Chapter 175 Visiting the Kudo Family, the Suzukis Show Up!

The next day, in the evening.

Li Ze and Ayako, who were invited, came to the Kudo family next door with a small exquisite gift.

When they came to the living room, they found the Suzukis on the sofa.

“”Dad, Mom!”

Although Ayako was surprised, she still spoke quickly.

Li Ze, who was standing beside Ayako, was also a little surprised by the appearance of the Suzuki couple.

The Kudo family invited him to dinner, and he probably knew the reason.

After all, hehe.

Amuro Toru called a long time ago!

But… the only thing he didn’t expect was that the Kudo couple was really powerful, and even the Suzuki couple could be invited.

But the surprise on his face flashed away, and then he greeted his parents-in-law.


Everyone exchanged a few words, and then after the two sat down, Yukiko served them tea.

“Li Ze, Ayako!”

“I’ve heard everything. It’s true that Conan is wrong.”

“This kid is really bold and should be taught a lesson.”

“Li Ze, how do you think we should teach them a lesson?”

After a brief greeting, Suzuki Tomoko spoke first.

Obviously, since she had accepted the invitation, she would of course be the peacemaker this time.

However, she was not stupid.

She knew that her son-in-law’s status was no less than that of the Suzuki family.

So when she was doing things, she would certainly not force orders and treat Li Ze as a subordinate.

Therefore, when she was talking about peace, she did not mention forgiveness at all.


Li Ze was not stupid either. The appearance of the Suzuki family itself was enough to represent.

And, in this regard,

Li Ze, who heard this, immediately prepared to forgive.

After all, in essence, he could not offend the protagonist of this world because of such a small matter.

At most, he could scare him, and he didn’t want to become a villain because of this. Otherwise, who knows if there is the will of the world, and the villain will not have a good end.

Not to mention that Conan, the protagonist, can bring him benefits.

However, before Li Ze could speak, Kudo Yusaku apologized first

“Li Zejun, I’m so sorry”

“My poor education caused my son to do this.”

“I sincerely apologize and hope to be forgiven for offending you.”

“No matter what the price, no matter what the punishment, the Kudo family is willing to accept it!”

He was very sincere. He lowered his attitude very low, which surprised Li Ze.

Kudo Yusaku was the IQ ceiling in the original work. This guy never compromised with anyone in the original work.


Yukiko also bowed 90 degrees to express her apology.

In this country, it is the highest standard.

“Li Ze, I was wrong!”

“I did not consider that my actions would endanger Mr. Amuro’s life.”

“I sincerely apologize to you and Mr. Amuro.”

Conan spoke.

His tone was also very serious!

Although his parents’ 90-degree bow made him feel a little uncomfortable, he thought about the trouble his behavior had caused to Toru Amuro, which would affect his life.

His apology was naturally sincere.

It was also because he couldn’t see Toru Amuro now, otherwise he would definitely meet him in person and apologize to him solemnly.


On the first floor, in the living room.

The Kudo family bowed 90 degrees. Suzuki Tomoko said something, but Suzuki Shiro had a smile on his face, just leisurely smoking a cigar, and had no intention of speaking.

As the saying goes, too much is as bad as too little. It was enough for Suzuki Tomoko to speak. If he chose to speak, there would be no room for maneuver.

Li Ze sighed.

After a moment of hesitation, he slowly spoke.

“Okay, I accept!”

“Even if it’s for the Suzuki family, I have to give this face”

“Not to mention Shinichi, he is one of my few friends.”

“But, Kudo!”

“I’m not saying anything bad about you, but you never use your brain before doing anything!”

“How can you handle a force of the Dark Organization’s level with your little cleverness?”

“In a fight of this level, you can only rely on your own hard power!”

“Even the Metropolitan Police Department and other institutions will not be of any help to you. After all, it is a well-known fact that there are undercover organizations in the Metropolitan Police Department.”

“And it’s not just the Metropolitan Police Department, it should be said that all major official agencies have undercover agents from the dark organization.”

“So I still advise you to give up being an enemy of the organization.”

“Because of Aptx, the organization cannot be eliminated!”

“At least until the drug research is successful, no one can eliminate the dark organization.”

“Of course, once this drug is developed, you won’t need to do anything. Someone will naturally take action to destroy the dark organization.”

“But even if it is destroyed, it has no meaning.”

“Because anyone with a discerning eye can see that this so-called dark organization is just a black glove hidden behind the scenes by a certain chaebol.”

“Even if the dark organization is destroyed, they can still make a new black glove.”

“It should even be said that it already exists!”


“The night before yesterday, when I was trading with the Dark Organization, the person who showed up was definitely not a member of the organization.”

“In my opinion, those guys are another black glove of the organization’s boss.”

“As for finding the boss of the organization, I think the possibility is very low.”

“There are no fools who can become chaebols. They know the importance of confidentiality better than anyone else.”

“Take Mr. Amuro for example. He is now an undercover agent at a high level of the organization, even the third leader in the organization, but he still has not seen the true face of the organization’s boss.”

“From what I know, there are only two or three people in the organization who have seen the true face of the boss.”

“And these two or three people are already on the BOSS’s kill list!”

“Once they die completely, it will be like cutting off this line completely.”

“Therefore, your goal of destroying the organization has basically no chance of success, and even if you succeed, it will be meaningless.”


“As for the antidote?”

“I have clearly told you before that what you took is not poison at all, but the longevity drug that others dream of.”

“Since it’s not poison, where is the antidote?”

“So from a friend’s perspective, I advise you to accept this.”

“Rejuvenation is what many people dream of!”

“It’s a good thing to relive your childhood.”

“And you have made new friends. As long as you can think more open-mindedly, you can still be a detective and study Sherlock Holmes well.……”

“And the girl named Ayumi, I think she is very good”

“Childhood sweethearts”

“When you grow up, Ayumi will be no less than Xiaolan”

“From this point of view, I envy you very much. There is no shortage of people who like you wherever you go.”

“So take my advice, don’t get involved in this anymore.”

“The dark organization is very complicated, even I am not qualified to intervene”

“You heard the night before yesterday that the battle my organization fought was just a war to make peace.”

“All I pursue is to keep out of each other’s way!”

“Of course I am just giving advice. It is up to you whether you listen or not.”

“But I need to remind you that if you choose to listen to my advice, the Suzuki family and the Umbrella family can guarantee the stability of the Kudo family.”

“But if you just don’t listen and insist on fighting the organization, then Umbrella and the Suzuki family will not be able to truly protect the Kudo family.”

“If you fail, your whole family will die!”

“Xiaolan’s family is no exception!”

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