Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 302 Discovered by Pei Qing (please subscribe)

Zhao Zhen's words made Wu Tao believe it a little.

Xiong Tian asked: "Senior Brother Yu is not an undercover agent of the Tianyin Sect?"

Yu Zhenming smiled and said: "I am indeed an undercover agent of the Tianyin Sect. I also revealed the news and Xu Zhou's route to the Tianyin Sect."

"You?" Xiong Tian was shocked and blurted out, "Then you still say that you are a disciple of Lingxu Sect? Are you not a faggot?"

Yu Zhenming smiled and said: "Junior Brother Xiong, I have not practiced the demonic skills of the Tianyin Sect, otherwise the level of killing the demon elder would have passed. What I practiced is the Lingxu Sect's skills. The reason why it is from the Lingxu Sect Disciple, that’s because…”

Having said this, Yu Zhenming paused and continued: "The Lingxu Sect gave us too much."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Tao and Xiong Tian fell silent. This kind of truth is the truth.

Yang Qidao: "Let's go, this is not a place for small talk. Junior Brother Zhao, Junior Brother Han, Xuzhou still needs two repairs."

After that, let everyone follow him to fly in the direction of the crash of the virtual boat.

On the way, Yang Qi asked how Xiong Tian and Wu Tao killed the demon cultivator. Wu Tao immediately put all the blame on Xiong Tian, ​​saying that Xiong Tian was so powerful that he was just assisting.

Yang Qi looked at Xiong Tian who was covered in blood, and then looked at Wu Tao who was clean, patted Xiong Tian on the shoulder, and said: "Junior Brother Xiong, you have done a good job. You give priority to protecting the weapon refiner. It belongs to Senior Brother Yao." The order is also the purpose of our Lingxu Sect Foreign Affairs Hall... I will report it to Senior Brother Yao later, and Senior Brother Yao will definitely reward you.

Xiong Tian hesitated to speak, but when he saw Junior Brother Han Fan's expression, he could only say: "Senior Brother Yang, all of this is what I should do."

He was thinking in his heart, "Why does Junior Brother Han Fan put all the credit on me...I know, he wants to hide his strength and make people think that he is an weapon refiner who is not good at fighting. In this way, he can Survive from a desperate situation... so sinister... Just like Senior Brother Yao, he likes to hide... If I tell it, I might be plotted, so I'd better keep this secret in my heart, because I can't beat Junior Brother Han."

Thinking of this, Xiong Tian immediately felt relieved.

When Wu Tao saw that Xiong Tian didn't talk nonsense, he was relieved. Compared with any reward for killing the demon cultivator, he would rather be a sixth man and not expose his own strength. If the Tianyin Sect knew about it, he would be a refiner. The weapon master actually killed the fourth and fifth floors of the foundation building one after another, and he might be coming to persecute him.

It is better to hide behind the scenes and practice peacefully, which is the right way.

He quietly used the flying sword boat to come behind Zhao Zhen and said: "Senior Brother Zhao, Senior Brother Yao... No, Senior Brother Yao broke through the golden elixir, he should be called Uncle Yao... Uncle Yao, does he know all this? , and then devised a plan..."

Zhao Zhen glanced at Wu Tao and replied: "Yes, Yao Guangsheng knows about such a move."

From Brother Zhao Zhen's words, Wu Tao knew that Zhao Zhen was unhappy because, after all, Yao Guangsheng had used him as a pawn to seduce the Tianyin Sect. This is very dangerous for the weapon refiner.

After all, Wu Tao is a new member and does not have the weight of Zhao Zhen in the Weapon Refining Hall. He is also unhappy with Yao Guangsheng, but the other party is Jin Dan and is in charge of the Foreign Affairs Hall. Now, it is estimated that only Wen Xingrui can follow up and fight.

Wu Tao sighed and sent a message: "Senior Brother Zhao, we almost died this time.

Zhao Zhen knew the meaning of Wu Tao's words, and he sent a message: "Junior Brother Han, don't worry, the Weapon Refining Hall will seek justice for us this time."

Hearing Zhao Zhen's words, Wu Tao felt slightly happy. Since he has been used as a chess piece, of course he must exchange for greater benefits and use it to enhance his own strength. This way, when he becomes stronger, he will not be used as a chess piece again. calculate.

Then, he asked again: "Senior Brother Zhao, this time, since Uncle Yao has left no stone unturned, the sect's Uncle Jin Dan should come to help, right? I wonder what will happen to the Tianyin Sect's Jin Dan?"

This time, Wu Tao asked openly, and Yang Qi and others could hear it.

Therefore, when Yang Qi heard the words, he replied: "Junior Brother Han, this time, our Lingxu Sect won a great victory. All the opponent's foundations were destroyed, and one of the old Jindan Demons was also annihilated. However, Senior Brother Yao...Uncle Yao was not invited. The sect’s uncle Jindan, but Pei Qing from Wuquan Mountain..."

"Haha, Wuquan Mountain has enmity with our Lingxu Sect. They, the Tianyin Sect, would never have thought that Pei Qing was invited by Master Yao to help... This was Master Yao's plan. It was a surprise that caught them off guard."

Pei Qing... Hearing this name, Wu Tao's heart moved slightly. He remembered the days in Wuquan Mountain. During the battle between Wuquan Mountain and Ghost Dao Sect, Pei Qing was ordered to guard the west city of Wulingxiu Immortal City. At that time, Pei Qing was still The ninth floor of the foundation building was known as the Baili Qingguang Sword. He was also lucky enough to see the power of the Baili Qingguang Sword. Unexpectedly, when he heard the name again, the other party was already Jin Dan Zhenren.

"That time in Wuquan Shanxi City's Artifact Refining Hall, when demons invaded, Pei Qing took action and killed the demons in front of me. I wonder if he remembered my aura and recognized me?" thought of it? Here, Wu Tao was secretly wary.

With this in mind, they finally flew to the crash point of the virtual boat.

The Xuzhou didn't seem to be damaged much. At this time, Liu Qinyuan was already repairing the formation on the Xuzhou.

Yao Guangsheng and a tall young man in green clothes stood together. Their aura was so powerful that they faintly divided the aura around them into two halves.

"That's Pei Qing?" Wu Tao thought to himself, but did not look at him.

When Yao Guangsheng saw that Zhao Zhen and Han Fan had returned safely, his face was overjoyed. He hurriedly stepped forward and said with a smile: "Junior Brother Zhao, Junior Brother Han, as long as you have nothing to do, please trouble Junior Brother Zhao to lead Junior Brother Han to repair the void boat."

Zhao Zhen nodded to Yao Guangsheng and said, "Okay."

Then he pulled Wu Tao towards the Xu Zhou. When he walked to the Xu Zhou, he saw Zhang Shenghong and a group of Qi Refining Stage disciples there. Meng Haoting was also there. When he saw Wu Tao, he immediately stepped forward and said happily: "Uncle Han, you are fine. That's great."

Wu Tao patted Meng Haoting on the shoulder and said, "It's only good that you are okay. Otherwise, I will feel guilty."

Meng Haoting was extremely moved and said, "Being able to be with Uncle Han is the luckiest thing that has happened to me."

Zhao Zhen smiled and said: "Okay, let's catch up on old times next time. Junior Brother Han, go and help me check the Xuzhou."

Wu Tao nodded and came to Xu Zhou. He was about to check and thought to himself: "As soon as I checked, the Qi leaked. I wonder if Pei Qing will find out? It shouldn't be. Last time in the weapon refining hall, he only cared about Killing demons shouldn't pay attention to me, a little Qi-refining cultivator."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao felt a little relieved. His magic power and spiritual thoughts fell on the virtual boat and began to check.

At this moment, Pei Qing, who was talking to Yao Guangsheng, moved his eyes and body, but came behind Wu Tao and asked: "Has this nephew ever stayed in the weapon refining hall of Xiuxian City in Wuquan Mountain? "

Yao Guangsheng also flashed to Pei Qing's side, glanced at Pei Qing, then at Wu Tao, and said with a smile: "I, Junior Brother Han, am a second-level weapon refiner from a casual cultivator. The seven realms can communicate with each other. It’s not surprising that I have stayed in your Xiuxian City in Wuquan Mountain.”

Pei Qing heard this and said: "It's amazing. It's amazing that a casual cultivator has become a second-level weapon refiner. Your aura is familiar to me, and I feel that this is not the first time I sense this aura."

Wu Tao's heart moved slightly, he stopped checking, and cupped his hands towards Pei Qing and said: "In reply to Master Pei, during the battle between Wuquan Mountain and Ghost Dao Sect, I was fortunate enough to be recruited to work in the Wuquan Mountain Xicheng Artifact Refining Hall. That time the demon invaded the refining hall. In the Qi Hall, it was Master Pei who took action to kill the Demon Seed, and I was right next to the Demon Seed. Thank you Master Pei for your life-saving grace."

Pei Qing said with a smile: "I see, your breath is very familiar. I saved your life, how do you plan to repay me? Why don't you just follow me back to Wuquan Mountain? What Lingxu Sect can give me is five Quanshan, only more and less.”

Yao Guangsheng's face suddenly darkened, and he said, "Brother Pei, are you poaching the weapon refiner of my Lingxu Sect in front of me? How ridiculous is that?"

Pei Qing laughed and said, "You're just kidding, Brother Yao, don't be offended."

Thanks to Wang Yuda for the 100 starting coin reward.

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