Pei Qing put away his storage bag and stood on the sea of ​​clouds, side by side with Yao Guangsheng, looking in the direction of Shamoye's flight.

Then, he said: "Brother Yao, with your strength, you should be able to keep Sha Mo Ye Lao Mo too, right?"

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said: "Brother Pei really compliments me. Like you, I am also a newbie to the Golden Pill. I know that the Golden Pill is bent on escaping and it is very difficult to stay. If we can keep the old devil of Earth Yin, it is already Tried my best.”

Pei Qing was silent. After a moment, he said: "I heard that the "Tai Ling Golden Chapter" practiced by Brother Yao is really powerful. I want to ask about the power of the "Tai Ling Golden Chapter"."

Yao Guangsheng said with a smile: "Brother Pei is the first person to build the foundation. Even Ji Lingxu, the eldest disciple of our Lingxu Sect and Head Ning, was defeated by Brother Pei for several times. I am not as good as Ji Lingxu, and my strength is naturally not as good as that of Brother Pei." . Besides, I am not from the same generation as you, but from the same generation as you. If I compete with you and lose, I will lose face. This is not good. When Junior Brother Lingxu comes out of seclusion, he will definitely break through the golden elixir. By then, I will ask Junior Brother Lingxu to go to Wuquan Mountain in person to compete with Brother Pei."

Pei Qing shook his head and said: "Ji Lingxu is just a defeated general. Even if he breaks through the golden elixir, he cannot be my opponent. What I am interested in is Brother Yao. Brother Yao hides his secrets. If he can learn from Brother Yao’s tip of the iceberg is also Pei Qing’s honor.”

Hearing this, Yao Guangsheng showed an angry look on his face and said: "Ji Lingxu is the younger generation of our Lingxu Sect. Brother Pei is belittling my junior brother Lingxu in front of me, the deputy head of the Foreign Affairs Hall." I, the Lingxu Sect, want to strongly condemn your Wuquan Sect.

Pei Qing said with a solemn expression: "Senior Brother Yao Guangsheng from the Foreign Affairs Hall of Lingxu Sect has always acted in a domineering manner, both internally and externally. He either condemned or waited and waited, but he never took action, so that no one knew that Brother Yao had already Practice the golden elixir quietly. So, Brother Yao, please strongly condemn me this time and let me see Brother Yao's strength."

Pei Qing's hand was already on the green light sword, and a strong fighting spirit was brewing deep in his eyes.

Yao Guangsheng sighed in his heart and said: "Okay, Brother Pei, let's just use one move. Don't hurt your harmony until you hit it. It just so happens that I also want to try the depth of the Thousand Miles of Green Light Sword."

Pei Qing smiled solemnly, bowed and said, "Thank you, Brother Yao, for this."

After saying that, Pei Qing stepped back a hundred miles and faced Yao Guangsheng from afar.

"Brother Yao, please!"

Pei Qing said.

Yao Guangsheng stretched out his hand and said, "Brother Pei, please go first."

Pei Qing and Yao Guangsheng looked at each other and smiled, and then, infinite sword light burst out from their bodies. Yao Guangsheng's was golden sword light, and Pei Qing's was cyan sword light.

Two waves of sword light shot toward each other like ocean waves.

As soon as the golden waves and the cyan waves met, they only touched lightly, then quickly retreated back, and were sucked into the golden elixir by Yao Guangsheng and Pei Qing.

The little finger of Yao Guangsheng's right hand hidden in his sleeve trembled slightly three times, and he was secretly shocked and said in his heart: "He is worthy of being the first person to conquer the seven sects of the righteous way and build the foundation of the six sects of the evil way. He broke through the golden elixir and is so powerful."

The index finger of Pei Qing's right hand behind his back trembled four times. After the golden elixir in his body retracted the green sword light, it vibrated three times without leaving a trace. Then he suppressed it. He was shocked and said in his heart: "So strong, this Yao Guangsheng is really... Hidden away, with his strength, he will be able to keep Shamoye with him. Why should he let Shamoye go? Is it possible that he is planning something else? Also, this is really all his strength. Or is it the strength he wants me to see?"

Yao Guangsheng smiled and said: "Brother Pei is worthy of being the first person to build a foundation. I am not as good as you."

Pei Qing smiled and said: "Brother Yao is so humble, I am not as good as you."

"Hahaha, it's just a discussion. Thank you to Brother Pei for helping me this time. I caught the other party off guard. There are still some Foundation Establishment remnants. I can't chat with Brother Pei anymore." Yao Guangsheng said with a slight cup of his hand towards Pei Qing.

Pei Qing said: "Brother Yao, I'm here to help you wipe out the remnants of the Foundation-Building Tianyin Sect. It's my duty to do so. Besides, I also want to give it a try. How does the Golden Pill feel about Foundation-Building?"

Hearing this, Yao Guangsheng laughed and said, "Brother Pei is laughing at me. Golden elixir is great for foundation building. I have experienced it many times."

After saying that, the two flew out of the sea of ​​clouds and flew downwards, looking for the foundation of Lingxu Sect.

Outside the Small Five Elements Upside Down Formation, Wu Tao held a formation plate in his hand, always paying attention to the surrounding situation, and of course Xiong Tian's situation.

Suddenly, he frowned and felt a breath coming towards him.

There was an aura that he was very familiar with, it was the aura of Senior Brother Zhao Zhen.

"Senior Brother Zhao Zhen is not dead, that would be great. If there is a chance..." Wu Tao felt a hint of joy in his heart, and following the aura of Senior Brother Zhao Zhen, there were two more, one was Tianyin Sect undercover Yu Zhenming, Another one is the ninth floor of the Lingxu Sect Foreign Affairs Hall, built by Yang Qi.

He quickly concealed himself from the Small Five Elements Reversal Formation, and sent a message to Xiong Tian who was recovering from his injuries during the battle: "Senior Brother Xiong, please stop healing. I feel the auras of Senior Brother Zhao Zhen and Tianyin Sect undercover Yu Zhenming. By the way, there are Yang Qi, Senior Brother Yang Qi is behind him, he should be chasing after Yu Zhenming. Senior Brother Xiong, once Yu Zhenming enters the formation, I will rely on you."

Xiong Tian looked bitter and said: "Junior brother Han, you really think highly of me. Yu Zhenming is on the eighth level of foundation building, and I am on the fourth level of foundation building. How can you beat me?"

Wu Tao said: "Senior Brother Xiong, don't worry. You only need to intercept it. I will cooperate with you with the formation. As long as you intercept Yu Zhenming, the rest will be left to Senior Brother Yang Qi."

Xiong Tian was now in Wu Tao's formation. He couldn't help himself, so he had no choice but to say: "Okay, then junior brother, please remember to assist me with the formation."

Wu Tao hummed, and then paid attention to Yu Zhenming. After waiting for a while, no one entered the formation. He frowned slightly, but did not dare to use his spiritual sense to investigate. The opponent was on the eighth floor of the foundation and would definitely be able to detect his investigation.

At this moment, a voice sounded and reached Wu Tao and Xiong Tian: "But Junior Brother Han and Junior Brother Xiong?"

It was Yang Qi's voice.

Wu Tao was moved in his heart and did not speak, but Xiong Tian had already answered: "Senior Brother Yang Qi, it's me and Junior Brother Han Fan, Senior Brother Yang, was the remaining thief caught by Senior Brother Yang?"

Zhao Zhen's voice also sounded: "Junior Brother Han Fan, come out, the crisis has been resolved."

After hearing what Senior Brother Zhao Zhen said, Wu Tao felt relieved. He put away the Small Five Elements Upside Down Formation and flew towards Zhao Zhen with Xiong Tian. He saw Zhao Zhen, Yang Qi, and Yu Zhenming standing there waiting for him. .

Seeing the aftershocks, Xiong Tian and Wu Tao both stopped and stopped moving forward.

When Yang Qi saw the appearance of the two of them, he said: "Junior brothers, don't be afraid, Junior Brother Yu is still a disciple of our Lingxu Sect."

Zhao Zhen was afraid that Wu Tao would not believe it, so he explained: "Junior Brother Han, Senior Brother Yang is right, Senior Brother Yu is still a disciple of our Lingxu Sect. If not, I would still be alive today."

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