Keeping a low profile in the world of cultivating immortals

Chapter 202 Testing the Talisman (please subscribe)

Wu Tao waved his hand, and the shotgun was suddenly blown away. He was very satisfied with the refined flame gun.

Unfortunately, the flame gun is not a popular magic weapon, but the magic sword is. When I open a shop in Lingxu Xiuxian City in the future, I will have to buy a first-level and ninth-level magic weapon refining secret book for magic swords. There is sales.

The gold-plated clothing is a defensive weapon, so it goes without saying that it sells well.

Fortunately, there is a ninth-level casual cultivation weapon master in Lingxu Immortal City, and there should be no shortage of first-level and ninth-level magical weapon refining secrets.

Wu Tao took out the wind and thunder gun from his storage bag and erased the mark on the wind and thunder gun. This wind and thunder gun was also about to be laid off. From now on, he would use this flame gun to perform the dragon gun technique.

Sitting cross-legged on the futon again, Wu Tao began to refine the restrictions in the flaming gun.

After a while, he refined the prohibition in the flame gun and left his own spiritual energy mark and divine mind mark.

"Wind and thunder!"

The moment the refining was completed, Wu Tao suddenly stood up and thrust a spear forward. A sonic boom sounded immediately. The flame cloud pattern on the flame gun seemed to come to life. Wind and thunder also grew at the tip of the gun, blasting out the front. A small vacuum area.

Of course, this was in the weapon refining room, so Wu Tao definitely couldn't use his full strength.

If you use your full strength, the nature will be completely different, and it will become a house demolition.

Moreover, this is a rented house, so you can't mess around. If it is demolished, the Lingxu Sect Housing Office will issue a stern warning or even a fine.

"Using the Flame Gun to perform the Wind and Thunder Style is much better than using the Wind and Thunder Gun to perform it. As expected, a powerful cultivation level should be equipped with a powerful magic weapon."

Wu Tao's face showed joy, and then he put the flame gun into his storage bag.

At this moment, the Soul-Eating Insect flew out of his mind again and sent him the thought of being hungry.

Wu Tao quickly comforted them, and then conveyed his thoughts to the soul-eating insects, saying that he would take them to the wild to hunt monsters for food tomorrow.

This time, the Soul-Eating Insect calmed down and stopped bothering him.

Wu Tao's original plan was to go to the wild to feed the Soul-Eating Insects in a few days, but under the current situation, the Soul-Eating Insects were obviously starving, so he could only go tomorrow.

Now that he has arrived at Lingxu Immortal City, Wu Tao plans to buy some books about strange insects to gain some knowledge about insect monsters.

Finally, there is the most detailed introduction to the Soul-Eating Insect.

So, after the second day, Wu Tao told Chen Yao and asked Chen Yao to stay at home and wait for him to come back, then he went out.

After going out, Wu Tao did not go directly to the wild, but went to the Shenghu Ya shop. As soon as he got the certificate of the weapon refiner, he was dragged to a restaurant by Zhou Shen to drink, so he gave up going to the Sheng Ya shop. Certificate of exemption.

Yesterday, I was buying spiritual materials and refining the flame gun, so I had no time.

Therefore, before going to the wild, Wu Tao planned to go to a housing store to get the certificate of exemption and reduction. If he gets it early, he can get the rent reduction or exemption sooner.

Arriving at Yahang, as soon as Wu Tao entered the door, the steward recognized him and said, "Fellow Taoist Han, have you certified the weapon refiner certificate?"

Wu Tao handed over the weapon refiner's certificate and said, "Thanks to the manager for the tip, it's done."

The manager of Yahang took it over and saw that it was the first-level and eighth-level weapon refiner certificate. He immediately smiled and said: "Master Han, I will help you get the exemption certificate right now. The first-level and eighth-level weapon refiner certificate is valid every month." Fifteen percent of the rent can be reduced, and if it is level one or nine, the rent can be reduced by 25%."

"When Han Weapon Master reaches level one and nine, if he goes to work in the Weapon Refining Hall, the rent will be reduced by 80%."

Wu Tao listened carefully to the information spoken by the steward of Yahang. After the voucher was obtained, the steward of Yahang returned the weapon refiner certificate to him and said: "Twelve days have passed this month, and the reduction will be extended to It’s next month.”

Wu Tao said: "I understand, thank you to the manager, then I will leave."

The manager of Yahang said: "Master Han, walk slowly."

For the senior San Cultivation Artifact Master, Yaxing Manager will also maintain the necessary respect. After all, he is also a part-time worker of Lingxu Sect, and he is not a disciple of Lingxu Sect, so his status is not that noble.

After coming out of Yaxing, Wu Tao went directly out of the inner city.

He came to Lingxu Immortal City by Feidu Xuzhou. He came to the inner city as soon as he arrived. Counting, he had not been out of the city. This was his first time out of the city.

There is a patrol of immortal cultivators on duty at the gate of the city, but there is no need to find out their identities.

Only in times of turmoil do you need to find out your identity.

Wu Tao went directly out of the inner city and walked on the streets of the outer city. Near the inner city, he saw that the outer city was clean and well-planned, and the buildings looked good. However, as he walked towards the outer city, things started to get messy and the buildings began to deteriorate. It's uneven, and there are all kinds of urine and feces smells...

It gave Wu Tao the illusion that he had returned to Xinde Lane when he first came to West Outer City.

Recalling Xinde Lane, he couldn't help but think of Zhang Li again.

He left the Five Spirit Realm and came to the Lingxu Realm. If nothing unexpected happened, he would settle down in the Lingxu Realm. After becoming a second-level weapon refiner, he might also be recruited by the Lingxu Sect and join the Lingxu Sect. .

Zhang Li, we may never meet again in this life.

Some people, as you walk, you don't know that this meeting may be the last time. This is life.

Thoughts flashed and memories were dispersed, Wu Tao had already left the outer city and arrived in the wild.

This was his first time in the wilderness of Lingxu Sect.

It is not as familiar as the wilderness when Five Spirits were cultivating in Immortal City, and the area is different, so Wu Tao's plan is to advance slowly and be cautious.

As soon as he came out of the wild, Wu Tao released the soul-eating insects as usual.

The Soul-eating Insect immediately flew forward, looking for beasts to gnaw on the soul.

Wu Tao also released his spiritual thoughts, extending ten miles ahead to check the situation ahead.

After all, Wu Tao is at the ninth level of Qi Refining, and he is invincible at the Qi Refining stage. Therefore, no matter how cautious he is, he has not encountered any danger. He has encountered a team of casual cultivators, but he sensed the ninth level of Qi Refining in him. As for his cultivation, he handed him over and passed him by.

As time passed, Wu Tao had penetrated eighty miles.

"Hey, there is a first-level intermediate monster nine miles ahead. It is also a monster that is good at defense. It has rough skin and thick flesh. It is just used to test the talisman."

Thinking of this, Wu Tao's face showed excitement. A green light flashed through the green leaf boat under his feet. In a few breaths, he had already reached the top of the first-level intermediate monster.

Then, he lightly touched the storage bag with his right hand, and a blue talisman was sandwiched between Wu Tao's index finger and middle finger.


Wu Tao let out a light drink and activated the talisman in his hand.

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