Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 222 Killing the Foundation (Please subscribe)

Wu Tao looked at the half-pool of silver-black crystal milk, and was overjoyed. He quickly took out jade bottles and filled them up quickly. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

These Earth Silver Black Crystal Milks were enough for him to condense his spirit body three times. He filled all the jade bottles in the storage bag, leaving one third of the Earth Silver Black Crystal Milks unfinished.

"There is still fighting outside, so it is not the time to leave. This Silver Black Crystal Milk is not only a treasure that condenses the spirit body, but is also helpful for physical injuries."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao did not hesitate and jumped directly into the cold pool as a yellow ape. As soon as he jumped in, he felt the biting coldness. He quickly held on to his spiritual thoughts and used the body tempering technique with all his strength to quickly absorb the refined Yinxuan. Crystal milk.

Once refined, Wu Tao could feel that his injuries were recovering quickly.

He used the second-level spiritual material that condensed the spirit body to heal his injuries, and his injuries healed quickly.

Not long after, Wu Tao's injuries had fully recovered. He saw that there was still Earth Silver Black Crystal Milk, and the battle at the foundation-building level outside didn't seem to be over yet, so he continued to refine and absorb it.

Logically speaking, if the marrow refining is not completed, there is no need to use the Earth Silver Black Crystal Milk, but Wu Tao started to use the body tempering technique in the spirit of not wasting.

After refining all the Earth Silver Black Crystal Milk, Wu Tao was surprised to find that his flesh and tendons seemed to be coated with a layer of silver, as if his flesh and tendons had a tendency to become spiritual.

"However, I feel that my body tempering technique seems to be stronger."

When I opened my personal information, I saw that there was no progress in refining the marrow, but my strength had indeed become stronger.

The most important thing is that the injury has also recovered.

Wu Tao walked outside, intending to blend in among the first-order yellow ape monsters, while recalling the soul-eating insects and ghosts.

Putting the Soul-Eating Insect back into his mind to continue healing, and recalling the Yin Soul to the Yin Soul Banner, Wu Tao came to those first-order yellow apes. These first-order yellow apes were all in a mess, with dust all over their bodies. The Yin Soul was not afraid of them, they were The energy and blood are strong and the energy is amazing. As long as it is a soul-eating insect, it can become invisible and difficult to defend. If you are not careful, you can catch it.

Seeing that he was okay, these kizaru were surprised and ran over to pull him.

There was also a female yellow ape, which hugged Wu Tao in her arms. Wu Tao suddenly felt a wild fullness, but this was not in line with his aesthetics, so he held back and did not make the sound of a yellow ape.

Because he can't speak Kizaru language.

Next, these yellow apes took Wu Tao, the fake yellow ape, to the depths of the cave, seeming to find the human immortal cultivator, but after searching all over, they could not find it. They only saw the earth silver in the cold pool. The Xuan Crystal Milk disappeared.

"Ho ho ho..."

Just like the apes on both sides couldn't stop crying, these yellow apes suddenly roared in anger, beat their chests and feet, and ran outside the cave one by one, as if they wanted to tell the second-order yellow apes about the loss of the Earth Silver Black Crystal Breast.

Wu Tao also beat his chest and strode behind them.

Coming out of the cave, all the Kizaru monsters beat their chests vigorously and roared at the second-level Kizaru who was fighting.

Wu Tao also beat his chest vigorously, making a banging sound. He looked at the second-order Kizaru and Zheng Zhuji, and found that the second monster beast and Zheng Zhuji were injured, and their breath was not as good as before.

When Zheng Tonghai saw those first-order yellow ape monsters coming out, he quickly swept his mind across the first-order yellow ape monsters and the cave, but he could not find Wu Tao's aura.

And because of the roar of the first-level Yellow Ape monster, the second-level Yellow Ape monster suddenly became ferocious. It hugged Qing Falcon and killed it with all his strength. Qing Falcon suddenly let out a scream.

"This child can change his aura, and even I can't detect it. Is it possible that this child has transformed into a first-order yellow ape monster?" Zheng Tonghai's spiritual mind swept across these first-level yellow apes, and suddenly thought: "Put these first-order yellow apes It's enough to kill Kizaru, but even if this kid is among them, he will definitely die."

Thinking of this, Zheng Tonghai made up his mind instantly.

He didn't want to spend time here anymore. This second-level yellow ape was far more difficult to deal with than he thought. He let Qing Falcon fight him first. After he killed these first-level yellow apes, he immediately left.

Even if this son is not here, it can only stop here.

If this continues, he will probably be seriously injured.

Just now, Kizaru found an opportunity and killed him several times, causing him considerable injuries.

Zheng Tonghai's body surged with mana, and sword shadows composed of mana instantly appeared in front of him and accurately shot towards the first-order Kizaru below.

Wu Tao, who was beating his chest below, saw this scene and screamed in his heart. If Zheng Zhuji did this, wouldn't he be afraid that the second-level Kizaru would go crazy?

Without any time to think about it, Wu Tao directly avoided the sword light.

But the attack of the Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator was not so easy to dodge. His waist was still touched by the sword light, and blood suddenly flowed. Screams rang in his ears. Almost all the first-order yellow apes died. He fell under Zheng Tonghai's sword light.

Falling to the ground, Wu Tao also fell to the ground, gathering his breath and paying attention to the second-level monster Kizaru.

Seeing that his tribe was almost killed by Zheng Tonghai, this second-order yellow ape monster had a strong sense of tribe, and when he heard that the silver black crystal milk was stolen, this second-order yellow ape monster went completely crazy.

‘These are all humans, die! ’

The second-level Kizaru jumped up, rushed towards Zheng Tonghai, and instantly fought with Zheng Tonghai.

Zheng Tonghai didn't even have time to kill the first-level yellow ape below, but he was entangled by the second-level yellow ape, and he still fought desperately, as if he had lost his mind.

Zheng Tonghai quickly sent Qing Falcon to help.

In an instant, the two monster beasts were fighting each other.

Still a close fit.

Zheng Tonghai is a Dharma cultivator after all. How can he be the opponent of the second-level Kizaru in close combat? After a few rounds, he kept coughing up blood. If it weren't for Qingshun to share part of the pressure, he would have been seriously injured and unable to fight. of power.

But the crazy Kizaru frightened him.

If this continues, we may all perish together.

But Zheng Tonghai wanted to get away, but how could he?

Wu Tao lay on the ground and pretended to be dead, then observed the battle at the foundation level. Seeing such a scene, he was overjoyed and told you that you, old man, were mean and wanted to kill all the first-order Kizaru.

as time goes by.

The Green Falcon let out an extremely miserable cry, then fell to the ground, motionless, and its breath slowly dissipated. This Green Falcon finally died in the battle.

Then, the second-order Kizaru and Zheng Tonghai also fell down.

The second-level Kizaru sat up, his body covered in blood, one on two, and in a frenzy, he killed Qing Falcon, but Zheng Tonghai was only seriously injured and on the verge of death.

As for the second-level Kizaru, his breath disappeared even while sitting.

Zheng Tonghai lay on the ground, his breath was weak, and he couldn't help coughing up blood in the end. One of his arms was missing. He had been swallowed by a yellow ape in the fight just now. He felt his injuries, and he felt hatred in his heart!

But why did the pursuit of a small Qi refining period end up in such a situation.

I just killed some first-level apes. What about your first- and second-level monsters?

Zheng Tonghai was from the Beast Control Sect, so he was extremely familiar with monsters. For a mere ethnic group, second-level monsters would not pay much attention to them, but how did he know that the Earthly Silver Black Crystal Breast Quilt was the basis for the second-level Kizaru to settle down and make a living? Wu Tao finished the pot in one go, and this was the reason why the second-level Kizaru really went crazy.

Moreover, in the end, there was no choice but to continue fighting, because Kizaru refused to give up, and only had the instinct to kill him, returning to his animal nature.

All we can say is that Zheng Tonghai should not have pursued Wu Tao.

He felt that there were still first-order kizaru who were not dead, and he still had the last trace of mana. Thinking of this, a sword of mana condensed in front of him and shot towards these first-order kizaru.

Including Wu Tao, who is pretending to be dead.

Seeing that it was no longer possible to dodge, Wu Tao stood up, took out the flame gun from his storage bag, and blasted towards the sword light.

There are also defensive magic weapons harvested from Cao Guang and others, all of which are blocked.

Three defensive weapons were broken, and a flame gun broke. Wu Tao finally blocked the sword light.

This was the attack that left Zheng Tonghai seriously injured and on the verge of death.

"Haha, I knew you had mixed up with the yellow apes." Zheng Tonghai sneered and coughed up blood again.

Wu Tao immediately released the ghost, and the ghost instantly rushed towards Zheng Tonghai.

Zheng Tonghai looked at these ghosts and said unwillingly: "I hate that I fell into the hands of a mere Qi Refining Stage."

The ghost bit, and Zheng Tonghai roared, but his mana was exhausted and he could no longer cast any spells.

Seeing that his skills were poor, Wu Tao became daring, holding a flaming spear in his hand, and struck at Zheng Tonghai with a wave of wind and thunder.


Zheng Tonghai's body immediately fell into pieces.

During the foundation building period, Zheng Tonghai died!

Wu Tao sat down and felt that his whole body was soaked with sweat.

"I killed a foundation builder!"

"No, I killed a Zhuji who couldn't fight back!"

Thinking back on all this, Wu Tao knew how risky it would be for him to kill Zheng Tonghai. With a twist, he would die instead of Zheng Tonghai.

"Maybe it's my luck as a time traveler!"

Wu Tao murmured.

I wrote more than 10,000 words in the fifth update. Thank you all. I took medicine last night and slept well. After eight hours of sleep, I felt much better when I woke up. However, as I write now, I feel a little flustered and I still need to rest first.

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