Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 304: Counting Harvests (Please subscribe)

Seeing that Wu Tao was deep in thought, Yao Guangsheng continued: "Junior Brother Han, the compensation is not unlimited. You are a second-level low-level weapon refiner, and you can consider these second-level low-level magic weapon refining secrets.

Even if Yao Guangsheng doesn't patch it up, Wu Tao also knows that he can't open his mouth like a lion. In that case, Yao Guangsheng won't agree. After thinking about it, Wu Tao made a decision in his heart and said: "Uncle Yao, then I choose, two second-level low-level ones." Secrets for refining magical weapons, regardless of type, and I also need a foundation-building pill."

After finishing speaking, Wu Tao looked at Yao Guangsheng.

Yao Guangsheng pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, you can choose the second-level low-level magic weapon refining secret book when you return to the sect. As for the foundation-building pill, you must also know that there is no foundation-building pill in stock in the sect now. , we have to wait until six years later, when the Xiao Xuantian Secret Realm is opened and the elixir for refining the Foundation Establishment Pill is obtained, the Alchemy Hall will start refining the Foundation Establishment Pill."

Wu Tao knew that his Foundation Establishment Pill was prepared for Chen Yao. Chen Yao was still rebuilding and had not yet returned to the seventh level of Qi refining. When the next time he refines the Foundation Establishment Pill, Chen Yao would probably refine it at most. The ninth level of Qi, Quan should be prepared first.

Therefore, Wu Tao said: "Uncle Yao, I will save everything this time."

Yao Guangsheng said: "Okay, let's do these three. Nephew Zhao, Nephew Han, you are tired from this battle, so go back and rest first."

"Uncle Yao, I'll take my leave."

Seeing Yao Guangsheng speak, Wu Tao and Zhao Zhen quickly bowed slightly to Yao Guangsheng, and then left Yao Guangsheng's room. When they came out, they greeted Niu Ben and planned to go back to the room.

Zhao Zhen said: "Junior Brother Han, is your Foundation Establishment Pill prepared for your Taoist companion?"

There was nothing to hide about this, Wu Tao nodded directly and said: "Yes.

Zhao Zhendao: "If your Taoist companion is practicing the skills of the casual cultivator period, then you still have to be fully prepared. If there is a chance, it will always be right to prepare an extra foundation-building pill. After all, casual cultivators The technique is too bad."

Wu Tao cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you a lot, Brother Zhao. Ayao has already started practicing again. She is practicing Lingxu Sect's "Lingxu Qi Refining Technique"."

Zhao Zhendao: "This is a good choice. "Lingxu Qi Refining Technique", this method is one of the best Qi refining methods in Lingxu Sect. Practicing this method is better than practicing casual cultivation method." many."

Wu Tao smiled and said, "Thanks to Senior Brother Liu Sishu from the Gongfa Pavilion for giving me some advice, otherwise, we wouldn't have thought of having to stop practicing again."

While talking, the two of them had already arrived at the door of the room, so Zhao Zhen said: "Okay, Junior Brother Han, you are also frightened. I heard that there are fifth-level and fourth-level foundation-building demon cultivators chasing you. , you must be scared. This is all thanks to Junior Brother Xiong Tian. You should thank him some time. It seems that Xiong Tian is quite open-minded."

Wu Tao said: "Yes, it is indeed scary. We, the weapon refiners, have to be very experienced to embark on this path of weapon refinement and become a weapon refiner. We don't have to kill to survive. But that's exactly what it is. One drink and one drink. Every peck has a chance, and we are not good at fighting. When something like this happens, our heart is in our throats. Senior Brother Zhao is right, I really need to find some time to thank Senior Brother Xiong properly."

After saying that, Zhao Zhen nodded to him and opened the door to his room. Wu Tao watched Zhao Zhen enter the room, and he also opened the door and turned on the soundproof and anti-peep formation.

He, Zhao Zhen, and Yao Guangsheng did not directly point out the plot, but only talked about compensation. This time the plot was revealed so gently.

"If you don't expose the past, what can you do? The situation is stronger than the person. Yao Guangsheng is the real Jindan, and I am just a small foundation builder."

Wu Tao sat on a chair in the room, poured himself a cup of tea, and whispered softly.

However, Yao Guangsheng did things in a methodical manner. He did not act haphazardly and compensated them. It also saved him a lot of accumulated merits in exchange for second-level low-level magic weapon refining secrets.

The second-level magic weapon he can use now is the three-way forbidden magic sword.

Use it in conjunction with "One Method to Tongxin Sword Jue".

There are no second-level defensive magic weapons, second-level flying magic weapons, second-level gun magic weapons, or magic weapons used to perform Duanjiang.

Therefore, there are two options for second-level low-level magic weapon refining cheats, and you have to consider which one to choose.

"Please give me some harvest first."

Wu Tao pondered for a moment, no longer thinking about this, but began to ask for the harvest this time. The storage bags of a demon cultivator who was on the fifth level of foundation building and a fourth level of foundation building were all with him.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's eyes shone with joy.

After Zhao Zhen and Wu Tao left, Yao Guangsheng called Niu Ben in and said, "Senior Nephew Niu, go and ask Nephew Xiong Tian to come over."

Niu Ben bowed and said, "Yes, Senior Brother Yao."

After that, he respectfully went out to summon Niu Ben.

The founder of the Foreign Affairs Hall has always been working with Yao Guangsheng, and he admires and fears the methods of this senior brother and deputy hall master. Now, with Yao Guangsheng manifesting his golden elixir cultivation, these foundations of the Foreign Affairs Hall have taken the worship of Yao Guangsheng to a higher level.

With Master Yao, we all have a bright future.

This is what Niu Ben and these Foreign Affairs Hall Zhuji have in mind.

Xiong Tian learned that Yao Guangsheng wanted to see him. Without saying a word, he followed Niu Ben to Yao Guangsheng's residence, knocked on the door and said, "Uncle Yao, Xiong Tian wants to see him."

Yao Guangsheng's voice sounded from inside, "Come in."

Xiong Tian gently opened the door, looked at Yao Guangsheng who was sitting on the chair, bowed and said, "Uncle Yao."

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said: "There is no need to be restrained. Although it is hindered by the sect rules, you can still regard me as your senior brother Yao." At this point, Yao Guangsheng paused slightly and continued: "Xiong Tian, ​​I heard that you fought hard for your serious injury. He also protected Master Nephew Han Fan unharmed from the demonic cultivators on the fifth and fourth levels of Foundation Establishment..."

Xiong Tian felt a little uncomfortable, but thinking of Junior Brother Han Fan's face, he could only bite the bullet and said: "Prioritizing the protection of weapon refiners and formation masters is Uncle Yao's order, and it is also the purpose of my sect in the Foreign Affairs Hall. Weapon Refiners Masters, formation masters, are more important than us, and that’s what I should do.”

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said: "Haha, so that's what you think. I thought your son, Xiong Chaoan, had the opportunity to build a foundation. He was in urgent need of foundation building pills, so you would take risks. It seems like I am a villain. You shouldn’t miss Brother Xiong so much.”

When Xiong Tian heard this, his heart trembled, cold sweat broke out on his back, and he said firmly: "Uncle Yao, I never dare to think like this. The small grudge between me and Junior Brother Han was already resolved by Uncle Yao in the Foreign Affairs Hall."

He could show his true feelings in front of Han Fan because at that time he felt that he would die, but now, he could not show his true thoughts in front of Master Yao Guangsheng.

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said: "You did a good job. This is what we should do to build the foundation of the Foreign Affairs Hall. Last time, I insulted you. It was my fault as the deputy head of the hall. I did not support the foundation of our Foreign Affairs Hall." Ji, but I hope you understand, nephew Xiong, that the other party is the Weapon Refining Hall, which is one of the most important places in the sect. We can do without it, but the Weapon Refining Hall cannot be without it. Otherwise, where will your and my magical weapons come from? Once we have a battle with the devil, who will refine those war weapons?"

Xiong Tiandao: "Uncle Yao, I understand."

Regardless of whether he understood it before or not, Xiong Tian must understand it now.

Yao Guangsheng showed a smile on his face and said: "I am very pleased to have such understanding from Master Xiong."

After saying that, he turned over his hand and a jade box appeared in his hand. He smiled and said: "This is the foundation building pill. I asked it from Elder Demon Slayer. Brother Xiong, take it with Chao An to build the foundation." Bar."

Xiong Tian looked at the jade box in Yao Guangsheng's hand and was extremely moved. Yao Guangsheng's previous complaints to the Artifact Refining Hall disappeared at this moment. He immediately knelt down and said: "Being able to work under Uncle Yao is the greatest honor of my life, Xiong Tian. Master Yao, when Chao'an builds his foundation, please let Chao'an also join the Foreign Affairs Hall to support Master Yao."

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said: "Seriously, we cultivate immortality for immortality, not to do things for me. Take it and go."

The jade box flew towards Xiong Tian.

Xiong Tian caught the jade box, thanked him again, and then bowed out of Yao Guangsheng's room.

"The Yinxuan Nine Mother Sword has five blood marks, indicating that it is a magic sword comparable to the five forbidden magic swords. Unfortunately, it is a blood-refining magic weapon. What I practice is the righteous method, so I cannot activate it."

Wu Tao put the Yinxuan Nine Mother Sword aside and planned to sell it on the black market if he had a chance.

I just don’t know if there is a black market in the foundation period.

Wu Tao continued to count the harvest.

Fifth update, today’s eleven thousand words. Asking for a monthly ticket. Thank you for wanting to read quietly, and I will reward you with 100 starting coins from Gongyuan 1.

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