Chapter 183 Everyone: Damn the rich man!

Kojima Watanabe, flattering.

And, this time.

He is sincere!

He feels that his boss’s methods are indeed more powerful than he thought.


Li Ze did not say much about this, and waved his hand to let him do it.

Kojima Watanabe bowed, and then left with the reporters.

After he went to make arrangements, Officer Megure came over:”Li Zejun, what’s the situation?”

In fact, it’s not just him.

Even Xiaolan Yuanzi and others, looking at the scene in front of them, are also confused.

“Yes, Li Zejun!”

“What exactly happened?”

“What are these reporters here for?”

Everyone present started to speak.

Everyone’s eyes showed a touch of confusion and astonishment.

Even Teacher Judy, who had just woken up, was frowning and thinking after learning the whole story. She looked at Conan with strange eyes, and she couldn’t help but be attracted by Li Ze’s behavior.

His student is really interesting!

Li Ze shrugged when he saw this.

“Uh, sorry.”

“It’s nothing serious, just some backup measures”

“This building is mine. A murder happened today. It will definitely affect my future business.”

“I’m just trying my best to salvage it a little bit.”

Others’ mouths twitched.

This building, is it Li Ze’s?

Damn it.

Everyone who heard this couldn’t help but curse the rich man in their hearts!

Even Conan almost sprained his waist when he heard it.

Damn it!

No wonder Li Ze was so fierce today, and he solved the case without saying a word.

After all this time, the building is yours!

So I was also used by Li Ze?

Thinking of this, Conan looked at Li Ze with a very resentful look in his eyes.

On the other side.

Kojima Watanabe, the person in charge of this building, also started the various performances taught by Li Ze in front of the cameras of many reporters.

“Dear audience friends, dear family members!”

“Just an hour ago, a murder occurred in our building.”

“The occurrence of this case has made all the staff in our building feel extremely sad!”

“The specific reason is that a gangster named Oto Kengo not only skipped work every day to play games, but also tricked the murderer Shimizu Takao’s sister into making money to help him pay off his debts every day, and even caused the murderer’s sister to be severely malnourished.”

“As a company with a sense of social responsibility, we were shocked when we heard about this incident, and we also felt very sad and angry.”

“Therefore, after discussion, our building has decided that in the future, the game hall will not only refuse minors under the age of twelve, but also”

“Our building will never accept unemployed hooligans like Oto Kengo!”

“We don’t make this money!”

“For this reason, we hope that everyone will supervise us. Our building adheres to the people-oriented……”

Kojima Watanabe began his speech.

Then, reporters from all walks of life began to ask questions.

Of course, since they were all family members, the reporters would not cause trouble, but were very cooperative.

Ten minutes later, after the reporters finished asking Kojima Watanabe questions, they all swarmed towards the Metropolitan Police Department.

“Officer, what is your opinion on this case?”

“May I ask this officer if I can interview the murder suspect?”

“Excuse me……”

Many reporters started talking.

Megure Jusan looked at the microphones that were handed to him, and a row of black lines appeared on his forehead.

Damn it!

This is not the Metropolitan Police Department, but the crime scene!

It’s ok for you reporters to block the entrance of the Metropolitan Police Department, but now you’re blocking the crime scene?

And, in response to this.

Li Ze quietly walked over and said in a low voice

“Officer Megure, please help me”

“In order to eliminate the impact of the building, this is also the only way”

“I owe you a favor!”

Megure Jusan’s mouth twitched.

However, not to mention that Li Ze was willing to owe him a favor, even for the sake of Superintendent Odagiri, he had to help with this small favor.

Not to mention, Li Ze knows how to behave!

He was full of emotion about this young man.

No wonder he could build such a big career at such a young age.

Li Ze’s favor is quite valuable.

For a police captain like him who can only wait for retirement, it is even more difficult to measure with money…

So, without hesitation,

Megure Jusan coughed, and then solemnly accepted the interview.


Want to interview the murder suspect?

If it follows the procedure, it is definitely not allowed.

Before the prosecution of the procuratorate is completed, the murder suspect shall not accept any interview Interview.

But… since Li Ze has spoken, what’s this little thing?

So, I agreed!

Although Shimizu Takashi, who had handcuffs on his hands, was still a little confused about the situation at this time, he naturally accepted the interview directly when he thought about letting everyone know about the asshole behavior of Kengo Bito.

Facing many cameras, he began to complain. He felt it was not worth it for his sister, and all kinds of asshole operations of Kengo Bito.

Twenty minutes later.

Many reporters who had collected enough materials naturally left the building one after another.

The Metropolitan Police Department directly withdrew the team.

Li Ze, Xiaolan and others also left the game hall and embarked on the journey home.

Everyone is happy!

On the street.

Sonoko frowned and thought for a long time, and couldn’t help but said:”I say, Li Ze!”

But, it’s a pity.

Before Sonoko finished speaking, she was interrupted by Li Ze.

“You’re calling me the wrong name!


The corners of her mouth twitched.

Although she was very unhappy, she still gritted her teeth and said

“Brother-in-law! Is that all right?”

“Tell me quickly, what do you think?”

“Can the loss of popularity after a murder be covered up by just a few reporters interviewing?”


She was very interested in this.

Li Ze was stunned when he heard it:”It’s really weird, you are interested in business?”

“”Stop talking nonsense and speak quickly!”

Yuanzi was very angry and said immediately:”I am only interested in this matter!”

Yes. Yuanzi was very unhappy with Li Ze, a playboy who made his sister suffer! But, there was nothing she could do! Everyone in the family agreed, and she had no choice! So, apart from being sarcastic, she had no other choice. Others also became interested. After hearing Yuanzi’s question, they naturally looked at Li Ze. Everyone wanted to know what Li Ze was thinking. And, for this. Li Ze did not hide his thoughts, and after a little hesitation, he slowly spoke.

“Actually, it’s nothing!”

“The murder has already happened, and it cannot be changed.”

“In order to recover a certain amount of economic losses, they can only use a more popular event to cover up the murder that has already happened.”

“In this case, talk about corporate responsibility, lower the price slightly to give some benefits, and then stir up the topic”


“Naturally, everyone stopped talking about the murder case and instead started paying attention to the building itself!”

“Even if the building is great and has a sense of social responsibility, if it can be accepted by everyone, the traffic of the building may become even higher.”


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