Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 305 The Secret Art of the Soul (please subscribe)

Wu Tao's spiritual thought once again penetrated the storage bag on the fourth floor of the Tianyin Sect's foundation. As soon as he entered, he was too lazy to explore one by one. With a direct movement of his spiritual thought, all the items in the storage bag, one by one, All of them were suspended in front of Wu Tao.

There are spiritual stones, books, spiritual materials, jade bottles, first-level magic tools, and jade slips.

Wu Tao's eyes immediately turned to the black jade slip.

If there is something good about this fourth-level foundation-building demon cultivator, then it is most likely that it comes from this jade slip.

"Is it a demonic method? This is of no use to me... I am practicing the righteous method and joining the Immortal Sect. If I were to practice the demonic method, wouldn't it mean that I would fight and kill?"

"Or maybe it's an essay or something like that..."

Wu Tao pondered in his heart, and then stretched out his hand to shoot the jade slip. On the jade slip, there was a magic ban set by the demon cultivator, but Wu Tao didn't care about the magic ban.

Both of them are foundation builders, so given some time, he will definitely be able to eliminate this magic ban, and it won't take too much time.

"If it's the last one in the jade slip, then the secret technique used by the fourth level of foundation building to target the soul would be great." Wu Tao recalled the battle with the fourth level of foundation building demon cultivator of Tianyin Sect. At the last moment, the foundation building demon Xiu used a spiritual secret technique to attack his spiritual thoughts.

At that time, his spiritual thoughts were shocked. If he hadn't relied on the coffin nails as early as the Qi Refining Stage, he could break through the limits of his divine thoughts during the Qi Refining Stage and build the foundation, which would be beyond the first level of foundation building.

In addition to the second level of foundation building, the condensation of the spiritual body, and the strengthening and condensation of spiritual thoughts, it is no less than the fourth level of foundation building, otherwise it would really be attacked by the mysterious soul technique.

Furthermore, it seems that the soul-secret technique of the Foundation-Building Demon Cultivator cannot be mastered and has very little power.

Perhaps this demon cultivator had just obtained the secret technique of the soul.

"I hope it's the secret technique of the soul. I can still practice the secret technique." Wu Tao put the jade slip aside and planned to finish counting the harvest before breaking the magic ban.

There were not many spiritual stones. There were high-grade spiritual stones and medium-grade spiritual stones. A total of thirty high-grade spiritual stones were all put into the storage bag by Wu Tao.

As for the spiritual materials, they are all spiritual materials for refining demonic blood refining instruments, and are of little use to Wu Tao.

Books...are useless.

Finally, Wu Tao picked up the jade bottle, opened the cork, and penetrated with his spiritual thoughts. Inside the jade bottle, there were ten sources of dharma.

Very pure.

Demonic cultivation, cultivation also relies on spiritual energy, and the foundation of demonic cultivation is not much different from the foundation of righteous path. The reason why it is divided into righteous path and demonic path is that the cultivation methods are different.

The skill is to convert spiritual energy into the attribute mana you need.

Therefore, demon cultivators also need to use the energy of the source of law to practice. When demon cultivators refine their own magic power, they can also refine the pure energy of the source of the law.

"To sum it up, there is actually no difference between the demonic cultivators and the righteous cultivators. They are all pursuing immortality and striving for immortality. To distinguish them clearly, perhaps it is because of related interests or different ideologies. That’s all.”

Wu Tao was thinking this way.

Then, he began to count the storage bags of the fifth-level foundation-building demonic cultivator. The fifth-level foundation-building demonic cultivator was trapped and killed by him in the small Five Elements Reversal Formation.

[Fire Formation], which tests the character the most, can be described as a trump card for demon cultivators. This is just because demonic cultivators mostly pursue shortcuts in their cultivation. They use the most direct method of cannibalism to directly use low-level immortal cultivators as resources. Blood refining magic weapons and blood refining magic skills can achieve breakthroughs very quickly, but the side effects are also relatively large. Firstly, the body will be contaminated with evil spirits, etc. Secondly, the tempering of the mind is not in place.

That's why he was so relaxed, but his mind was disturbed by the [Array of Fire]. He was born in his heart, fighting wits and courage with the illusion created in his heart. In the end, his mana was severely consumed, which laid the groundwork for his subsequent death. .

The cultivators of the Seven Immortal Sects pay more attention to one step at a time and are more practical in their cultivation. Moreover, the "cannibalism" of the Seven Immortal Sects is more elegant. It is not "cannibalism" directly, but indirect and civilized, controlling the path to break down the hierarchy. Like boiling frogs in warm water, the lower-level casual cultivators are squeezed out, making them spend their entire lives. The harder they work, the poorer they become, and the harder it is for them to break through the hierarchy and get rid of their status as casual cultivators.

Because the Tianyin Sect built the fifth floor and was trapped in the Small Five Elements Reversal Formation, they frequently resorted to tricks, and all their trump cards and elixirs were consumed. Therefore, Wu Tao did not get anything good in his storage bag.

The only thing that caught my eye was a blood refining instrument with six blood marks.

But Wu Tao still couldn't use it.

However, Wu Tao didn't think that the things he got from the devil's path were really useless, and they could be replaced with other things. Otherwise, why would the righteous path and the devil's path fight to the death like this?

The territory is definitely the most important.

But there will definitely be others.

Wu Tao thought for a while, collected all these things and put them into his storage bag.

Then, he began to eliminate the magic prohibition on the black jade slip.

According to the original route, Xuzhou could reach the Zijin Cave in ten days, but on the sixth day, it was attacked by the demonic cultivators of the Tianyin Sect.

I was delayed here for more than a day.

It will take another four days to reach Zijin Cave.

"In four days, this demonic ban should be completely lifted." Wu Tao's magical power and spiritual thoughts wrapped around the black jade slip, constantly wearing away the demonic ban on it.

Once the demon cultivator dies, although the demonic ban on it still exists, it will be relatively weakened.

Time passes day by day.

With two golden elixirs, Yao Guangsheng and Pei Qing, in charge, he was very safe along the way. He was attacked by a second-level high-level monster once, and then he was killed by Pei Qing in a flash of green light.

The Lingxu Sect's foundation builders were all frightened when they saw Pei Qing's methods. He was indeed the number one foundation builder. Even if he broke through the golden elixir, he was still at the top level at the golden elixir level. No. Bottom.

Although Wu Tao did not go out and spent the whole day in his room killing the magic spells on the black jade slips, Pei Qing did not hold back at all when he took action, and his momentum was full. All the cultivators on the virtual boat were shocked by his momentum. Down.

"Golden elixir!" Wu Tao sensed Pei Qing's powerful aura and muttered to himself, then ignored him and continued to kill the magic ban.

The fourth day.

When they were about to reach the Purple Gold Domain, the black jade slip suspended in front of Wu Tao suddenly made a 'collapse' sound.

Wu Tao's face was filled with joy, the magic ban was finally eliminated.

He immediately canceled his magical power and spiritual thoughts, stretched out his hand to take the black jade slip, put it close to his forehead, penetrated with his spiritual thoughts, and began to read the contents on the jade slip.

"Yin Shen Zhen."

The name of the secret technique reflected in Wu Tao's thoughts.

Wu Tao's heart immediately surged with joy. It was really that magical secret technique. God helped me!

Tomorrow is a double monthly vote, so don’t vote today, leave it until tomorrow (it’s important and does not count towards the number of charged words).

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