Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 303 Compensation (please subscribe)

Seeing Yao Guangsheng and Pei Qing having an exclusive conversation, Wu Tao stood aside and said nothing while the Jindan boss talked. It was better for him to be a transparent person.

Yao Guangsheng said: "Brother Pei, let's take a step to talk."

Then, he said to Wu Tao: "Junior Brother Han, you continue."

"Yes." Wu Tao watched Yao Guangsheng leave with Pei Qing, then he continued to inspect the damage on the virtual boat, and then called Brother Zhao Zhen to come and repair it, but he secretly said in his heart: "Whether it is now or before, In Wuquan Mountain Xiuxian City, I am just a nobody to Pei Qing, I was the one who got the idea first, and Pei Qing doesn’t care about a nobody like me at all.”

Although the status of a weapon refiner is respected, but relatively speaking, he is still a nobody in front of Jin Dan. Unless he is a third-level weapon refiner, he can have a higher status than Jin Dan.

"Senior Brother Zhao, this place is damaged."

Wu Tao inspected Xuzhou's damaged parts and immediately reported them to Zhao Zhen. Zhao Zhen was only responsible for repairs, and he was only responsible for inspections, dividing the work and cooperating so that the progress would be faster.

Although it is said that Yao Guangsheng and Pei Qing are escorting the two golden elixirs, this place is in the wild after all. If you stay here, there is no guarantee that any accident will happen.

In one day, the virtual boat was repaired.

Zhao Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and said: "It has finally been repaired. Fortunately, this virtual boat only faced an attack from the first level of the golden elixir, and no important parts were damaged. Otherwise, it would not have been repaired in ten and a half months." . It even takes someone like Senior Brother Gao to fully restore it."

Wu Tao smiled and said: "It's a happy event after it's repaired. Let's go see if Fellow Daoist Liu has repaired the formation."

Zhao Zhen nodded after hearing this, and walked side by side towards Liu Qinyuan with Wu Tao. After all, Liu Qinyuan was responsible for the formation alone. It was not as fast as Zhao Zhen and Wu Tao's division of labor. Another thing was that Liu Qinyuan was a second-level low-level formation master. And Zhao Zhen is a second-level intermediate weapon refiner.

Liu Qinyuan said to Zhao Zhen: "Senior Brother Zhao, I still have a set of formations that have not been repaired. It will probably take another two days. In this case, you can ask Master Yao for my instructions. Do you want to activate the virtual boat first? I will repair it on the way. That’s it.”

Zhao Zhen knew what Liu Qinyuan was thinking, so he nodded and said: "Okay, then I will ask Uncle Yao for instructions."

Yao Guangsheng suddenly manifested his golden elixir cultivation, which suddenly made him a generation higher than everyone else. Not to mention, Zhao Zhen was not very used to changing names at this time.

But the sect's rules are here, and they have to be changed if they don't want to be changed.

Wu Tao watched Zhao Zhen leave to look for Yao Guangsheng. He was not a formation master and could not help Liu Qinyuan repair the formation, so he stood here and watched Liu Qinyuan work, but went to find Zhang Shenghong.

Zhang Shenghong is now in charge of guarding the foundation of Xuzhou and has been staying on Xuzhou. This time, such a big thing happened. Zhang Shenghong is his first Taoist friend in Lingxu Sect and his introducer. He should be I used to take care of it.

Thinking of this, he came to the virtual boat operation cabin and met Zhang Shenghong.

"Junior Brother Zhang, are you okay?" Wu Tao asked.

Zhang Shenghong said: "It's okay. Our virtual boat fell here and was protected by Brother Niu. But when it fell, some disciples in the Qi Refining Stage did not evacuate the virtual boat in time, and several of them fell to death."

Hearing this, Wu Tao's face showed an appropriate look of grief, and he mourned for three seconds of silence for those Lingxu Sect Qi Refining Stage disciples, and then said: "Junior Brother Zhang, have you broken through to the second floor of the foundation building?"

A month ago, Zhang Shenghong said that he had sensed an opportunity for a breakthrough at the second level of Foundation Establishment. After his breakthrough, he originally planned to pay attention to Junior Brother Zhang's breakthrough.

However, he temporarily received an order from Senior Brother Zhao Zhen to go to Zijin Cave to exchange information on how to refine weapons.

So, it was delayed for another month.

Zhang Shenghong looked a little unnatural when she heard Wu Tao's question, and said: "Not yet, but it will be soon. Next month, I will be able to break through the second level of Foundation Establishment. Senior Brother Han, by then, I will be the second level of Foundation Establishment." Level, you are on the first level of Foundation Establishment. Even if you have the blessing of a second-level weapon refiner, you can no longer be my senior brother. We are on the same level and should be treated as fellow Taoists."

Wu Tao really wanted to reveal the aura of the second level of Foundation Establishment to Zhang Shenghong now to dispel Zhang Shenghong's arrogance, but he was obviously not such a competitive person, so he smiled and said: "Okay, then I'll wait for Junior Brother Zhang to follow me The day when we call ourselves fellow Taoists.”

But he thought in his heart: "Perhaps, when he breaks through to the second level of foundation building, I can also lie and say that I have just broken through."

Zhang Shenghong smiled and said: "Senior Brother Han, this day will come soon."

While they were talking, Zhao Zhen came and said, "Junior Brother Zhang, Uncle Yao has ordered you to start the virtual boat immediately and go to the Zijin Cave. Just follow the original route."

Zhang Shenghong said: "Yes, I will activate the virtual boat right away. However, Senior Brother Zhao, you heard me right, right? We should follow the original route? Hasn't this route been exposed? Are you not afraid of the Tianyin Sect?"

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "I didn't say anything wrong, that's what Uncle Yao said."

Wu Tao said: "Uncle Yao will use his plan this time to kill nine foundation builders and one Jindan of the Tianyin sect. Even if we don't change our route, they will not dare to invade, for fear that Uncle Yao will have another plan and fall into an ambush."

Zhao Zhendao: "This is exactly the reason, Junior Brother Zhang, you must learn to think more."

Zhang Shenghong glanced at Wu Tao resentfully, then went to start the virtual boat.

Xu Zhou was shaken all over, and then took off again, following the original route and flying in the direction of the Purple Gold Territory.

This time, there were two golden elixirs, Yao Guangsheng and Pei Qing, suppressing the boat. It should be safe. Wu Tao returned to his room and planned to count the harvest.

As soon as the soundproof and anti-peep formation was turned on, someone knocked on the door. Wu Tao opened the door and saw Niu Ben standing at the door, saying, "Junior Brother Han, Uncle Yao asked you to go to his place."

Wu Tao's eyes moved slightly. To be honest, after being used as a chess piece in Yao Guangsheng's scheme, he made up his mind to avoid facing Yao Guangsheng face to face. This person was very hidden and a senior figure. Don't be caught by him again without warning.

Therefore, Wu Tao asked: "Brother Niu, I wonder what Uncle Yao wants from me?"

Niu Ben said: "Senior Brother Yao didn't say anything."

Wu Tao had no choice but to follow Niu Ben to Yao Guangsheng's residence. After entering, he found that Senior Brother Zhao Zhen was also there. Seeing this, he felt a little relieved, but what was the joy on Senior Brother Zhao Zhen's face?

Yao Guangsheng looked at Wu Tao and said straight to the point: "Junior brother Han, no, since I have manifested my golden elixir cultivation, according to the rules of Lingxu Sect, I should call junior brother Han my nephew Han."

"Master Nephew Han, I wonder what compensation you want?"

When Wu Tao heard Yao Guangsheng's words, he was also happy. He finally knew why Brother Zhao Zhen was so happy. It turned out that as soon as Brother Zhao Zhen started the flying boat, he came to Yao Guangsheng on behalf of the Refining Hall to reason, but he was treated as a pawn as usual. compensation.

Wu Tao's thoughts moved slightly, and he was thinking about how to maximize his profits this time.

The fourth update has arrived. Thanks to Wang Yuda, book friend 2019***5928 for the 100 starting coin reward.

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