also found information about the world of cultivating immortals in the Gongfa Pavilion. history.

After organizing his words a little, Wu Tao said: "Ten thousand years ago, there were no seven immortal sects. At that time, the major sects of the immortal way occupied the land of spiritual veins, headed by the Immortal Saint Sect. All sects had to worship the Immortal Saint Sect. . But these immortal cultivating sects were reluctant to provide their own cultivation resources, so they transferred these resources to the casual cultivators in the world and began to oppress the casual cultivators. So, the casual cultivators finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to resist the immortal cultivating sects. Immortal Saint Sect.”

"At that time, the Immortal Dao Kung Fu was not controlled. Foundation Building Kung Fu, Golden Pill Kung Fu, etc. were all spread among casual cultivators. Therefore, we, the founders of the seven Immortal Dao sects, had the power to overthrow the Immortal Cultivation Sect and the Immortal Saint Sect. ...The seven major domains were divided and the current seven sects of the Immortal Way were formed. Now, time has changed and more than 9,600 years have passed."

Having said this, Wu Tao, who was born as a casual cultivator, could not help but feel sympathy in his heart.

Thousands of years ago, the Immortal Saint Sect controlled the seven major domains, but did not completely monopolize the foundation-building techniques, foundation-building elixirs, and golden elixir techniques... Otherwise, the founders of the seven Immortal Sects would not have been able to successfully overthrow the Immortal Saint Sect and others. The Immortal Cultivation Sect.

But now, the Seven Immortal Sects have completely controlled the foundation-building techniques, foundation-building pills, and bottom-level casual cultivators, and have no ability to stand up at all. The disparity in strength is too great, even if it oppresses the casual cultivators even more.

The founders of the Seven Immortal Sects had gone through the road of successfully overthrowing the Immortal Saint Sect. Naturally, they were worried that latecomers would overthrow them, so they blocked all roads to success.

Zhao Zhen smiled when he heard Wu Tao's words. He didn't know what Wu Tao was thinking. He had completely regarded Wu Tao as a member of Lingxu Sect. He had the same position and enjoyed the benefits brought by Lingxu Sect. Naturally, he would do it for Lingxu Sect. He smiled and said, "Junior Brother Han, these are relatively superficial things. The real truth is that, in fact, the founder of our Seven Immortal Sects was not a casual cultivator."

"Not a casual cultivator? I saw it written like this in the history of Lingxu Sect?" Wu Tao asked.

Zhao Zhendao: "In the history books, the founder of the sect established Lingxu Sect. The history books are written by the founder of the sect as he wants. The founders of our seven sects of immortality were actually from the sect of cultivating immortals. Only the sect of cultivating immortals was born. , only with that kind of foundation and insight, can we organize and overthrow the oppression of the Immortal Saint Sect."

Wu Tao said: "If that's the case, then why do you still say that you are a casual cultivator?"

Zhao Zhen explained: "Of course the power of the casual cultivators was needed at that time. At that time, the casual cultivators were still useful. They had foundation building and golden elixirs. They were a great force.

Wu Tao understood that after using the rogue cultivators, he went straight to killing the rogue cultivators. He no longer needed the rogue cultivators and blocked all the paths for their descendants.

Wu Tao couldn't help but have mixed feelings when he remembered that he had been a non-religious cultivator.

But he did not show it, but said calmly: "The founder of the sect, Sheng Ming."

Zhao Zhen continued: "Immortal cultivators who come from casual cultivators have insufficient foundation and knowledge and cannot achieve great things... Just like the current casual cultivator alliance, without the help of our six sects, they would have been wiped out by Tianmen Mountain long ago. Several times. However, our help is not free. They will have to pay it back after they establish the casual cultivator alliance."

Wu Tao's thoughts turned and he said: "Senior Brother Zhao, we are sponsoring the Rogue Cultivator Alliance to attack Tianmen Mountain. Is it also related to the Immortal Boat Project?"

Zhao Zhen nodded and said: "Junior brother Han is so smart that he thought of it so quickly. Yes, back then, the reason why the Immortal Saint Sect was able to dominate the world of Immortal Cultivation and suppressed other Immortal Cultivation Sects was that they relied on the Immortal Boat .After the Seven Sects overthrew the Immortal Saint Sect, the Immortal Boat Secret Book was divided into seven and was mastered by the Seven Sects."

"Now, the general trend is the general trend. Head Ning has made a plan to destroy the demonic way. Since Tianmen Mountain does not want to participate, Head Ning has no choice but to make a plan and the six sects will eat up Tianmen Mountain."

"Junior Brother Han, after returning to the sect, we will have to work harder. We are going to start refining the immortal boat."

Zhao Zhen said finally.

"I understand, Senior Brother Zhao." Wu Tao nodded.

The conversation ended here, and Zhao Zhen asked Wu Tao to go back and prepare to return to the clan tomorrow.

Wu Tao then said goodbye and returned to his residence. He sat on the futon and sighed: "My goal is to become an immortal and live forever. After all, I am not a great person. Now, I'd better protect my own life first. , guarantee A Yao’s life and survive this battle.”

Wu Tao stopped thinking too much, got rid of distracting thoughts, and continued to practice Yin Shen Zhen.

After seven days of practice, one third of Yin Shenzhen's enlightenment has passed.

He estimated that after returning to the sect, Yin Shenzhen would be able to successfully comprehend it and have it included in his personal information, and then he would have a liver score.

The next day.

The virtual boat set sail, and under Wei Ran's farewell, there was also a golden elixir from Zijin Cave accompanying him to protect him.

The trip back was uneventful.

Ten days later.

Finally returned to Lingxu Sect.

After not returning to the sect for nearly a month, Wu Tao said goodbye to Senior Brother Zhao Zhen, as well as the foundation builders from the Foreign Affairs Hall, and Yao Guangsheng. Although he was reluctant to face them, he was still polite.

After that, a blue light flew towards his cave.

Falling outside the cave formation, Wu Tao took the main token and said in his heart: "I wonder how A Yao is practicing and whether he has recovered to the seventh level of Qi refining."

With this in mind, Wu Tao directly opened the cave.

As soon as he entered the cave, a golden figure shot out. Wu Tao stretched out his arm skillfully, and the golden-winged eagle landed on Wu Tao's arm and screamed at him.

Wu Tao sensed the golden-winged eagle and felt that it was comparable to a sixth-level Qi-refining immortal cultivator. He took out the Spiritual Source Pill from his storage bag, fed it a few pills, and then released it back into the cave.

"Senior brother, you are back. When I heard the cry of the golden-winged eagle, I knew that senior brother was back." Chen Yao appeared, with a happy face, and flew towards Wu Tao.

Wu Tao looked at Chen Yao, his eyes moved, and he felt happy in his heart, and said: "Ayao, you have restored the seventh level of Qi refining."

"I came back from cultivation a few days ago. How about it, senior brother, I must be awesome." Chen Yao raised her head, with an expression like "Senior brother, please praise me."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "Yes, it's very powerful, but you still have to work harder. I have prepared a Foundation Establishment Pill for you."

"The Foundation Establishment Pill, so fast?" Chen Yao was stunned for a moment, and then said: "The Lingxu Qi Refining Technique is indeed a good technique, but I don't know how long it will take to complete the Qi Refining."

"Don't be hasty, practice slowly, but don't relax."

Tomorrow is a double monthly vote, don’t vote today, leave it until tomorrow (important)

Thanks to Brother No. 1 in the world for the 300 starting coin reward, and thanks to Wang Yu Da Da Da, and Pindao Dharma No. Wuxiang for the 100 starting coin reward.

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