Chapter 173: Conan’s cleverness, Kudo Yusaku scolded!

Kudo Yusaku, in a serious tone.


As Yukiko’s husband and Conan’s father, he has the responsibility and obligation to take it up.

And, to this.

Conan did not comment, but remained silent.

Because he knew very well in his heart how difficult it was to do this.

As for Yukiko, who only understood the current situation through Conan’s explanation, although she wanted to open her mouth and try to say something countless times, she finally sighed.

The corners of her mouth were full of bitterness.


She also knew that the difficulty of getting this done was absolutely hell-level.

But, the problem is.

Apart from this, what else can be done?

Whether it is Umbrella or the Black Organization, they are like a mountain to them, and they are not existences that their family can provoke.

The most troublesome thing is that Conan’s identity has been exposed.


After a helpless sigh, Yukiko was helpless.

In addition to believing in the wisdom of Kudo Yusaku, all she can do is pray constantly.

“”Okay, Mom and Dad.”

Conan took a deep breath, then said solemnly:”Let’s talk business first. This is the end of the safety assessment of Li Ze. I will try my best to have a good relationship with him in the future.”

“Next, the second point”

“Regarding the investigation of the Dark Organization, I had close contact with Toru Amuro at the base for a period of time.”

“While no one was paying attention, I dropped a transmitter on him!”

“I can guarantee that I was very careful and no one found out!”

“Through Dr. Agasa’s tracking glasses, I have identified a dark organization in a secret base in Tokyo.”

“Although it is very dangerous, I still want to take a chance”

“Although we are not the opponents of the chaebols and the organizations, since we have already confronted the organizations, we must take the initiative.”

“We cannot gamble our own safety on the kindness of others!”

“So although it is a bit risky, after all, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. As long as we plan ahead……”

“I think the chances of success are high, and that’s reason enough to take a gamble!”

“After all, we know too little about the enemy.”

“If we can gain a little bit, it will naturally be of great benefit to our future layout!”

“”Dad, what do you think?”

Conan said in a serious tone.

When he said this, his glasses began to reflect light.

Obviously, he had enough reasons to be proud of his operation.

After all, you know, he successfully did this kind of hellish difficulty under the noses of Li Ze and others, and even deceived top agents such as Amuro Toru.……

“Wow, Shin-chan is awesome!”

Yukiko gave a thumbs up immediately after hearing this:”You are indeed my son, you are my pride!”

But it was a pity.

Upon hearing this, Kudo Yusaku’s face instantly turned ugly.

He was shocked.

The tea in his hand just now trembled and fell to the ground.

But he was unaware of all this. He immediately stood up and asked


“Xiaoxin, are you crazy?”

“How dare you do such a thing?”

He felt a little scalp tingling at this time, especially when he looked at Conan, there was a hint of disappointment and helplessness in his eyes, and he couldn’t help but sigh helplessly.


Originally, after hearing what Conan said before, he thought his silly son had grown up.

But, he never thought that he would turn around and do such a stupid thing for himself.

This made him a little difficult to understand for a while!

Conan was confused. Obviously, he never thought that his father would say such a thing.

Did he really… do something wrong?

He began to ask himself, but after pondering for a long time, he was still confused.

On the other side, looking at her disappointed husband, and then looking at Conan who was confused, Yukiko couldn’t help it.

Because… she didn’t see what Conan did wrong.

After a little hesitation, she couldn’t help but speak

“Husband, calm down.”

“Shin-chan is a young man, so it’s understandable that he makes mistakes occasionally.”

“No matter what you want to say, can’t you just say it nicely?”

“And I don’t see anything wrong with Xiaoxin’s behavior this time.”

No way.

When her husband and son have a conflict, she, as a mother, must step in.

And she really doesn’t think there is anything wrong with Conan’s behavior!


He could only remain silent.

Although he was scolded by his father, he did not feel disgusted.

After all, everything that happened recently did make him grow up a lot, at least he was not as arrogant as before.

He knew very well in his heart that Kudo Yusaku was doing this for his own good.

That was enough!

So, at this moment, he just kept thinking, what did he do wrong?

Therefore, after hearing what his mother said, he couldn’t help but look up and looked at his father in confusion.

Kudo Yusaku, with a helpless look on his face.

When he saw Yukiko and Conan both looking at him with confused eyes, he let out a sigh.

“Hey, you guys!”

“But whatever, Yukiko is right.”

“Xiaoxin, you are still young, so it is understandable that you don’t consider things comprehensively.”

“If that’s the case, let me explain.”

“First, safety issues”

“Shinichi, you know very well that Toru Amuro is an undercover agent.”

“There are detection devices in every base, so have you ever thought about what would happen if he was discovered by the organization?……”

“what to do?”

“Organizing everyone to enter the base together, why did others not have transmitters behind them, but Toru Amuro had one?”

“If he can’t explain clearly, will the organization suspect his undercover identity?”

“Even go a step further and kill Amuro Toru directly?”

“【If this person died because of you, would you be able to rest in peace in this life?”】

“Even if I take a step back, Li Ze is a very good person and came forward to protect Amuro Toru.”

“But you caused Li Ze to lose an undercover agent. How do you want Li Ze to view our Kudo family in the future?”

“Your identity has already been leaked. For your safety, we should be on good terms with Li Ze.”

“Look at your own heart and change your perspective”

“If you were Li Ze, what would you think of this behavior?”

“People are kind enough to conceal something for you and treat you as a close friend, but you are plotting against them behind their backs?”

“Then, the third point!”

“You did get the position of the organization’s base, but do you think our family is qualified to join?”

“Think carefully about what you just said.”

“Umbrella’s base has top artificial intelligence, defensive laser devices, various traps and killing arrays, and a fully armed team.”

“What about the dark organization whose power is even greater than that of Umbrella, so that Li Ze does not dare to start a war directly, but instead chooses to make a deal after intimidation?”

“Do you think that the dark organization that can produce a full set of 3G mobile phone technology and the so-called sniper training equipment, two complete black technology technologies, has a defense capability inferior to Umbrella?”

“In order to attack a base that was far inferior to Umbrella, and was not even a core base of Umbrella, but a branch base that could be abandoned at any time, the Dark Organization paid the price of more than 500 elite soldiers, and all the cadres were captured alive.”

“So, here comes the question”

“Why do you think that relying on our family, you will be able to infiltrate the organization’s base?”

“You are just a little smart, physically you are just a primary school student”

“Although your father is a bit smart, he is essentially just a scholar.”

“To put it bluntly, I’m powerless!”

“So, rely on your mother?”

“Although she is an actress, her acting skills are pretty good.”

“But do you think she can really remain calm and not have any problems when facing a group of dark organization members who kill people indiscriminately and with cruel methods?”

“What if?”

“If your mother reveals a flaw, have you ever thought about how terrible the consequences would be?”

“Your mother will die and I will die too!”

“You won’t die, after all, you have scientific research value”

“But in this life you can only be a consumable, lying in the laboratory for the organization’s crazy research!”

“Is this what you wanted?”


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