Chapter 185: Akai Shuichi tries hard, but Akemi refuses!

In the coffee shop, sitting by the window.

Akemi Miyano holds a silver spoon in her hand, stirring the coffee in front of her.

Akai Shuichi looks out the window, his eyes are extremely complicated.

Neither of them speaks.

After a long time,

Akai Shuichi speaks first.

“Mingmei, I’m sorry!”

“I know your situation very well, but as an FBI investigator, I need to seek orders from my superiors for everything I do.”

“The organization is too important, and they keep a close eye on me.”

“If I don’t have a suitable reason and the consent of my superiors, I can’t come back here easily to avoid unnecessary losses.”

“I must obey the overall situation!”

He said in a serious tone.

Especially when he looked at Miyano Akemi, his eyes looked very serious and cold.


He admitted that he was sincere to Miyano Akemi, otherwise he would not have chosen to break up with Judy Stein because of lurking.

But, at the same time, personal feelings can only be ranked second in his heart.

The first one is always work!

The FBI’s mission is the most important in his heart.

In order to complete the mission, he is willing to give up everything.

And, in this regard, silence!

Miyano Akemi frowned and did not speak for a long time.

Li Ze had analyzed the problem about Akai Shuichi for her before.

So, she was not surprised at all when she heard this.

After pondering for a long time, she slowly spoke.


“Oh no, I’ll just call you Xiuyi.”

“I understand what you said, and I really have never held a grudge against you.”

“You have your own job, I can’t be too selfish!”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not important anymore!”

“It’s all over and I’m safe now”

“My current boss, Li Zejun, has reached a consensus with the organization.”

“As long as Shiho and I don’t become enemies with the organization, the organization won’t bother us anymore.”

“I am actually very satisfied with my current situation.”

“No need to worry about being hunted down by the organization, you can enjoy peace and sunshine and live a peaceful life.”

“My sister Shiho and I don’t have big ambitions.”

“As long as we can live in peace, we don’t care about anything else”

“So, Shuichi”

“I will still treat you as a friend, but don’t talk to me about the organization. I don’t want to talk about the organization either.”

“”We sisters have finally found peace, please don’t try to destroy it, okay?”

Miyano Akemi said in a serious tone.

Although the look she gave Akai Shuichi was still filled with a hint of attachment, her words were merciless.


The feelings between her and Akai Shuichi were real, and it would be nonsense to let them go easily.

But, at the same time.

Although she was in love, she was definitely not stupid.

She understood better how difficult it was for herself and Shiho to enjoy the peace quietly.

Although she loved Akai Shuichi very much, she loved Miyano Shiho as her sister even more.

Just like Akai Shuichi loved work more, she was willing to let go for the safety of the two sisters. Abandon this lover!


After roughly guessing Shuichi Akai’s intention, she directly refused without waiting for him to speak.

Shuichi Akai frowned slightly.

He really didn’t expect that Akemi Miyano would be so direct.

He hadn’t even said his intention yet, and he was rejected directly?


Akemi Miyano’s reason made him unable to refute.


Why would she put her sisters in danger again for her own sake?.


What really surprised him and didn’t understand was Li Zehe’s words about the transaction with the organization.

He hesitated for a moment and slowly spoke


“I don’t know much about Li Ze.”

“But I still think you should be cautious. The dark organization is too big and is a global evil force.”

“I don’t think that Li Ze has this ability.”


From Shuichi Akai’s point of view, Li Ze was just bragging.

What a joke?

FBI, CIA, MI6 and other major intelligence organizations around the world have been defeated by the dark organization for so many years. Why is Li Ze qualified to trade with the organization?

This is why he dared to come to Miyano Akemi!

After all, in his opinion.

Now Miyano Akemi and her sister are fine, but this is only temporary!

When the organization really takes action, they will all die.

Now that he has come forward and taken out the FBI’s witness protection order, it is not difficult to convince Miyano Akemi!

But, I never thought.

Before he could say these words, he was directly rejected by Miyano Akemi, and even made such a ridiculous statement.

He, of course, didn’t believe it


So, on the one hand, in order to save Miyano Akemi and her sister.

But, on the other hand, in order to complete his own plan!

He decided to persuade Miyano Akemi once.

But, it was a pity.

After hearing this, Miyano Akemi’s face remained unchanged. She shook her head slightly and said

“Xiuyi, you don’t understand”

“Li Zejun is different from you. He is not an official organization, but a private chaebol.”

“Umbrella not only has its own armed forces, but also cooperates with PMC contractors in the United States. It has also formed an alliance with the Suzuki family, the largest financial group in the East. Li Ze is not the small role you think.”

“And unlike the FBI, you need to get approval from your superiors before you can do anything, and you even have to consider whether there is evidence, whether you can catch them all, and many other issues.”.00

“The problem is, Li Ze doesn’t need it!”

“As long as he wants to, he can launch revenge without any evidence!”

“The organization cannot afford this kind of loss!”

“Even if you can afford it, there is no need to do so because the cost-effectiveness is too low!”

“Not to mention private chaebols and organizations, nor official organizations like the FBI, which really have endless grudges and entanglements.”

“So, Shuichi-kun!”

“The dark organization dares to provoke the FBI, but does not want to provoke private chaebols!”

“I did not lie to you!”

“Didn’t you notice?”

“I no longer use the pseudonym Hirota Masami. Wherever I go, I use the name Miyano Akemi.”

“For such a long time, the organization has not taken action against me”

“Even, I’m not afraid to tell you”

“When I went to Shibuya last month, I even found vodka and gin on the way.”

“But they just looked at me and ignored me and left.”

“Shuichi-kun, do you understand?”

“My sister and I are now truly safe and free!”

“I don’t want to have any entanglement with the organization.”

“I know that you came to Jiaobenji this time not to find me specifically. It is very likely that you want to deal with the Dark Organization!”

“But, for these”

“I have no interest in it, and I don’t want to know.”

“If you want to eat, drink and have fun with me, then I welcome you and am willing to host you.”

“But, other”

“Sorry four!”


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