As soon as Wu Tao entered the cave, he felt the width of the cave. He almost didn't need to guess, and he knew that the apes often came in and out of the cave, and they would also scratch themselves in the cave. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

The rock walls on both sides were polished extremely smooth.

This was just a casual glance as soon as he entered the cave. The cave was very deep and very high. Wu Tao still had to pay attention to the monster beasts of the Yellow Ape family that were chasing him behind him.

There are more than fifty monsters behind them, but after a rough fight just now, only eight are first-level advanced, and the others are intermediate and elementary.

Even if Wu Tao is injured now, he will not be afraid of these first-order monsters.

The reason why no Kizaru monster was injured outside was mainly because it was for the second-order Kizaru to see. It allowed the second-order Kizaru to see his weakness, and his tribe could easily deal with it.

Now that he has come in, Wu Tao will not kill these yellow ape monsters in a big way, for fear that their aura will dissipate and make the second-level yellow ape monsters go crazy, abandon Zheng Ji Zhuji and Qing Falcon, and instead kill him.

After all, just by looking at it, you can tell that this second-order yellow ape is a kind of monster with a very strong sense of territoriality, otherwise it would not let these first-order yellow ape monsters live in its territory.

However, after a brief observation, I found that a lot of the yellow ape monsters here are female monsters, and they should be used by the second-level yellow ape monsters to reproduce their offspring. Enjoyment cannot happen among monsters.

"First let Zheng Zhuji of the Yushou Sect fight with Huang Yuan. Maybe they can fight like a snipe and a clam, and the fisherman will benefit?" Wu Tao wants to be this fisherman. Even if he can't be a fisherman, he can still find an opportunity to escape.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao swung the flame gun in his hand and swept away these first-order yellow ape monsters. Then, he took out the Yin Soul Banner from his storage bag, chanted the mantra, and released all the Yin Souls to fight with these first-order yellow ape monsters. The apes and monsters are entangled.

And his two injured Soul-eating Insects were also released to entangle them.

It was just entanglement, not killing these monsters.

Otherwise, if the Soul-Eating Insects gnaw at them all, these yellow apes will definitely die, but entanglement is the best. If they take a bite from time to time, these first-order yellow apes will roll on the ground in pain.

The Yellow Ape monster is extremely powerful, and Wu Tao is not afraid of these first-level Yellow Apes, so after fighting for a while, Wu Tao felt his arms were a little numb. Of course, it was because he was injured. Monster? !

That is impossible.

Who is Wu?

He is invincible in the Qi Refining Stage, but he was only defeated in the Foundation Building Stage.

Wu Tao swung out the flame spears in both hands and broke away from the battle circle. Then he suddenly realized that he only had one flame spear in his hand, why did he also have one in his left hand?

When he looked down, he realized that he was holding two of his ribs in his hands.

After all, he has gone through bone refining, and the body tempering has reached the late stage of marrow refining. The bones in his body are no less hard than a first-level and ninth-level magic weapon.

Just now, he used his two ribs to hit Kizaru's head several times, knocking him out.

"Fuck, I woke up this time and it hurt!"

After Wu Tao took the ribs back from the claws of the Green Falcon beast, he had no time to insert them back. Now he had a chance to breathe, and he quickly opened up the skin and flesh where the ribs were missing, and carefully inserted the ribs.


Wu Tao felt like he was inserting a memory stick into a host computer in his previous life. With a grin, his ribs finally reached the correct position. Then, he took out the Five Qi Pill and the Qi Recovery Pill, swallowed them in one go, and started using the body tempering technique.

As soon as the body tempering technique was activated, his newly inserted ribs began to heal, and the fleshy buds on the previously broken chest began to squirm and seemed to grow.

This is physical cultivation. The defense and self-healing power of physical cultivation are amazing.

After some initial recuperation, Wu Tao stopped. Now was not the time to heal. He looked at the first-order yellow ape monster that was trembling with the ghost, and felt the movement of the two second-order monsters fighting outside the cave. He thought He kept turning, thinking about how to leave this place of right and wrong.

Looking at the first-order Kizaru fighting with the ghost, Wu Tao suddenly had a bold idea in his mind.

"Before I studied biology in my previous life, I always thought that humans were transformed from monkeys. Later generations confirmed that they were transformed into apes. These yellow apes are so similar to human bodies. Maybe, I can try to transform into a yellow ape and pretend to be a yellow ape?"

As soon as Wu Tao came up with this idea, he immediately planned to try a transformation. He only hoped that his current master-level bone transfer and shape-shifting technique would be able to prevent his aura from being discovered after he changed into a yellow ape.

Thinking of this, Wu Tao jumped into the battle circle and instantly pulled out a first-level intermediate yellow ape monster. This intermediate-level yellow ape monster was no match for Wu Tao. It was locked tightly by Wu Tao and howled. Drag it deeper into the cave.

Those yellow ape monsters wanted to come to the rescue, but they couldn't get through because of the soul-eating insects and ghosts.

Wu Tao dragged this intermediate-level Kizaru to a part of the cave, and immediately used the bone-transformation technique. His body lifted up, and his aura changed. In an instant, he had the same aura and the same appearance as the Kizaru in front of him.

"It's really okay."

Wu Tao was overjoyed.

But he took a look and found that the bone-transformation technique still had shortcomings. For example, he couldn't change the hair on the body of the yellow ape. In desperation, Wu Tao had no choice but to kill the yellow ape in front of him, peel off his skin, and refine it. After refining the weapon, he put it on.


Wu Tao is now a yellow ape monster.

As soon as Wu Tao sensed that the second-level yellow apes were still fighting outside, the battle between the second-level monsters seemed to take a long time. Now that Wu Tao had transformed into a yellow ape, he could not leave the territory under the eyes of the second-level monsters. He still had to be quiet. Wait for the opportunity.

"There must be spiritual beings in the monster's territory. While the second-order Kizaru is fighting against the Beast Control Sect's foundation building, why don't I take this opportunity to loot it first?" Wu Tao looked into the depths of the cave and felt that the cave was There must be something precious deep inside.

"As the saying goes, you can gain wealth through danger. Now that you are in this situation, are you still afraid of death?"

Wu Tao gritted his teeth and immediately swept towards the depths of the cave.

Along the way, Wu Tao did not encounter the yellow ape monster, and the journey was smooth, and then he reached the deepest point.

At the deepest point, the surrounding temperature is extremely low, and there is the sound of dripping water.

Wu Tao took a closer look and saw a cold pool in the depths. Above the cold pool, there was silver stone milk hanging down. It would take a long time for a drop of silver liquid to condense and drip into the cold pool.

This cold pool has a silvery liquid on it, which looks very viscous.

"Is this the Earth Silver Black Crystal Milk?"

Wu Tao recognized this treasure at a glance. It was one of the spiritual materials needed for his Dragon Spear Body Tempering Technique. It was a second-level spiritual material. Refining the Silver Black Crystal Milk could enhance defense and also restore the body's strength. The ability is endless.

"Good baby, no wonder these yellow apes are so strong, it must be related to this thing."

"It's so important, but it's not guarded by the yellow ape monster?"

After thinking about it carefully, it suddenly became clear that the second-order kizaru was the absolute overlord of this place. None of these first-order kizaru dared to go against its will.

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