Chapter 176 Conan was very frustrated, his head was about to split!

Li Ze, his tone was serious.

In the original work.

Perhaps Conan had the possibility of recovering his body, after all, he had the plug-in of Huiyuan Ai.

But, what about now?

Miyano Shiho has become his wife, and she has not become smaller unless there is intervention from the outside world, otherwise there is no need to specially develop her.

From Li Ze’s point of view, the relationship between him and Conan is not good enough to help him selflessly.

As for others.

To be honest, in his opinion, the possibility is not very high.

After all.

In this world, there are only two bug-level scientists.

Dr. Agasa in mechanical engineering, and Miyano Shiho in biomedicine.

These are also the two plug-ins given to Conan, the protagonist, in the world’s will.

Only these two people can be regarded as”scientists”!

Of course, there are other bug-level characters in this world.

For example, Hiroki Sawada, who created artificial intelligence, and Kaito Kidd, who does not talk about basic physics.

It’s just a pity.

Their bug-level abilities cannot solve Conan’s abilities.

Miyano Shiho, the only one who can solve this problem, has become his woman at this stage.


Unless the will of the world forcibly intervenes and makes Miyano Shiho change her mind.

But this possibility is actually very low!

The reason is also simple.

As the saying goes, small trends can be changed, but big trends cannot be reversed!

The protagonist of this world is Conan, not the original Kudo Shinichi.

As long as Conan can continue to solve cases and lead the red justice members to fight against the dark organization for a long time and maintain the basic main line of this world.

This is enough!

As for whether Conan can become Kudo Shinichi, it will not affect the plot direction of this world.

Although it is a big deal for Conan, it is a small matter for the will of the world.

So, now.


Li Ze really hopes to match Conan and Ayumi.

These two people are quite a match!

“Li Ze is right.

Suzuki Tomoko nodded and said,”This is too dangerous.”

“Not to mention Umbrella, even the Suzuki family would not choose to fight with them.”

“That is not a problem that can be solved by a certain chaebol or a certain force.”

“Since it’s not poison, let’s stop here.”

“Even I envy the rejuvenation!”

After saying that,

Suzuki Tomoko looked at Conan with envy.


If there were no problem with Aptx and the mortality rate was too high, the Suzuki family would also be tempted.

This is normal.

As long as one is a normal person, they will yearn for immortality.

But, unfortunately,

Conan didn’t die purely because of luck, and Suzuki Tomoko didn’t think she had this luck.

Therefore, before this drug is successful, the Suzuki family will not take any other actions.

Seeing this, the Kudo couple naturally spoke up again and again.

“Li Ze is right, Conan, you have to be careful.”

“You are not allowed to act recklessly in the future. Your main task is to be a good elementary school student.”

“This matter is too complicated”

“It’s not something you can interfere with at will!”

Conan was very unhappy when he heard this.

Even his whole body was shaking with anger.

On the one hand.

His sense of justice drove him not to give up, not to mention that Xiaolan was waiting for him.

If he chose to give up and be a primary school student safely.

What about Xiaolan?

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but want to refute.

But considering that in order to apologize to Li Ze, his parents have paid a lot, and even invited the Suzuki couple for this.


What Li Ze said makes sense. It was n’t a poison in the first place, so where would the antidote come from?

Letting yourself live a good student life is also completely for your own safety.

So, hey!

After a helpless sigh, Conan slowly nodded and said

“OK, I understand”

“I will not be reckless in the future and will act like a good elementary school student.”

“But, Ayumi!”

“She and I are just classmates, there is nothing between us.”

“Li Ze, don’t talk nonsense!”

Conan’s mouth twitched, and his tone was quite unhappy.


Even if the possibility of his recovery has become very slim now, he is still unwilling to give up Xiaolan.

And, in this regard.

Li Ze just shrugged, and then said calmly:”Well, as long as you are happy!”

“You guy!”

Conan was very angry.

However, the Kudo couple saw Conan’s attitude and immediately smiled and tried to smooth things over.

“Ahem, it’s getting late.”

“Yukiko cooked today, everyone must enjoy it”

“”Let’s go to the restaurant!”

Kudo Yusaku said with a smile.

Then, naturally, everyone did not refuse, and went directly to the restaurant…

The meal was a great pleasure for both the host and the guests.

Only Conan felt upset!

Especially when he thought that he could not find the antidote and could only live by Conan’s name, he began to feel desperate.


You know, at the beginning, although his body became smaller, he thought in his heart that this was only temporary!

As long as he caught the murderer and destroyed the dark organization, he would naturally find a way to recover.

But, what about now?

With the increasing understanding of the dark organization, the glimmer of hope in his heart gradually disappeared.

It’s too difficult!

First of all, the dark organization is basically difficult to disappear unless there is a drastic change.

The most important thing is, Xiaolan! If I can’t recover in this life, how can I tell Xiaolan? Can Xiaolan wait for me to grow up



Is it possible?

Conan thinks that it is highly unlikely!

This character is only 6 years old this year and has just entered the first grade of elementary school.

What about Xiaolan?

She is already in the second year of high school!

Give up?

To be honest, I am unwilling to do so.

I really don’t want to do so!

Thinking of this, Conan even gritted his teeth.

He even hated himself a little. If he had not been so reckless at the beginning, would the result be different?

Finally, there is one more thing.

Xiaolan is not clear about her current situation. Although he has not confessed his feelings yet, Xiaolan is still waiting for him.

If he wants to let go of this relationship, he must be honest with Xiaolan.

Tell the truth?

How to say?

Although there are Suzuki family and Li Ze, as long as he is not reckless, it will not be a big problem even if Xiaolan knows.


I am still unwilling to do so!

He still doesn’t want to give up Xiaolan!

So, at this time.

Thinking about these complicated problems, Conan’s head is about to explode.


At nine o’clock in the evening, everyone finished their meal and chatted in the living room.

Around ten o’clock in the evening, the group said goodbye.

However, the Suzuki couple did not go home directly, but went to Li Ze’s house next to Kudo’s house.

“Li Ze, let’s go to the study.”

“Let’s talk about business, and let Ayako and her daughter talk in the living room.”

Suzuki Shiro said with a smile.

Obviously, he came to the Kudo family today just by chance, and he mainly wanted to talk to Li Ze.

Otherwise, hehe.

For such a small matter in the Kudo family, Suzuki Tomoko would be enough to come forward, and he would not be needed as the head of the family at all!


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