Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 223 Second-level Magic Sword (please subscribe)

"Hoo ho!"

Wu Tao gasped for air, and the crisis was completely relieved. His heart finally relaxed, and his highly nervous spirit relaxed like a taut bowstring. He couldn't help but exhale a long breath.

After calming down a little, Wu Tao simply stood up and began to clean up the battlefield.

Mainly to collect loot.

The snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman benefits. This strategy is too risky, but fortunately, Wu Tao, the fisherman, really succeeded.

This is the territory of the Kizaru clan. When the second-order Kizaru was alive, other second-order monsters would definitely not dare to invade. But once the second-order Kizaru died, the other adjacent second-order monsters sensed that the second-order monsters The aura of the Order Yellow Ape has dissipated, and there is no guarantee that he will not have the idea of ​​​​invading the territory.

In fact, humans, like monsters and beasts, have a very strong sense of territory.

What's more, the battle between Zheng Ji, the Green Falcon monster, and the Kizaru just now was so fierce, a life and death struggle. The aftermath of the fight destroyed the woods here. The aura emanating from the fight was so strong that it would definitely be destroyed by other people. The monster sensed it.

Therefore, Wu Tao must seize the time, quickly pack up valuable items, and then leave here.

The second-level yellow ape monster, the second-level monster corpse, big treasure, put it away.

The second-level Green Falcon monster, the second-level monster corpse, big treasure, put it away.

The Foundation-Building Immortal Cultivator surnamed Zheng. The Foundation-Building corpse was not a treasure and had no effect. He only put away a storage bag left by Zheng Tonghai, gathered Zheng Tonghai's body together, and directly cremated it with a few fireball spells.

The corners of Wu Tao's mouth were about to burst. He felt that the excitement of life and death before was finally rewarded at this moment.

The corpses of those first-order yellow apes were killed by Zheng Zhuji's magical sword light. In fact, there were not many complete corpses at all. Wu Tao was pressed for time, so he did not pick up these leftovers. There were two second-order monsters. The corpse is of great value and is very satisfying.

After almost finishing cleaning up, Wu Tao was about to leave when he looked back at the burned ashes of Zheng Tonghai, only to see aura spilling out of the ashes.

"Could it be that Zheng Tong was a monk in the shipwreck, and a relic was produced?"

Wu Tao complained, and then he stretched out his hand to take a picture, and it was a magic sword the size of a palm. When he saw this magic sword, he felt happy.

Based on his knowledge as a first-level and ninth-level weapon refiner, there is no doubt that this slap magic sword should be a second-level magic weapon.

"Zheng Tonghai didn't use a magic weapon just now. Why did this magic weapon appear after he was cremated? Is that strange?" Wu Tao was not a foundation builder, so he still couldn't imagine the method of foundation building.

He couldn't think of it, nor should he think of it at this time. He packed up all the valuable things on the battlefield, used the blood escape technique, and swept away to the outside.

It is impossible for him to go deep, and if he goes deeper and breaks into the territory of the second-level monster, without Zheng Jiji to attract firepower to him, he will be asking for his own death.

He has to go to a place seven hundred miles away, or six hundred miles away, and hide for a while.

Just after he used the blood escape technique and transformed into a streak of blood light, Wu Tao sensed that the aura of a second-level monster suddenly rose up near the Kizaru clan, and that aura was approaching here.

Wu Tao sensed the aura and quickly accelerated his escape technique. He was glad that he didn't delay. He quickly packed up the valuable items and left decisively.

Otherwise, if it slows down for a few seconds, it will be bad.

If you are discovered by a second-level monster, it will be difficult to survive.

After the mediation with Zheng Tonghai, Wu Tao has understood the difference between Qi refining and foundation building. This is the difference between heaven and earth.

No wonder the casual cultivators are oppressed so hard. There are very few casual cultivators who want to overthrow the seven great sects of immortality.

This is completely hopeless!

Therefore, the only hope is to snatch the foundation-building pill, successfully build the foundation, and join the opponent's camp.

As Wu Tao fled, he couldn't help but think of that Wuzhongxing. Before he left, Wu Zhongxing said that he wanted to establish an alliance of casual cultivators and build a holy land of light that would not be oppressed by the big sects of immortality and only belong to casual cultivators.

Now that I think about it, I haven't heard any news from Wu Zhongxing for so many years.

Wu Zhongxing should have been suppressed by the Immortal Sect.

After flying within a thousand miles and reaching more than 900 miles, Wu Tao dispelled the thoughts in his mind and landed. Then, he took off the yellow ape skin on his body, put on other clothes, and transformed into an immortal cultivator again. breath.

He became an ordinary cultivator.

He also stopped using the blood escape technique. After all, the blood escape technique was too provoking.

He took out the Qingye Zhou from his storage bag and used it. A green light flashed under his feet and it flew in the wild.

Almost three hundred miles away, Wu Tao landed under a forest.

He released his spiritual thoughts and found no trace of monsters or the aura of immortal cultivators nearby.

It was almost dark at this time. Wu Tao had obtained the Foundation Establishment Pill and had solved the crisis of being chased by the Foundation Establishment Immortal Cultivators. It was time to consider returning to Lingxu Immortal Cultivation City.

But the only way is to take the Feidu Xuzhou in the Cultivation Beast Cultivation City back.

As for the Tianmen Territory adjacent to the Beast Control Territory, Wu Tao's strength in the Qi Refining Stage was not even comparable to that of crossing a territory to the Immortal Cultivation City in Tianmen Mountain to take a flying boat.

With the strength of foundation building, crossing a region is a narrow escape.

Therefore, we can only fly across the void boat in the Beast-controlling Immortal City.

But now, he can't go back to the Beast-controlling Immortal City. Even if he has the bone-transformation technique, after this incident, the Beast-controlling Immortal City will definitely increase its vigilance. He does not have the identity certificate of the Beast-controlling Immortal City.

Moreover, if Zheng Ji Zhu does not return, the Beast Control Sect will surely guess that something happened to him and will be more strict in dealing with it.

Therefore, Wu Tao planned to wait in the wild for a few days, and after the storm dissipated, he would then go back to Yushou Xiuxian City and take the Feidu Xuzhou back to Lingxu Xiuxian City.

It was not safe in the wild, so Wu Tao chose a hillside and started digging holes.

Holding the flame gun in his hand, Wu Tao started digging.

"It seems that I need to learn a special spell for digging holes. This will be more convenient."

An hour later, Wu Tao dug to a depth of thirty meters underground. The bottom was very wide, like a single room. He sealed the entrance of the cave and made sure that it was difficult for first-order monsters to break in, and then entered the cave.

After setting up a small array with a single lighting, Wu Tao took out a futon and sat down.

What he wants to do now is not to count the harvest, but to heal.

Originally, his injury was healed in the cave of the Kibi clan, relying on a large amount of Earth Silver Black Crystal Milk, but later, Zheng Tonghai wanted to kill all the first-order Kibi, and Wu Tao, who was disguised as a first-order Kibi, naturally also attacked. under.

His waist was rubbed by Zheng Tonghai's mana sword light.

The magic attack of the foundation-building immortal cultivator is no joke. If you touch it, you will die, and if you rub it, you will be injured. Therefore, the sword light opened a gap in his waist. He had no time to deal with it before. He just used spiritual energy to stop the bleeding. .

Now that I can say that I have stabilized a little, and there is no longer any danger to my life, I have to deal with the wound first.

Wu Tao lowered his head to check the wound, and couldn't help but feel happy on his face: "Fortunately, the waist was not injured. It was just a little bit broken. The waist was cut open."

How can you be happy without a waist?

This is a big deal!

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