Chapter 174: Kudo Yusaku’s arrangement, Conan began to reflect!

Kudo Yusaku, his tone was calm.

But Conan, who heard these words, could not help but sweat all over.

He trembled all over.

When doing this, he never thought about these.

But now that he heard his father say this, he really realized how short-sighted he was.


Even if all the accidents did not happen, would he really have the ability to sneak into the organization’s base and get the intelligence information he wanted?

Thinking of Umbrella’s defense measures, he instantly became decadent.

He knew that it was impossible!

The Dark Organization had more than 500 elite personnel, plus more than 20 code-named cadres, but in the end, they all ended up being completely wiped out.

Those arrested organization cadres were not because they were capable enough, but because Li Ze did not want to kill them and hoped to make a deal with the organization.

And, what about himself?

There is no need to think at all, and he will never be able to break through those lines of defense.

The same!

He couldn’t even handle Umbrella’s branch base, so how could he handle a stronger organization base?

Since he couldn’t handle it, what was the point of his actions?

Not to mention.

Because of his little cleverness, it was easier for Amuro Toru to fall into real danger.

Thinking of this, his lips turned pale.

He hesitated for a while and spoke hoarsely.

“I was wrong!”

“We must not affect Toru Amuro’s safety. Dad, can you please help me think of a solution?”

“I won’t dare to act on my own in the future. The most important thing now is to rescue Toru Amuro!”

He regretted it.

Since he had done something wrong, Conan dared to take responsibility.

As the absolute protagonist of this world, although Conan was very reckless, his values were absolutely fine.

For example, right now, what he was most worried about was Toru Amuro’s life safety!

Upon hearing this, Yukiko also spoke up.

“Yes, Yusaku!”

“We will talk about Shin-chan later. The most important thing now is the safety of Mr. Amuro.”

“Should we hurry over and discuss it with Li Zejun first?”

She said with a serious face.

After truly realizing her son’s stupidity, the first thing she thought about was Amuro Toru’s safety.

And, in this regard.

Kudo Yusaku couldn’t help but shook his head when he heard this.

“You guys, don’t worry.”

“Don’t worry too much, I think it’s probably fine.”

“Mr. Amuro was recognized by Li Ze, and even looked like a core confidant last time.”

“So it can be imagined that the other party’s ability is not ordinary”

“Now that two days have passed, and since there is no bad news, I think the other party has successfully escaped.”

“This level of fighting is not something we can participate in.”

“What we should do instead is think about how to apologize to others!”

“Don’t even think about it, this can’t be hidden”

“As long as Toru Amuro notices something is wrong, he will definitely think it was you, Shin-chan, who did it.”

“After all, you were the only outsider that night!”

“As long as they realize this, they will definitely report to Li Ze”

“Rather than waiting to be discovered, it is better to take the initiative to sincerely apologize.”

“There is no room for negotiation on this matter!”

“And your apology must be sincere. Our family cannot bear Li Ze’s anger.”

“Shin-chan, do you understand?”

Kudo Yusaku said seriously.

Although Conan felt very uncomfortable when he heard this, he still nodded solemnly.

He understood the truth.

The gap between his family and Li Ze was too big. Even if the other party did not show any malice, his family had to be absolutely cautious.

This is power!

Thinking of this, his mouth was full of bitterness.


Conan used to be indifferent to these things. This is why he dared to be fearless even when facing various chaebols at the crime scene.

But now.

He really understood that his fearlessness in the past was only because of his parents’ protection.

And his parents were able to protect him because of the Suzuki family.

And now.

Facing the son-in-law of the Suzuki family, Li Ze, who is also a chaebol himself, of course his family had to bow their heads.

“Dad, don’t worry.”

Conan nodded, then said solemnly:”I understand.”

“I will solemnly apologize to Li Ze and ask for his forgiveness.”

“And in the future, I promise not to mess around!”

Hearing this, Kudo Yusaku breathed a sigh of relief.

Well, that’s not bad!

Although his silly son is quite reckless, he has indeed grown up a lot now.

That’s enough!

How can young people not make mistakes?

And after he makes a mistake, as a father, he naturally has to help his son clean up his mess.

“Yukiko, I have to trouble you again.”

Kudo Yusaku said calmly:”Please help me send the invitation to Li Ze.”

“Make an appointment and invite the other person to your home!”

“Also, I’ll have to trouble you, Yukiko, for dinner!”

“And finally”

“Let’s visit the Suzuki family together, and it would be best if we can get the Suzuki couple to accompany us.”

Yukiko nodded solemnly when she heard this.

Conan frowned slightly.

In this country, people don’t invite people to dinner easily.

Even if it’s a gathering among friends, everyone adopts the AAA system, and most of the meals are in restaurants.

Unless they have a close personal relationship, it is absolutely impossible to invite people to dinner at home.

And now.

The relationship between Li Ze and his family is obviously not at this level.

The status between the two families is not consistent.


In this case, inviting the other party is more like an act of currying favor.

This made Conan feel very uncomfortable.

If it were in the past, he would have chosen to speak up to stop it.

However, he couldn’t speak now.

Because everything his parents did was entirely for him, because of his previous reckless behavior.

And inviting the Suzuki couple to accompany him would require his parents to lose face, otherwise how could the Suzuki couple be so easy to invite?

So, hey!

Conan sighed helplessly and had to remain silent.

He began to reflect.

His previous behaviors now seemed a bit too reckless.

However, many of the things behind the scenes in the past… The confrontation was probably handled by his parents, so he didn’t know about it.

But this time, it seemed that the problem he caused was too serious, even his parents found it difficult to deal with it, so he actually saw this scene.

It seems that in the future…

I really have to be more careful!

Especially, the Black Organization.

Unlike my previous small fights, this kind of thing can cause deaths if you are not careful.

For the safety of myself and my family, I must be more cautious.


, unlike the original work, the butterfly effect caused by Li Ze’s sudden appearance.

Conan in this world does not have Haibara Ai to help him.

Even his godmother Vermouth, he is now completely unaware of it.

Amuro Toru is gone.

The FBI headed by Akai Shuichi has not come into contact with it at this stage.

On the contrary, he was the first to come into contact with the Black Organization, which naturally made the Kudo couple more worried, so they chose to take the initiative to tell Conan about the dark side of the world.

Also, it is because of this.

Conan’s temperament and personality have gradually begun to have some subtle differences from the original.


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