Chapter 178 After the Suzukis left, Butler Ochiai said: Boss, you have to go to school tomorrow!

In the living room of Li Ze’s house.

Unlike the serious atmosphere in the study, Ayako and Tomoko were just chatting about family matters.

Ayako’s eyes flickered.

She found a chance and couldn’t help asking

“Yes, Mom”

“Is the company not busy today?”

“You and your dad are usually so busy that you don’t even have time to go back to sleep.”

“How come they are suddenly free today? They even come to visit the Kudo family?”

Ayako was indeed puzzled by this.


Just as she said, the Suzuki couple are usually very busy.

The entire Suzuki family has too many industries. Although there are managers in charge, many things cannot be done without their approval.

Not to mention.

To cultivate relationships with other chaebols and elites from all walks of life supported by them, they naturally have to attend various banquets…

So, in general.

Although the Suzuki family is strong enough, her parents are also busier.

Over the years.

Even she and Sonoko, the siblings, rarely see their parents.

That’s why she doesn’t understand.

What’s wrong with her parents today? Why do they suddenly have time?

Could it be…

Thinking of Li Ze talking to him about the weirdness of the Kudo family that night on the cruise ship, she naturally wanted to test it out at this time.

And, in this regard.

Suzuki Tomoko’s face did not change.

She didn’t know what her daughter was thinking, and she just smiled and said when she heard it

“Yeah, free time!”

“It’s really strange. I was so busy yesterday, but today I’m suddenly free.”

“Secretary Nishino has not made any arrangements regarding either the banquet or company management!”

“It just so happened that the Kudo family came to ask for help, hoping that your father and I could help. My husband and I thought that since we had nothing to do, it would be a good idea to go out and relax.”

“Especially when you think about it, I haven’t been here for five or six years!”

“Since I’m free anyway, it would be nice to come over and visit, right?”

“Also, your dad’s side”

“He found two chaebols to invest in the 3G mobile phone business, and he also happened to need to talk to Li Ze”

“This happened to be a coincidence, so my husband and I talked and finally decided to come together.……”

“Anyway, the Kudo family and the Li Ze family are together.”

“Just right, let’s get it done at once!”

Suzuki Tomoko said casually.

But Ayako couldn’t help but gasp when she heard this.

Good guy!

Isn’t this too coincidental? He is usually busy and can’t stop, but when something happens to the Kudo family, he happens to be free?

If she hadn’t heard Li Ze’s analysis before, Ayako might not have thought too much about it, and she would probably just think it was a coincidence.

But now.

She has no choice but to remain silent!

Thinking of Li Ze’s warning to her again, she couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

It seems that the Kudo family is indeed wrong.

Especially when she thinks that after her family and the Kudo family have a good relationship, her family’s troubles have indeed become smaller…

After pondering for a while, she couldn’t help but be secretly shocked.

Her fiancé Li Ze, his consideration is right.

For the Kudo family, there is really no need to get too close, but you still have to maintain at least friendship.

“Ayako, what’s wrong?”

Suzuki Tomoko spoke again:”What are you thinking about?”

Obviously, she didn’t understand!

Why did she suddenly think after hearing what she said?

Is there anything wrong with what she said just now?

And, in response,

Ayako just shook her head, and then smiled and said

“No, nothing.”

“I was thinking about the Kudo family and that guy Kudo Shinichi. I don’t know whether I should envy him or sympathize with him.”

“He achieved rejuvenation, which many people wanted, but because of this, he lost his love for Xiaolan. Now it seems that there is absolutely no possibility of future…”

“Mom, did you notice when we were eating just now?”

“Kudo Shinichi’s expression was quite ugly!”

“Especially when Li Zejun was talking about his little girlfriend, whose name seemed to be Ayumi, Kudo Shinichi was so furious!”

“Now that I think about it, it’s really interesting!”


Ayako didn’t mean to elaborate on the weirdness of the Kudo family.

After all, in her opinion, the Suzuki family and the Kudo family are now on good terms.

If her parents really knew about this, they would definitely be wary of the Kudo family.

After all, her parents are not good men and women!


, after a little hesitation, she still fooled it.

Suzuki Tomoko didn’t think much about it.

Then , the two began to chat again.

About half an hour later,

Li Ze and Suzuki Shiro also finished chatting and came to the living room.

“Shiro, Li Ze!”

Suzuki Tomoko stood up first, then asked with a smile:”Are you done talking?”

Seeing this, Ayako also stood up and started to greet the two.

“Well, we’re done talking!”

“It seems that I will be busy again in the next two days. I have to deal with many things personally.”

“It’s getting late now, we should go back and rest.”

Suzuki Shiro said with a smile.

Naturally, the others had no objection to this.

After all, it was almost twelve o’clock in the morning, and it was indeed time to rest.

Then, the Suzuki couple took Ayako and the three of them left.

Li Ze stood at the door and saw the three people off before turning back to the living room.

While drinking black tea, he was thinking.

Umbrella is now on the right track.

The security force is sufficient, and a deal has been reached with the Black Organization, so the other party will not cause trouble in the future.

The targeted drug developed by Miyano Shiho seems to be ready for the market soon.

As long as the mobile phone business this time can be completed, the future There is a constant source of income.

With these two cash cows, plus Umbrella has so many fixed assets and numerous companies of various types. Although it does not make much money, it is stable…

Well, not bad!

I can breathe a sigh of relief for the time being.

Although it is now considered a chaebol, Li Ze is still a little unhappy.

Because compared with the world’s top chaebols, he still seems a little too weak.

But, there is no way!

Unless there is a special opportunity, it will be difficult for Umbrella to continue to expand in a short period of time.

I can only wait!

So in the short term, I can take a break and relax.

And, at this moment.

Butler Ochiai came over, smiled and bowed and said

“Boss, it’s getting late.”

“You have to go to school tomorrow, so you should go to bed.”

“Otherwise, I will definitely be late tomorrow!”


Li Ze took a breath of cold air when he heard this.

Good guy!

If it weren’t for the reminder from Butler Ochiai, he would have forgotten that he was still a student.

There’s nothing he can do about it.

Because in his impression, he hasn’t been to school for at least two or three months.

Although it doesn’t matter whether he goes to school or not now, after all, Teitan High School doesn’t even have Kudo Shinichi anymore, not to mention Kudo Shinichi, the god of death, who is actually not of much help to him now.

But… he still has to go to this school.

On the one hand.

In this damn timeline, even if you go to school, you often have holidays, so naturally there is not much pressure.

On the other hand, you’re free.

In the later stage of the plot, this school is also regarded as one of the centers.

In addition, after the plot is over, even if he doesn’t need to find a job, it’s better to have a university diploma.

Anyway, he doesn’t need to go to school often, and he can take leave even if he has something to do.

So, forget it!

After a helpless sigh, he put down the teacup and said

“okay, I get it!”

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