Wu Tao looked at the Blue Sky Golden Sea Talisman in his hand, and his expression changed. His original plan was to go to the wilds of Lingxu Xiuxian City to test the power of this low-level Talisman in a few days.

Of course, the main purpose of going to the wild is to feed the soul-eating insects.

The Soul-Eating Insect originally ate once every seven days, but since the 12 days since Flying across the Void Boat, plus the current 10 days, it has been 22 days without eating.

Hungry thoughts have been sent to him many times.

Even now, the need to eat is being sent to his mind, like a child crying for milk.

When he first came to Lingxu Immortal City, Wu Tao released two first-level low-level ghosts from the Yin Soul Banner to satisfy the Soul-Eating Insects, but it was a drop in the bucket and definitely not enough.

"I'm so lucky!"

Wu Tao's eyes still fell on the Blue Sky Golden Sea Talisman, with a happy expression on his face. Fortunately, he planned to temper his soul today, and fortunately Master Ding took action to eliminate the mark on the Blue Sky Golden Sea Talisman.

Otherwise, if he gets excited in the wild in a few days, he can't be sure whether his traces will be tracked by Wuquan Mountain.

"However, now that Master Ding has eliminated the mark, this talisman can be used with confidence." Master Ding took action, and he must have been very confident.

If there is anyone in the world of immortality who least wants something to happen to Wu Tao, it must be Master Ding.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have saved him again and again.

"Master Ding's great kindness, I will definitely remember it. If I have the opportunity, I will kill a few more devils from the corpse tunnel to satisfy Master Ding." Wu Tao put the talisman back into the storage bag, and his spiritual thoughts sank into his mind again, and he said to the coffin nail said.

Putting this matter aside for the time being, Wu Tao began to ask Coffin Nails to help him refine his spiritual thoughts.

His spiritual thoughts dropped to the limit and then returned to the limit, repeated over and over again. Now they are extremely condensed, and he can use magic weapons and cast spells as he pleases, and he can do whatever he wants.

The use of spiritual thoughts is getting more and more sophisticated.

But it's still far from breaking through the limits.

"Master Ding, come on!"

The coffin nail shook slightly, and the black ripples fainted. Wu Tao immediately felt the indescribable pain arising from his spiritual thoughts. He had experienced this kind of pain many times and was still unable to get used to it. Every time he was tempered, it was extremely painful.

After tempering it once, Wu Tao's spiritual thoughts were shortened by forty meters from the limit.

After practicing for a while and reaching the limit of ten miles in the Qi refining period, he will look for coffin nails to refine his spiritual thoughts again.

"I hope that before the Qi Refining Period is complete, I can break through the limit of my spiritual thoughts during the Qi Refining Period. Otherwise, I found the Foundation Establishment Pill and established the foundation. Wouldn't the pain of tempering my spiritual thoughts be in vain?"

Wu Tao thought.

Moreover, if he breaks the shackles of his spiritual thoughts during the Qi Refining Period early, it will also be helpful for him to find the Foundation Establishment Pill in the future.

Even though he now has the belief that he is invincible during the Qi refining period, he will be more confident as his strength increases.

Wu Tao's current clothes were all soaked. After he recovered for a while and the pain of tempering his mind gradually disappeared, he took out dry clothes from his storage bag and put them on, and then swallowed the Purple Spirit Pill to restore his condition.

After recovering, Wu Tao took out the purchased Tianxinghua and other elixirs for tempering the spinal dragon, refined the medicinal liquid, then took out the medicinal cauldron and began to brew the medicinal liquid, and was about to start refining the marrow.

His marrow refining level has not improved for nearly half a month.

Still 81% progress.

After the Tianxinghua liquid was quenched and the liquid in the medicine cauldron was brewed, Wu Tao began to refine the marrow.

After finishing today's marrow refining, he went to call Chen Yao to come to the training room and practice the Qingling Sword Sutra together.

The time of cultivation always flies by, and this day passes quietly.

the next day.

Chen Yao still stayed at home. Now that she came to Lingxu Xiuxian City, there was no shop, so she did not need to go to the shop and could only stay at home to practice.

Wu Tao went outside.

Today, he was going to buy the spiritual materials for refining gold gilded clothes and flaming spears.

Since there is a ninth-level casual weapon master here, the first-level and ninth-level weapon refining materials are bound to be circulated in the market.

When he was in Wu Ling Xiu Immortal City, Wu Tao asked Lin Xinquan to help him purchase goods from other Xiu Immortal City, but now, he left Xinner City quietly, feeling a little sorry for Lin Xinquan.

I can only wait until I build the foundation later, and have some ability to protect myself, then go back to Wulingxiu Immortal City and say sorry to Lin Xinquan.

Before Wu Tao left home, he also released the soul-eating insects and stayed at home to protect Chen Yao. This was not Wuquan Mountain, but the territory of Lingxu Sect. The soul-eating insects had the shadow of Wuquan Mountain, but not the shadow of Lingxu Sect. He So I'm not worried.

When they came to the street, Wu Tao was also observing the casual cultivators and patrol teams in Lingxu Xiuxian City to see what the order was like here.

You still have to feel these subtleties by yourself.

Not long after, Wu Tao came to a shop called 'Lingxu Zhou's Spiritual Materials Shop'. According to the map given by the guide named Xu, this was the largest spiritual material shop in Lingxu Xiuxian City, and there would definitely be what he needed. Spiritual material.

When he walked into this spiritual materials shop, he did not use the bone-transformation technique to cover up the smell of Sparkstone on his body.

His current identity is a weapon refiner. A weapon refiner comes to buy spiritual materials. Knowing the price of spiritual materials makes him less likely to be ripped off.

Moreover, immortal cultivators who deal in spiritual materials and have been dealing with weapon refiners for many years should be able to identify the weapon refiners based on the smell of sparks.

Sure enough, as soon as Wu Tao came in, the other party smelled the sparkling stone on his body, and immediately raised his hand and called: "What kind of spiritual materials does this fellow weapon refiner need?"

Zhou Chongguan smelled the extremely mellow sparkling smell on Wu Tao's body. He had been in the spiritual material business for more than forty years, and he instantly knew that Wu Tao must be a first-level advanced weapon refiner.

Moreover, his ancestor was once a second-level weapon refiner in the Lingxu Sect's weapon refinement hall, but that was hundreds of years ago.

It's a pity that the glory of the ancestors is no longer there, and the descendants of the younger generations are not living up to their expectations. No one has built a foundation or become a second-level weapon refiner. They have gradually become casual cultivators, but they rely on the little legacy left by their ancestors and their own efforts. (Thanks to his connections), he still opened a spiritual material shop in Lingxu Xiuxian City and lived a very prosperous life.

It's a pity that he wanted to restore the glory of his ancestor as a second-level weapon refiner, but he couldn't. Neither his generation nor his son's generation had the talent for weapon refining, and the highest achievement in weapon refining was only a first-level and sixth-level weapon refiner. .

Wu Tao looked at Zhou Chongguan, cupped his hands and said: "Shopkeeper, I need the first-order ninth-grade Qianren wood, the first-order ninth-grade money velvet, the first-order ninth-grade demon silkworm royal silk... the first-order ninth-grade platinum fine iron..."

Wu Tao mentioned eleven first-level and ninth-level spiritual materials in one breath, seven of which were gold-plated clothes. The flame gun was mainly made of platinum refined iron and only required four spiritual materials.

Hearing Wu Tao's words, Zhou Chongguan suddenly showed a smile on his face, cupped his hands and said: "It turns out that I am a first-level ninth-level weapon refiner, fellow Taoist, I am disrespectful... We have most of the spiritual materials that fellow Taoist needs in our store..."

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