Chapter 177: The mobile phone business is confirmed, and both parties reach an agreement!

In the study.

After Butler Ochiai brought two cups of black tea, he bowed and left the study.

Suzuki Shiro took a simple sip, put down the teacup and spoke directly.

“Li Ze……”

“We are not strangers, so I won’t be polite with you.”

“The 3G mobile phone you have in your hand has a full set of technology. After careful consideration, I found two partners.”

“Blackstone and Lockheed Martin”

“Blackstone to own 15% and Lockheed Martin to own 40%”

“Of course, they don’t want all of these shares.”

“Blackstone will be responsible for opening up global consumer channels, as well as commercial promotion and operation support.”

“As for Lockheed Martin, they can guarantee that no force in the world dares to take advantage of it!”

“Blackstone invested $30 billion, while Lockheed Martin invested $12029 billion.”

“The Suzuki Group can provide 50 billion yen, and I only need 10% of the shares.”

“Umbrella can hold 45% of the shares and automatically obtain the position of Chairman of the Board”

“This company can be newly established or it can directly use the Umbrella brand. The three of us have no objection to this.”

“In addition, an agreement can be signed. Even if the listing financing leads to share dilution in the future, a concerted action agreement can be signed and Umbrella’s veto power can be guaranteed!”

“In fact, under normal circumstances, these two companies would not want to talk so much.”

“Fortunately, Umbrella and Eagle Sauce’s PMC have a certain relationship, otherwise they would not compromise so easily!”

“Therefore, I suggest that you give some shares to the PMC that cooperates with you!”

As Suzuki Shiro spoke, Li Ze was really surprised to hear it.


He never thought that the Suzuki family would act so quickly.

Ayako just went home to talk with the Suzuki couple last night, and it has been finalized tonight.

Good guy!

As for the two companies he found, to be honest, he is a little aggrieved.

Blackstone is needless to say, the famous Baird in later generations was hatched by this group.

Lockheed Martin is even a big player in the military industry.

If these two companies join, it will naturally be unimpeded worldwide.

Not to mention, they have invested money!

But, the problem is.

As a flower grower, Li Ze still feels a little unhappy.

But it is impossible to refuse, after all, the chicken in the basin is the back garden of the eagle sauce.

With his current power, in the face of such a big situation, there is no possibility of any rebuttal.

He still needs to grow!


After a little silence, Li Ze slowly spoke

“I have no problem, but I need to add people!”

“If we rely on the Eagle Sauce alone, we will be in big trouble if something goes wrong in the future.”

“I suggest that we introduce a flower grower”

“Send someone to negotiate with them, I can give a certain amount of shares”

“We are too weak!”

“Only by bringing in as many strong people as possible can we have room to maneuver.”

“Tell the Eagle Sauce directly that the flower-growing market is huge, and in order to expand the flower-growing market, necessary concessions are very necessary”

“There is no room for negotiation on this point!”

“And Uncle Suzuki, you don’t need to persuade me”

“If the Russian bear had not just disintegrated and the country was in chaos, I would have wanted to bring them along.”

“Don’t believe in things like unanimous action agreements, veto power, etc. Those things are supported by strength!”

“Our power is weak, and when we really encounter a critical moment, others can easily harvest you!”

“The more chaotic the situation is, the better our situation will be!”

“Each of you will contribute 2% of the equity, and I will contribute 4%, so we can directly make up 10% of the equity.”

“In this case, it should be fine!”

Li Ze said with a serious face.

Yes, as a time traveler, he was too familiar with these things.

So, even if the other party only invested in one of his branches, even if he was not able to play alone now, he still chose to mix sand as much as possible.

As for the mainland, although it is still in the 1990s and the flower-growing country has not yet joined the WTO, it has begun to reform and open up.

As long as you go there, they will definitely agree.

Suzuki Shiro was stunned for a moment.

Obviously, he never thought that Li Ze would say this.

At the beginning, he was a little confused.

However, after thinking for a moment, he nodded.

“Li Ze, you are right!”

“Although we are within the country, our two companies are very strong together!”

“But if we look at the world, even if we unite, we are still too weak.”

“The Eagle Sauce family cannot be fully trusted!”

“By introducing national capital for flower planting, we have more options”

“I don’t have any problem either. I’ll go talk to the other party tomorrow.”

“After the funds are received, what about the location selection of the factory?”

“Where do you think it should be placed?”

Suzuki Shiro nodded.

He didn’t have any opinions, and didn’t think about it at all. He just nodded and agreed.

He also felt that what Li Ze said was right. If no other forces joined in, as long as Eagle Sauce had some tricks, the Suzuki family and Umbrella would probably have to admit defeat in the end.

“Let’s go to the flower-growing house!”

Li Ze heard it and said directly:”That place is the most suitable!”

“Whether it is basic road construction, per capita wage level, or supporting facilities in all aspects……”

“Most importantly, be safe!”

“The flower-growing industry is in a state of disrepair. If we choose to invest in building a factory, they will definitely welcome us and be willing to give us various preferential measures.”

“Once the international environment really changes, we are not afraid of the Eagle Sauce family turning against us!”


In this regard, Li Ze knows a lot.

He lived in the era of information explosion in his previous life, and basically all information can be obtained on the Internet.

So he knows very well in his heart that although this is not the original world, he is also afraid of being harvested by the Eagle Sauce family.

Moreover… although the time in this world is very chaotic, the society is still developing.

Maybe one day when you wake up, you will directly enter the new century.

So… although the Flower Planting Family is still very weak now, maybe one day after waking up, the Flower Planting Family will be able to compete with the Eagle Sauce.

In this case, of course you have to get close to them quickly.

“Okay, I have no objection!”

Suzuki Shiro nodded:”What you said makes sense.”

“The per capita wage in our country is not low, and there is a serious shortage of basic materials. The cost of importing them is too high!”

“The mobile phone business is global, and only the flower-growing family can undertake this level of industry.”

“However, there is one thing”

“Core technology must be placed within the country, otherwise the Eagle Sauce side will definitely not agree”

“I roughly understand your thoughts, and I also know that you have half the blood of the flower grower in your body.”

“I agree with your choice!”

“In fact, the Suzuki family is also preparing to invest in the flower-growing family.”

“But before you become strong, you must be cautious in certain aspects and never let others find out.”

“Otherwise, you will be killed by someone before you rise.”

“So, remember!”


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