Chapter 172 The Kudo family is extremely heavy-hearted!

Yukiko doesn’t quite understand.

In his opinion, although Li Ze is powerful, he can accept it. After all, it is a chaebol that can marry the Suzuki family. Isn’t it normal for it to have some armed forces under its control?

But, in this regard.

Kudo Yusaku and Yukiko looked at each other, and then sighed helplessly.

“Yukiko, you think too simply.”

“You shouldn’t look at what others show, but think about what they hide.”

“As a chaebol, the real core strength will never be discovered by the outside world!”

“From this incident, it can be seen that Li Ze does not mind Conan knowing that base”

“I even suspect that the Dark Organization was able to investigate that base because it was a bait specially released by Li Ze.”

“His purpose may be to show his strength, or to reach some kind of agreement with the dark organization.”

“But these”

“None of it matters!”

“The important thing is that from the results, Li Ze not only did not���Any loss, but instead gained the organization’s black technology and achieved the goal of ‘mind your own business’.”

Kudo Yusaku, talking freely.

His eyes were full of solemnity. The power displayed by Li Ze was too strong.

Although the other party made it clear that he would not harm Conan, his heart was still full of worries.

Because the initiative is in the hands of others, the other party has the ability to change their minds at any time.

On the other hand, what about his own family?

They are like lambs to be slaughtered, with no way out except praying.

In this case, how can he feel at ease?


Conan and Yukiko were not aware of his own worries.

On the contrary, in their view.

Since Li Ze has nodded in agreement, and the Suzuki family is a guarantor, Conan’s safety is naturally guaranteed.

For himself Of course , Kudo Yusaku knew what his wife and son were thinking, but he just didn’t say it directly.

The reason was simple, it was useless!

It didn’t solve any problems except adding unnecessary troubles.

After all, facing such a chaebol-level threat, it would be useless even if he ran abroad.

So, just know it yourself!

Before finding a solution, all he could do was to use static to dynamic.

On the other hand,

Conan and Yukiko didn’t know about Kudo Yusaku’s worries.

On the contrary, seeing that his mother was still confused as Kudo Yusaku was talking, Conan couldn’t help but twitch his mouth, but he still couldn’t help but explain.


“What my dad wanted to say was very simple. What Li Ze showed me was not a secret at all.”

“Such an underground base with artificial intelligence, complete defense mechanism, and a large number of armed members is not considered secret in the Umbrella sequence. So how powerful is the opponent’s real hidden force?”

“This is what Dad is really worried about!”

“Especially Li Ze and the Dark Organization, they even reached an agreement after this incident!”

“Although our family has a good relationship with Li Ze for the time being, for people of the chaebol’s level, the so-called promise actually means nothing.”

“If the dark organization is willing to pay huge benefits, will Li Ze be willing to sell me to the dark organization?”

“We are too weak!”

“Facing this level of power clash, we don’t even have the ability to resist.”

“The most dangerous thing is that we were exposed!”

“If my identity had not been revealed, I could have chosen to hide in the dark and use some means to form alliances, so that the outcome would develop into a situation that was favorable to us.”

“But, what about now?”

“”In addition to praying that Li Ze is a good person, we have no other choice!”

Conan spoke coldly.

His face was gloomy.

Obviously, his three views were indeed shattered during this trip to the Umbrella base.

On the night he returned to the B&B from the base, he did rethink for a long time and reshaped his world view and outlook on life.

In short, he has matured!

After all, he is not stupid. He was just well protected by his parents before and had never been exposed to the dark side of the world.

But this time, what he saw and heard on Shenzu Island, as well as the confrontation between Li Ze and the organization, really opened his eyes and made him understand the true face of this world.

It turned out that… even though they had just fought to the death, Li Ze even wiped out the dark organization with more than 500 elite personnel.

In his opinion, this is a blood feud that will never end.

But, the next second, can the two sides still talk about cooperation?

What are those living lives worth in the eyes of those chaebols? Conan… Only one word can come to Nan’s mind.


It was after understanding all this that he re-examined his relationship with Li Ze and the Suzuki family, especially now that he noticed the caution in his father Kudo Yusaku’s brow…

He understood everything!

As the absolute protagonist of this world, especially a protagonist who is mainly based on intelligence.

You can say that he is reckless, but he is definitely not stupid!

Conan, who has reshaped his world outlook, may not be as smart as Kudo Yusaku, but he can still think clearly about such things.


Even if he is the protagonist, he is not as smart as Kudo Yusaku.

After all, in essence.

Kudo Yusaku seems to be Conan’s biological father, but in essence he is the will of this world, a plug-in for Conan, the protagonist!

This is also the reason why Conan came back to discuss with his parents as soon as he came back.

It is precisely because of the change in his world outlook and the difficulty of this matter that he chose to rely on his father’s power.

“Well, not bad!”

Kudo Yusaku said with a smile:”Xiao Xin, you have grown up!”

“It seems that letting you contact Li Ze this time is indeed a very correct thing to do.”

“Dad didn’t want you to be exposed to these dark things. He just wanted you to live a peaceful life.”

“But what a pity!”

“Since you have encountered such a powerful opponent as the Dark Organization, if you are too naive, your end will definitely be very miserable.”

“That’s good!”

“I hope that after this incident, you can truly understand the laws that govern how this world works!”

“Remember, don’t be reckless!”

“And don’t be overly defensive against Li Ze!”

“At least he is still kind to us now. If we are too defensive towards him now, he might feel that our sincerity has been wasted and he might even hate us.”

“Last words, don’t think too much”

“We are safe in the short term. At this stage, Li Ze and the Suzuki family are our family’s amulets!”

“During this time, I will try my best to find a real solution.”

“Yukiko, Shin-chan, believe me!”

“I will definitely do it!”


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