Chapter 186: Ended in vain, cold-blooded Akai!

Miyano Akemi, telling the story.


Because Li Ze knew Miyano Akemi’s character a long time ago, he had expected Akai Shuichi to use her as a breakthrough, so he had let her know some secrets in advance.

There was no way.

Miyano Shiho was his wife, and Akemi was also his sister-in-law.

Although her ability was limited, Li Ze could not give up on her.

As for these news, will the FBI know about it?


Li Ze, it doesn’t matter.

After all, these news may not be accessible to ordinary people, but they are not secrets in the high-level circles. Even if the FBI knows about it, it won’t cause any waves!

Li Ze has such a big circle, but in fact, there is only one core focus.

That is, to stabilize Miyano Akemi!


If it weren’t for not giving Miyano Akemi a sense of security, according to the behavior logic of this stupid woman, as long as Akai Shuichi threw out an olive branch, for the safety of her and her sister, she would definitely be counted by the”one zero zero” FBI.

For Li Ze, Miyano Akemi is not important.

But if it is because of Miyano Akemi that Miyano Shiho is affected, that is a big deal.

This is also the real reason why she can remain calm when facing Akai Shuichi.:”……”

He was slightly stunned.


Miyano Akemi’s words did shock him.

He knew Li Ze.

After all, such a big incident happened and all the Miyano sisters were arrested. How could he not investigate?

It’s just a pity.

He only conducted an ordinary basic investigation. Because he didn’t pay attention to Li Ze, he did not use the core resources of the FBI.


Through his ordinary background check, in his eyes, Li Ze was just an ordinary businessman.

Even if he had a little industry, he, as an FBI, didn’t take it seriously. In his opinion, Li Ze was just a little lucky. He didn’t know the rest.

Now through Miyano Akemi’s words, he reacted instantly.


If Li Ze was really that simple, why didn’t the dark organization react at all?

He was so stupid!

Because he was too arrogant, his attention was focused on the organization, and he didn’t investigate Li Ze specifically.

He has his own armed forces and is connected with the Eagle Sauce PMC?

He pondered for a while and spoke slowly

“So that’s how it is!”

“Since you and your sister are out of danger, I won’t say any more.”

“But, Mingmei!”

“The nature of chaebols is to seek profit. I suggest you sisters give it some thought.”

“The FBI can provide you with a witness protection program, and you can turn around and live a peaceful life in the Eagle Sauce. In my opinion, this is the best solution.”

“Of course, it’s not mandatory!”

“How to choose, you think about it yourself”

“All I can give is advice, and it’s for your own good.”

“This is my contact information. If you are interested, you can contact me.”

“It’s getting late, let’s go back early!”


Akai Shuichi’s expression remained unchanged.

After he finished speaking, he did not give Miyano Akemi a chance to speak. He nodded and left.


Although he also liked Miyano Akemi very much, and even felt a little guilty about her.

But, at the same time, what he really cared about was the identity and mission of the FBI, as well as the actions against the dark organization!

Since Miyano Akemi had already refused, and it seemed difficult to convince the other party, there was no need to waste time.

On the other side,

Miyano Akemi opened her mouth slightly.

Originally… she wanted to say something, but looking at Akai Shuichi’s back, she finally shook her head bitterly.

After a long time, she murmured.

“Maharaj…Oh no, Shuichi!”

“You, you’re wrong.”

“Li Ze will definitely protect us brothers and sisters. After all, Shiho is Li Ze’s wife.”

“And she is not a woman he just plays with, on the contrary, she is his legally married wife!”

“But, forget it!”

“I am very satisfied with my current life. I will not allow your presence to make us sisters step back into darkness.”

“So, I’m sorry.”

“Just like Li Ze and Shiho said, there is no possibility between you and me!”

“We are not from the same world, so……”

“”My Lord, take care!”

Miyano Akemi had a bitter mouth.

Obviously, even though she was abandoned by Akai Shuichi, she still liked him in her heart.

But, unfortunately, just like Akai Shuichi had his choice, Miyano Akemi also had her own choice.

So, there is no right or wrong, only choice!

Taking a deep breath, Miyano Akemi stood up.

Her eyes began to become solemn, as if she had made a choice in her heart.

It seemed that after this incident

, her thoughts about Akai Shuichi were completely cut off by her own hands.


On the other side.

Outside the coffee shop, in the public telephone booth.

Although Akai Shuichi’s eyes were also slightly sad, he still suppressed it easily in his heart.

Just like before, in order to infiltrate the Black Organization, he chose to break up with Judy directly and forced himself to fall in love with Miyano Akemi. Now he still chose to make a choice for the mission, so that he could completely cut off his love for Miyano Akemi..


So, he took a deep breath.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes became cold again.

He lit a cigarette, then inserted a coin and dialed.

When the call was connected, he spoke in a calm tone.

“James, A certificate failed”

“I failed to contact Akemi Miyano, she rejected my proposal”

“Next I will unfold, Plan B!”

“in addition……”

“Use the FBI’s internal A-level authority to urgently collect all of Li Ze’s information”

“The information I collected before was wrong. I want to get all his information tonight.”

“Speed must be fast!”

“Before confronting the organization, I need to make sure whether this guy Li Ze will affect our plan.”

“From what Miyano Akemi said, Li Ze has his own armed forces and is involved with a private PMC of Eagle Sauce.”

“I want to get the information about Li Ze tonight!”

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

James Blake was also thinking.

After all, the information sent by Shuichi Akai broke the FBI’s layout.

Even A-level authority had to be used?

He was just a team leader of the Operations Department of the FBI headquarters, and he was not even a regional leader.

Of course he had A-level authority.

But he could only have it three times a year, so was it necessary to use it on Li Ze?

However… the news about Shuichi Akai made him silent.

Li Ze had his own armed forces and was even involved with the Eagle 0.4 Sauce private PMC?

To be honest, he didn’t quite believe it!

After all, judging from the current intelligence, Li Ze was just an ordinary person before.

Although he was related to the Odagiri family, and it seemed that his luck was not bad, he had just entered the chaebol.

Being involved with PMC, what was he doing?

However, out of trust in Shuichi Akai, he finally agreed.

Shuichi Akai hung up the phone.

Then, he left the phone booth with his hands in his pockets, glanced indifferently at the dark night sky, and then returned to his current safe house.

The FBI is extremely fast!

Although it is not a giant like the CIA that has a huge influence all over the world.

But, the same.

As a violent department of the Eagle Sauce, Jiaobenji is a territorial territory of the Eagle Sauce.


In just two hours, all the information about Li Ze was retrieved under James’ A-level authority.


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