Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 201 Raging Flames (please subscribe)

Most of them have...Wu Tao understood the meaning of Zhou Chongguan's words as soon as he heard it, and he said: "Shopkeeper, do you still have that kind of spiritual material?

Zhou Chongguan smiled and said: "It's not that there is nothing, but it will take a few days to mobilize it. The only things we have now are Qianren wood, gold velvet, platinum fine iron..."

‘The Blazing Spear has all four spiritual materials, only Jin Liuyi lacks three spiritual materials. ’ Thinking of this, Wu Tao said: “Please give me the ones you have, the shopkeeper, first, and I’ll go to other shops to check out the others first.”

After that, he reported the specific number of spiritual materials needed.

"Okay, fellow Taoist, please wait a moment." Zhou Chongguan immediately went to get the spiritual materials.

Not long after, Zhou Chongguan came back. He put all the spiritual materials on the table and said, "Fellow Taoist, can you take a look at the quantity and quality?"

Wu Tao immediately inspected the goods, and then after confirming that all the spiritual materials were qualified, he nodded and said: "There is no problem, how many spiritual stones?"

Zhou Chongguan said a number. When Wu Tao saw that the number was not outrageous and he was not slaughtered, he paid the spirit stone and was about to leave, but Zhou Chongguan called Wu Tao to stop him.

"Shopkeeper, what else can I do?" Wu Tao asked.

Zhou Chongguan cupped his hands and said, "I just heard from fellow Taoist that I want to go to another spiritual material store to buy other missing first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials?"

Wu Tao nodded and said: "Not bad.

You can't buy it here, and Lingxu Xiuxian City doesn't just have this spiritual material shop, there should be other stores, although this Lingxu Zhou's spiritual material shop is the largest spiritual material shop.

Zhou Chongguan bowed his hands and said, "I am Chongguan next week. How do you call me my friend?"

Seeing that the other party was so polite, Wu Tao would definitely come to this store again to buy spiritual materials in the future, so he politely responded: "Han Fan, I have met shopkeeper Zhou."

Zhou Zhongguan smiled and said: "It turns out that it's Master Han. I know all the first-level and ninth-level casual cultivation weapon masters in Lingxu Immortal City. Is Master Han probably the weapon master who just came to live in Lingxu Immortal City? Moreover, first-order and ninth-level weapon refiners all come to me to buy first-order and ninth-level spiritual materials. First-order and ninth-level spiritual materials are only available in my store. Korean weapon masters cannot buy them in other stores. of."

"I don't want Master Han's journey to be in vain... Master Han, you can leave an address. When those spiritual materials arrive, I will send someone to deliver them to you as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Wu Tao frowned slightly and asked doubtfully: "Don't other spiritual material stores sell first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials?"

If you put it this way, isn't the business of this ninth-level spiritual material monopolized by Zhou's spiritual material store? Looking at it again this week, the background is so big?

Zhou Chongguan took out a voucher, showed it to Wu Tao, and explained: "Master Han, look here, this is the voucher that allows the sale of first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials. I am the only one who has been able to get it, and other spiritual material shops have not." This voucher cannot sell first-level or ninth-level spiritual materials.

"I see." Wu Tao looked at it and saw that it was indeed stamped with the seal of the Lingxu Sect's office. It should not be fake. Who has the guts to use Lingxu Sect as a lie?

Unexpectedly, there is something like this in Lingxu Xiuxian City.

In this case, you can indeed leave an address.

After thinking about it, Wu Tao said: "If that's the case, I'll leave an address. When those spiritual materials arrive, I'll bother Shopkeeper Zhou to deliver them to me."

"Master Han is so polite." Zhou Chongguan said with a smile.

After leaving an address, Wu Tao left Lingxu Zhou's spiritual material shop. Then, when passing by other spiritual material shops, he went in and asked. Sure enough, there were no first-level or ninth-level spiritual materials for sale. The answer he got was that To purchase first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials, you can only buy them at Zhou's spiritual materials shop.

"That Zhou Zhongguan, it was amazing. He must have a background from the Lingxu Sect... He actually made a first-level and ninth-level spiritual material into his own business..." Wu Tao was surprised.

No wonder his shop dared to put the word "Lingxu" on it, but other shops didn't dare to put the word "Lingxu" on it casually.

"It seems that in the future, we can only do spiritual material business with this shopkeeper Zhou."

With this idea in mind, Wu Tao returned home.

After returning home and resting for a while, Wu Tao planned to refine the first-level and ninth-level flame gun.

The restrictions on the Blazing Spear have actually been drawn up in the West Inner City. It was just because there was no spiritual material that it was not refined. Now in Lingxu Xiuxian City, there will be no shortage of first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials. He can refining it with confidence. .

He practiced the dragon spear body tempering technique, and he could also use the raging flame spear. After refining the raging flame spear, he replaced the wind and thunder spear and used this raging flame spear.

After all, the Wind and Thunder Spear was only a first-level and seventh-level magic weapon, and it was not worthy of his current cultivation level.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon next to the refining seat, Wu Tao took out the four first- and ninth-level spiritual materials for refining the flame gun from the storage bag and put them aside, preparing to process the spiritual materials later.

The flame gun, as its name suggests, must be related to fire.

Therefore, in addition to the main body of platinum fine iron, there is also a spiritual material of fire cloud iron. Fire cloud iron is a kind of spiritual iron with flame cloud patterns on the surface. If it is used by cultivators who practice fire attribute skills, the spiritual energy infusion will Smoother.

Finally, gold copper with added elasticity and toughness is added, and strong Thousand Hammer Iron Essence is added.

These are the four spiritual materials used to refine the flame gun.

Wu Tao swallowed a purple spirit pill to restore his energy and spirit to the best state, and then began to process the spiritual materials.

The sparkling stone was thrown into the underground hall. With a little aura, the flames immediately rose. Wu Tao used the Xuanyuan weapon refining technique, and four pieces of iron flew to the top of the underground hall and began to be smelted with the sparkling stone.

Wu Tao's Xuanyuan weapon refining technique has reached the master level.

If we use the Dragon Spear Technique of Wind, Thunder and Fire Sweeping Style 2 as a reference, he has already reached the highest level, but has not yet perfected it. He has reached the master level in weapon refining techniques, fire control techniques, and fire making techniques.

It is very simple to obtain fire, sparks, flints and flames.

But the art of making fire was practiced to get earth fire, but Wu Tao didn't have earth fire to test it now.

It was the first time to refine a first-level and ninth-level magic weapon. Although Xuanyuan's weapon refining technique had reached the master level, Wu Tao had always been prudent, so he did not take it lightly, but concentrated on refining it.

As time goes by, the processing of spiritual materials, refining the embryos of magic weapons, and engraving the prohibitions have all been completed. Then comes the final step of shedding the embryos, and the spiritual materials and the prohibitions are completely integrated.


Wu Tao shouted softly in his heart, and the magical weapon suspended on the Spark Stone had already washed away the embryo, and the restraint was completely merged with the spiritual materials. A long magical weapon glowing with white light appeared in front of him.

Wu Tao stretched out his hand to take a shot, and the flame gun was held in his hand. The magic weapon spear was made from platinum fine iron. The whole body was platinum in color. In addition, it was mixed with fire cloud stone, and there was a pattern on the gun body. Blossoming flame cloud pattern.

Wu Tao's spiritual energy was poured into him, and the forbidden circuit was so smooth that he couldn't help but exclaimed: "What a good gun!"

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