Chapter 184: Judy is in a good mood, Akai Shuichi shows up!

Li Ze, very casual.

This routine is very common in the future, and it is almost everywhere.

There is no need to hide it!

Because it is just a means, the most important thing is the foundation.

If you are not a capitalist, even if you know some means, you have no platform to display them.





The four people present were all confused.

Oh my goodness!

Is there such a solution?

That’s why.

The eyes of everyone looking at Li Ze instantly became complicated.

No wonder he can make money!

In the past, I thought Li Ze was just lucky, and he could rise by annexing other chaebols.

But, now?

Looking at his current methods, he is really capable!


Except for Yuanzi’s mild beating and scolding of Li Ze for lying, this matter was naturally easily covered.

Ten minutes later, at an intersection.

Everyone parted with Judy, who smiled at this.


“See you at school tomorrow!”

“”Bye, cool boy!”

Judy smiled and waved.

But when she said the last sentence, her tone began to sound calm and cold. Xiaolan and the others were still confused about this

, but when they turned their heads, they saw Judy turned and left.

Therefore, although they were confused, they didn’t think much about it.

After shaking their heads, they turned and left.

Li Ze:”……”

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Of course, he understood the meaning of Judy’s last sentence.

It was very obvious.

Although she did not react to Conan’s sneak attack just now.

But after waking up and understanding all the information, and knowing that she was the guest detective, she reacted instantly.

After all.

She is not Sonoko and Kogoro, and she can’t be fooled easily.

But, at the same time.

What does this have to do with him? In the matter at hand, he is at most a fun person.

In addition.

The FBI is one of Conan’s plug-ins. Although the Eagle Sauce has no morals, the character of Judy and other supporting characters in the plot can still be trusted.

Maybe they have their own pursuits, but when it comes to right and wrong, they can still make clear choices.

This”God of Wealth” may suffer a little, but his life is still safe.


On the other side.

In the northwest corner of Shinjuku, Richpeople Apartment!

This is one of the top apartments under Linghua Real Estate.

Room 2104, 21st floor.

Judy was sitting on the luxurious sofa with a serious face. She was holding a cup of coffee in her left hand and a mobile phone in her back hand, chatting with the other end of the phone with a smile.

“Yes, that’s right!”

“A lot has happened, just as you expected, I’m not bored here at all”

“Now I have some idea about one of the goals.”

“For the target name, just write RottenApple!”

“Rotten apple, just right!”

“However, in addition to this”

“On the contrary, another child also caught my attention.”

“He has strong thinking and reasoning abilities, and I even suffered a small loss at his hands!”

“It’s okay. It’s okay.”

“I can handle it myself, you should be careful on your side.”

“Judging from today’s contact, Li Ze is not an ordinary person.”

“You must be careful with your actions!”

“”Okay, I’m hanging up!”

Judy said in a serious tone.

After she hung up the phone, she yawned and went to the bathroom.

She opened the dark board on the dressing table and saw many photos and the introductions written on them.

After a moment of hesitation

, she drew a big question mark under Conan’s photo.

“Cool guy……”

“I can feel that you are not simple”

“Are you really just a primary school student?”

“Kudo Shinichi just disappeared and you suddenly appeared”

“And with the disappearance of Kudo Shinichi, after you appeared in the Mori Detective Agency, Mori Kogoro became a famous detective”

“And what happened to me today, could this be the ‘Sleeping Kogoro’?”

“But, it’s incredible!”

“But thinking of that rotten apple, I couldn’t understand why she hadn’t changed after all these years.”

“I don’t believe that mother and daughter can be so similar in appearance and personality.”

“Is her situation similar to yours?”

“Haha, really……”

“Things are starting to become more and more interesting!”


On the street in Beika Town, a man wearing a windbreaker, long hair and a knitted hat hung up the phone and walked out of the phone booth.

With a cigarette in his mouth, he looked up at the gloomy sky and sighed after a long time.

“You are… the Great Lord?”

At this moment

, a cry came from behind the man.

Hearing this

, the man turned around and looked at the woman in front of him. After a long time, he slowly said:”Amei, long time no see!”


The woman in front of him was Miyano Akemi.

She had just been shopping with Shiho all day today, and they had just finished dinner together and separated.

After all,

Miyano Shiho was going to the laboratory to see the recent research progress.

For a place with such a high level of confidentiality, even if Miyano Shiho was Li Ze’s woman, he could not easily take Miyano Akemi there casually.

Although… as long as Miyano Shiho asked, Li Ze would definitely not refuse.

But, haha. It

‘s just a laboratory. Who would be interested in that except for spy agents?

“Well, long time no see!”

Miyano Akemi smiled bitterly and said:”How are you doing now?”

Her face was complicated.

Looking at the man in front of her, she didn’t know what to say except a helpless smile.


As Miyano Shiho’s sister, although her ability is not very good, as Li Ze’s sister-in-law, Li Ze is naturally responsible for her safety.


Li Ze naturally did not hide anything from this great lord in her mind, and directly confessed everything.

After all, he was also afraid.

Miyano Akemi, who was in love, was fooled. Li Ze didn’t care whether she lived or died, but Li Ze was afraid that it would affect Miyano Shiho!

So at this time, Miyano Akemi naturally understood that this man, whose real name was Akai Shuichi.

The ace investigator from the FBI, contacted her just to infiltrate the organization.

There was no emotion between them.

At most, he was just using her!

That’s why.

Seeing Akai Shuichi again at this time, her eyes were of course very complicated.


Under normal circumstances, the two of them could not meet.

Shuichi Akai’s range of activities should be in the Eagle Sauce area.

But, what about now?

Since they met at Jiaobenji, it naturally means that the other party wants to target the organization!


In such a vast sea of people, it would be too difficult to meet unless there is a connection!

If it were not deliberately arranged, she and Shuichi Akai would never meet so easily.

So, now.

Is it really just a coincidence that she and Shuichi Akai met?

Although Miyano Akemi is a love-brained person, she is definitely not a fool.

So, in an instant.

She realized that something was wrong!

On the other side.

Although Shuichi Akai also found that Miyano Akemi’s eyes were not right.

But he didn’t care about it.

After all.

As an ace investigator of the FBI, he naturally knew Akemi’s current situation very well.

After a little hesitation, he slowly spoke

“Well, it’s okay”

“Do you have time now? Let’s chat.”

“There is a coffee shop in front of us, and the food there is pretty good.”

Miyano Akemi was very confused.

She could sense that Akai Shuichi’s intention was not stupid, but thinking of the feelings between the two of them, she nodded after a long pause.

Then, she followed Akai Shuichi and they went straight to the coffee shop.


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