Chapter 179: Coming to school again, unexpected news!

The next day, Teitan High School.

Grade 2, Class B.

Li Ze sat in his seat, looking out the window with a slightly dull look in his eyes.

At this moment, he was like a walking corpse, and his soul didn’t know where it had floated to.

This is normal.

Although there is basically no pressure to study in this life, after all, in his perception, it is good to be able to go to school two days out of seven.


With his current situation, even if his learning ability is poor, he can go to all the top universities.

It’s just a pity.

The living habits he developed in his previous life made him feel very tired subconsciously whenever he came to school.

“Xiaolan, have you heard?”

“There is a new English teacher in our class today. Do you think he is a senior?”

“What to do, so excited!”

“What do you think I would do if he falls in love with me?”

“Will a romantic love develop?”


In the front row of Li Ze’s seat, Sonoko’s face was full of infatuation.


Sonoko’s words made him narrow his eyes slightly.

Changed the English teacher?

Could it be that…

He couldn’t help but think of the FBI in the original book.

But, that’s not right!

It’s still in the early stage of the plot, the FBI shouldn’t come so soon.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but fall into deep thought.

And, on the other side.

After hearing Sonoko’s words, Xiaolan couldn’t help but said embarrassedly:”Sonoko, don’t you have Kyogoku Makoto?”

“Ahem, Ah Zhen is not here!”

Hearing this, Yuanzi looked helpless and said,”He went abroad!”

“He said that he has no rivals in our country.”

“In order to challenge more powerful people and become stronger, he needs to travel around the world.”

Speaking of this, she was upset.


She finally had a boyfriend, but this boyfriend was unreliable.

The two had just confirmed their relationship when they ran away abroad.


The corners of her mouth twitched.

It was obvious.

She didn’t quite understand her friend’s train of thought. Since she had already confirmed her relationship with Kyogoku Makoto, was it really okay for her to still be hooking up with other people?

After pondering for a long time, she asked:”Isn’t it a bad idea to do this before breaking up with Kyogoku Makoto?”

“Oh, it’s nothing!”

Yuanzi waved her hand and said,”It’s because Zhen is not here!”

“I just want to make him jealous, so it doesn’t matter!”

“Xiaolan, tell me quickly, does our English teacher this time feel like a senior to you?”


Although Sonoko and Kyogoku Makoto have confirmed their relationship, they are now more in a playful mood.


Xiaolan was very helpless about this, but she didn’t want to interfere in other people’s love.

Even though, Sonoko was her good friend!

So after a sigh, she couldn’t help but say:”What if the new English teacher is a woman?”

“Uh, no way?”

Suzuki Sonoko was dumbfounded:”Xiaolan, don’t scare me!”

Seeing this, Xiaolan smiled and said nothing.

Sonoko began to feel uneasy, and prayed to various gods in her heart.

Behind the two of them.

Li Ze listened to the conversation between the two women, but the corners of his mouth twitched.

Especially for Sonoko, he was speechless!

After all, he is the heir of the Suzuki family, but he is so obsessed with her.

Really, hey!

After a helpless sigh, he was too lazy to say more.

Ten minutes later.

As the bell rang, a European and American woman with a curvy figure, wearing high heels and with golden wavy hair, came directly to the podium, and then introduced herself awkwardly and rustically.

“Oh, hello everyone!”

“My name is Judy St. Timilion, and I’m your new English teacher!”

“I hope we can get along well in the future.”

Judy said with a smile.

However, her smiling eyes stayed on Xiaolan and Li Ze for a moment.

Others may not have noticed, but Li Ze noticed it.

This is normal.

After all, as a time traveler, he is too familiar with the teacher Judy in front of him.

Now that he sees that it is really her, of course he will be subconsciously on guard.


Li Ze fell into deep thought.

According to common sense, the FBI should not appear so soon.

Could it be that because of his arrival and several encounters with the dark organization, it triggered some kind of butterfly effect, which led to the early arrival of the FBI?

And the second point.

The look Judy gave him was obviously a special investigation of him.


Under normal circumstances, he is just an outsider.

Why is the FBI looking for trouble with the dark organization and specifically investigating me?

Could it be, the Miyano sisters?

Wait… wouldn’t this damn FBI want to use me as a breakthrough point, and use the Miyano sisters to deal with the dark organization?

Damn it!

Thinking of this, his face instantly darkened.


He is not interested in being an enemy of the FBI, but if they want to use me, then don’t blame me for being ruthless.

Li Ze’s brain began to work frantically.

Since Judy has already lurked in, then think about the plot in the original work, it is very likely that Akai Tomoaki has been in trouble, and Vermouth has pretended to be him?

After all, if not.

Just because of herself and Xiaolan, she doesn’t have to sneak into the school specifically.

Because at the beginning of the original work, the FBI didn’t know Conan’s identity, and Judy sneaked into the Empire. Dan High School, mainly for Vermouth.

And Akai Shuichi.

Since Judy has appeared, this guy is not far away.

Especially thinking of his relationship with the Miyano sisters, a cold light appeared in Li Ze’s eyes.

Because he felt that with Akai Shuichi’s coldness, he would never let go of the opportunity to use the Miyano sisters, especially the older sister Miyano Akemi.

In this case…

I have to make an application after class.

After all.

Even for Miyano Shiho’s face, I must ensure Miyano Akemi’s safety.

At the very least.

She must not be allowed to contact Akai Shuichi, otherwise if this bastard really convinces Miyano Akemi, who is in love, then the deal reached between him and the black organization will be directly destroyed by them? The more he thought about it, the worse his face became!


On the other side, while Li Ze was thinking about how to act in the future, Judy’s lecture had already begun.

During the break, she suddenly narrowed her eyes and said directly:”Student Li Ze, you answer this question.”

“I’m sorry!”

Li Ze stood up and said directly:”I can’t!”

After that, he sat down without waiting for Judy to speak again.


What a joke!

As the helmsman of Umbrella, he doesn’t need to find a job in the future. It’s good enough to be able to stay in school.



He didn’t even bother to read the question, and directly retorted. I

‘m telling you frankly, I just want to lie down and play badly.


She was stunned.

Looking at Li Ze who had already sat down, everyone was dumbfounded.


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