Chapter 162: Show your identity and bow down!

Inside the restaurant.

As soon as the three of them walked in, Xiaolan and Yuanzi began to wave.

“Sister Ayako, Shiho, and Li Zejun!”

“Let me introduce to you, this is Ms. Tsukmoto Natsue, and the one next to her is her husband Tsukmoto Takeshi!”

“This is my sister Suzuki Ayako, this is Miyano Shiho, and Li Zejun!”

Suzuki Sonoko was the most direct.

As soon as the three of them came over, she took the lead in introducing them.

Then, everyone naturally exchanged pleasantries, and then they also knew that today was the day when Fu Jiang and Xiao Wu got married.

However, their wedding was not in Tokyo, but in their ancestral home, Hatamoto Island, so they happened to be returning to Tokyo by boat now.

“What a coincidence!”

Ayako couldn’t help but sigh.

Xiaolan also nodded:”If not for this, we wouldn’t be able to go back today!”

Everyone else nodded.

Only Li Ze’s mouth twitched.


She felt that Xiaolan’s luck was against the sky, and the Hatamoto family was unlucky for eight lifetimes!

But he didn’t say much, just smiled and watched the girls chat.


The children of the Hatamoto family appeared one after another, and naturally there were all kinds of weirdness. While Conan’s mouth twitched, his heart was also frightened.


He found that the Hatamoto family seemed to have a lot of grievances with each other.

More importantly.

Everyone seemed to have a lot of resentment towards the head of the family, Hatamoto Gozo!

This, damn.

If he hadn’t made a bet with Li Ze, he might not have thought too much, and just thought that the grievances between the rich were normal.

But now, haha!

He felt more and more empty in his heart. Wouldn’t the case really happen?

Just as Conan was thinking, a loud roar suddenly came from the restaurant.

“Damn thing!”

“Hasn’t this ship been chartered?”

“Why are there irrelevant people?”

Almost instantly.

Everyone looked over and saw an old man yelling at a middle-aged fat man.


The old man is Hatamoto Gozo, and the fat man is his eldest son-in-law Hatamoto Kitaro.

Yes, yes.

According to the tradition here, the son-in-law must change his surname.

“I’m sorry, Dad!”

Hatamoto Kitaro said quickly:”I think they are quite pitiful, so I……”

But, unfortunately, before he could finish, he was interrupted by Hatamoto Gozo.

“So, you just make the decision on your own, right?”

“You are quite capable. You dare to make a decision without my consent!”

And, in response to this,

Hatamoto Kitaro hastily apologized, and this scene also scared Xiaolan and others.


Ayako frowned slightly, but still smiled and walked forward.

“Hello, Master of the Hatamoto family!”

“I am the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family, Ayako!”

“This is my husband Li Ze, and my sister Suzuki Sonoko, and this is Xiaolan, Miyano Shiho!”

“terribly sorry!”

“Today I came to Miyakejima for vacation and missed the ferry back to Tokyo. Thank you very much for taking me in!”

As Ayako spoke, Li Ze, Sonoko and others also hurried to greet her.


Although in terms of power, they look down on the Hatamoto family.

And the temper of this Hatamoto Gozo also makes them feel a little unhappy.

But the problem is.

They still have courtesy and upbringing.

Besides, they did receive help from the Hatamoto family, so it is reasonable that they should have at least some upbringing.

Suzuki family?!

Hearing Ayako’s words, everyone present was shocked.


As the number one consortium in Tokyo, Suzuki naturally has the qualifications.

After all, compared to Suzuki.

Their Hatamoto family is not even on the list.

It can even be said that the Hatamoto family is too small and is not qualified to meet the Suzuki family.

This is also the reason why everyone present did not recognize the Ayako sisters. A third-rate small consortium like this has indeed never seen the Ayako sisters.

Hatamoto Gozo was shocked.

But he still smiled, and then hurriedly spoke solemnly


“Ms. Ayako, Ms. Sonoko, and Mr. Li Ze”

“It’s an honor to have you three here.”

“”Butler, serve the tea!”

After saying that, he hurriedly received everyone in person!

Even though he was already over eighty years old, he was still very humble.


He had to do this when facing the Suzuki family.

Because the more wealthy they were, the more they understood the power of the Suzuki family.

Although he didn’t understand why the Suzuki sisters didn’t take their own yacht to play, he never considered the problem of the two of them pretending to be rich.

Because it was impossible!

No one dared to pretend to be a top rich.

The reason was simple.

Even if he killed someone and went to jail, he would probably not die.

But pretending to be a rich man would definitely be a crime. Will die!

No one will do such a stupid thing as pretending to be a chaebol for such a small matter.

As for pretending to be a chaebol to cheat money?

It is even more impossible!

No chaebol is stupid, there is no conflict of interest, and if they are not sure of your identity, they will give you some face.

But, for cooperation, the identity must be investigated!


Before the people in front of him ask for benefits, he will only receive the group respectfully.

Unless they want to cooperate, he is too lazy to investigate.

In the restaurant.

Ayako and Hatamoto Gozo talked freely, and the atmosphere was harmonious during their chat.

This is normal.

Ayako accepted Having received specialized elite education, he has seen enough big scenes, so naturally, no matter who he communicates with, there will be no dull moments.

It was this conversation that made Hatamoto Gozo realize that the person in front of him was indeed from a wealthy family.

Ordinary small families cannot raise such a person.

On the other hand,

Sonoko and Li Ze were drowsy.

Although they are also considered wealthy families, they are not interested in the scene in front of them.

The same goes for Conan and Miyano Shiho!

On the contrary, over at Xiaolan’s side, she and Xia Jiang were having a great time talking, which made Sonoko especially want to run over.

But, No.

Although she didn’t want to get involved with her sister, as the second daughter of the Suzuki family, she also understood that it would be very impolite for her to run away in such an occasion, and it would be embarrassing for her parents.

So, she had to hold it in!

An hour later.

Ayako and Hatamoto Gozo had almost finished their conversation, and Hatamoto Gozo left on the pretext of going back to rest.

Ayako understood this.

After all.

It was not a formal banquet, but just an occasional encounter, and the host didn’t need to be too polite.


Hatamoto Gozo was over 80 years old, and his body couldn’t support it.

“Ah! It’s finally over.”

Suzuki Sonoko, with a drooping face:”If it doesn’t end, I’ll be suffocated to death!”

Hearing this, Li Ze nodded quickly:”I totally agree, I feel the same way.”


He was also aggrieved!

If he had a choice, he didn’t want to talk to Hatamoto Gozo more.

But, there is no way!

As the Lord of Umbrella and Ayako’s fiancé, it’s natural that he can do anything when he doesn’t show up.

Since we meet, we must be well-mannered.

Ayako saw this and looked helpless.

But after a little hesitation, she still spoke seriously.

“You two!”

“There will be more such things in the future, and you won’t be able to avoid them.”

“Especially you, Sonoko!”

“You are the heir of the Suzuki family, you must learn this kind of thing!”


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