Chapter 161 Li Ze: The Hatamoto family? He is dead!

As Miyano Shiho relaxed, the atmosphere here began to become harmonious.

Under the setting sun, the three of them talked and laughed, and they were very happy.


“Why aren’t there many tourists on this cruise ship?”

Li Ze suddenly asked.

His face was full of confusion. Looking at the empty cruise ship, he was really confused for a moment.

“This is a private cruise ship.”

Seeing this, Ayako smiled and said,”The Hatamoto family is also a chaebol!”

“Although it is only a third-rate consortium, it is also a member of the chaebol circle.”

“We have to go visit him later, don’t let people think we are uneducated!”

Ayako said, hinting at something.


He knew Li Ze’s temper, and if possible, he didn’t want to get involved in such a mess.

But, not today!

Since he was on someone else’s cruise ship, he should at least be grateful.

Miyano Shiho didn’t feel anything about it.

As a scientific researcher, even if she married Li Ze in the future, she didn’t need to care about such things.

On the contrary, Li Ze!

After hearing Ayako’s words, he was stunned for a moment.


But what a coincidence, right?

The Hatamoto family? Cruise ship?

The first thing he thought of was a case in the original book.

Conan, the god of death, is also It’s so awesome! He caught a murderer last night and had a fight with the Black Organization. Is he going to encounter another case today? Doesn’t this god of death ever take a break?

But, that’s not right!

In the original book, this case was encountered by the Mori family, and now Kogoro Teuri is not here!

Could it be that…

Because Conan, the son of the god of death, is unhappy, the god of death, his biological father, decided to find something for his son to do?


Thinking of this, he sighed.

But thinking of Umbrella, there is another opportunity to expand. Li Ze didn’t know for a moment whether he should cry or laugh.

“Li Zejun, what’s wrong?”

Looking at Li Ze, whose face was uncertain, Ayako asked with a puzzled look on her face.

Miyano Shiho was also confused.

And, for this.

Li Ze naturally didn’t bother to hide it, and he hesitated for a moment before slowly speaking

“The Hatamoto family, what a sin!”

“Their family’s luck is really bad. They actually met Conan, the god of death.”

“I don’t know who is unlucky today and has to be the victim!”

Suzuki Ayako:”……”

Miyano Shiho:”……”

The two of them were stunned for a moment.

Obviously, they never expected that Li Ze would say such a thing.

But… thinking about Conan’s record, they couldn’t refute it.


After a moment of silence, Ayako said awkwardly:”It can’t be such a coincidence, right?”

“This is hard to say!”

Miyano Shiho sighed.


Li Ze said directly:”Don’t forget the summary I made before. Looking at Kudo’s record over the years, ordinary people may still survive if they meet him, but the mortality rate of the president is the highest.”

“Not to mention that the person we met today is a chaebol who is more powerful than the president.”

“I can basically be sure that someone will die tonight!”

“If you don’t believe me, let’s make a bet?”


As soon as I saw the cruise ship, the Hatamoto family, and Conan, the son of the god of death.


If this doesn’t make up an episode, his last name Li Ze will be written backwards.

And, in response to this.

Looking at Li Ze with a serious face, Ayako and Shiho looked at each other, and they didn’t know how to answer.

But at this moment, Conan spoke angrily

“I took this bet!”

“There will definitely be no murder today. Your statement is all feudal superstition.”

“I don’t believe it!”

Conan’s eyes were spitting fire at this time.


He was almost mad now! Damn it

, what a guy!

He just saw that Miyano Shiho’s face was very ugly, and Li Ze and Ayako were very affectionate and serious, so he thought that the three of them were talking about the organization.

So for intelligence, he sneaked over.

But, he never thought.

He didn’t hear the organization’s intelligence, but heard Li Ze slandering himself.

Damn it!

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can’t.

There is no way.

If Li Ze’s words are spread, how can he survive in the future?


Conan, who couldn’t bear it anymore, roared immediately.

Li Ze:”……”


Miyano Shiho:”……”

The three of them were all in a trance.

Looking at Conan who suddenly appeared, the corners of their mouths twitched at the same time.


None of them noticed Conan’s approach, and this in itself was an incredible thing.

Especially, Li Ze!

He looked at Conan in front of him, and seemed to begin to understand a little.

Why was this guy jumping up and down at the crime scene, insulting other people’s sight, and it seemed that no one could find out that he was wrong.

I used to think that others were sick.

But, think about it carefully.

At that time, I could see Conan only because I was paying attention to Conan.

And, other people.

Since they were not paying attention to Conan, they naturally would not notice that Conan was wrong.

Now, it is the same.

Because they were not paying attention to Conan, this guy sneaked up, and none of the three of them noticed.

This cheater!

Li Ze, who didn’t realize that he was also a cheater, looked at Conan with eyes full of envy and jealousy.

“Conan, you……”

“But, forget it!”

“I, Li Ze, accept your bet!”

“If I lose, I will answer you a question unconditionally.”

“If you lose, then if you encounter a case in the future, especially at a gathering of a consortium or celebrities, you must tell me!”

“This, is it okay?”

Everyone was speechless.

Especially Conan, who was extremely angry.

Good fellow!

He really thinks of himself as the god of death!

But… thinking of his own reputation, he still gritted his teeth and nodded.

“no problem!”

“I accepted this bet!”

“In addition, if I win, you are not allowed to spread rumors about me in the future!”


Conan has now fought hard for his reputation.

Li Ze nodded.

Of course he has no problem!

Seeing this scene, Conan was not interested in staying any longer, so he turned around and left with great frustration.

“Li Zejun, you!”

Ayako shook her head helplessly:”How boring!”

“Why are you competing with Conan, really!”


She knew that Conan was Kudo Shinichi, but she also felt that Li Ze was a little unnecessary.

But, for this.

Without waiting for Li Ze to speak, Miyano Shiho said:”Anyway, I’m free, it sounds interesting, I’m a little interested.” Ayako sighed when she heard it.

Another person who likes to watch the fun and doesn’t mind making trouble!

Shaking her head helplessly, she said directly:”Forget it, let’s go”

“It’s time to say hello to the host family!”

Then, he went to the yacht cabin first.

Li Ze and Miyano Shiho naturally did not stay and followed behind Ayako.


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