Chapter 163: The case happened, Conan was desperate!

Suzuki Sonoko, the corner of her mouth twitched.

Listening to her elder sister’s advice, she felt that her head was about to split.

In fact, let alone her.

Even Li Ze’s eyes looking at her were full of sympathy at this time.

As a first-generation rich, he has more choices, after all, he relies on hard power.

What about Sonoko?

She can’t!

As an heir, without the means of her parents, she can only rely on connections.

And when it comes to gathering connections and welcoming and seeing off people, she naturally has to do it better than anyone else.

“”Okay, I understand.”

Yuanzi spoke helplessly.

Li Ze sighed and said,”Yuanzi, I’m so sad!”

Yuanzi was depressed when she heard this.

Seeing this, Ayako was naturally upset.

I’m doing this for your good, what kind of attitude is this?

But, it’s a pity.

Before Ayako could continue to speak, the people of the Hatamoto family surrounded her.

“Hello, Ms. Ayako!”

“Miss Sonoko, what would you like to eat? I will ask the kitchen to prepare it.”

“Mr. Li Ze……”

Everyone present spoke up one after another. Naturally, they couldn’t help but show concern for Li Ze and the other two.

Obviously, no one is stupid!

Although the Hatamoto family is also a small consortium, they may seem a little superior when facing ordinary people.

But when facing a top consortium like Suzuki, all kinds of fawning and flattery are inevitable.

Everyone knows that as long as they can please the three, they will definitely make a lot of money in the future.

And, in this regard.

Although Ayako was not interested in interacting with this group of people, her good upbringing still allowed her to deal with them with a smile.

On the contrary, Sonoko and Li Ze greeted each other awkwardly, and then found an excuse to slip away.

In the corner of the restaurant.

After Sonoko escaped, he immediately drank a large glass of juice, and then said decadently:”This kind of damn business entertainment is really exhausting. I don’t know how my sister has survived all these years.”

“Indeed, it’s so annoying!” Li

Ze nodded after hearing this.



Fu Jiang and his wife:”……”

Everyone was embarrassed about this.

For a moment, they didn’t know what to say. After all, in their impression, this should be a happy thing.

Being the center of attention, shouldn’t this be a kind of enjoyment?

Obviously, they all found it difficult to understand the troubles of Sonoko and Li Ze.

So, in this regard, everyone really didn’t know what to say except silence.

After a long time, everyone pondered for a while and could only change the subject.

The atmosphere became harmonious.

Half an hour later, just when the butler served dinner and everyone started to eat, the butler also went to the depths of the cabin.

He needed to ask Mr. Hatamoto Gozo whether to prepare dinner in the restaurant or send the food back to his room?

But, a moment later,


A scream came from the depths of the cabin.

Almost in an instant.

With this scream, everyone who noticed something was wrong naturally hurried to the depths of the cabin.

Li Ze and others were no exception.

Only Conan.

After hearing this scream, his whole forehead instantly became black.


Is someone really dead?

It seems that he has lost the bet again.

Could it be… that he is really the reincarnation of the god of death?

Thinking that if this name were to be spread out, he instantly had the urge to hit his head against the wall and die.

But, forget it.

It is more important to investigate the case!

After a helpless sigh, Conan also went deep into the cabin.

Then, everyone saw Hatamoto Gozo who was stabbed to death in the room.


Miyano Shiho:”……”

The two girls’ mouths twitched.

After they looked at each other, they couldn’t help but look at Li Ze.

And, in response to this.

Li Ze shrugged, and then whispered:”I have said it before, Conan is my God of Wealth.”

“Li Zejun, are you ready to do it?”

Ayako pondered for a moment and couldn’t help asking.

Li Ze frowned and fell silent.

Of course he understood what Ayako meant, but he hadn’t thought about it for a while.

The reason was simple.

Although the Hatamoto family is also a chaebol, it is also a small third-rate chaebol.

There are a lot of bad things in their children and grandchildren. Some are in debt, some have no money to open a shop…

There are all kinds of things.

From here, it can be seen that the industry of the Hatamoto family is just like that.

Even if you choose to annex, you can’t make much profit.

If it were in the past, you would definitely do it without saying anything.

Now, it’s not possible.

Umbrella has successively annexed the Seba and Takasugi consortiums, especially now that it has married with the Suzuki family, and now it has leapt into a first-class chaebol.

If you continue to do such tasteless things, how will other chaebols view Umbrella?

The cost-effectiveness is really not high!

If the Hatamoto family’s industry is huge, it doesn’t matter if you lose some face and do it.

A little face is naturally not as important as profit.

But, what about now?

For such a small industry, it is not worth it for him to give up his face.

“.Forget it, I’m not interested.”

Li Ze shook his head, then slowly said:”The price-performance ratio is too low, it’s not worth it.”

“We are not detectives, so let’s go to the restaurant and wait!”

“By the way, I’ll call the police!”

Ayako and Miyano Shiho nodded naturally.

They naturally had no interest in this kind of case.

On the other side, while Li Ze and the other two were talking, various quarrels broke out at the scene.

Various people threw dirty water at each other, proving that the other party had a motive to kill.


Tsukimoto Mariko suddenly pointed out that she heard the quarrel between Mr. Hatamoto and Xiao Wu in the room just now, and directly pointed out Xiao Wu’s true hidden identity.

In an instant, everyone exclaimed

“Ah, that’s right!”

“My father is Zaijo Yufu, my real name is Zaijo Takehiko”

“At first, I approached Xia Jiang to take revenge on the Hatamoto family, but I am not the murderer!”

Zaicheng Takehiko hurriedly explained.

It’s just a pity.

No one present trusted him.

And, in the end.

Naturally, he was directly imprisoned in the warehouse by everyone, just like in the original book.

The difference from the original book is that because there is no Maori Kogoro, Conan is just a child, and there is no way to investigate the case without anyone to cover.

So this matter was directly frozen.

At this time, Li Ze spoke

“Everyone, let’s go back to the restaurant.”

“It’s best not to destroy the crime scene. Let’s wait for the Metropolitan Police Department to come for the detailed investigation.”

“I brought a satellite phone, I will call the police later.”


As Li Ze spoke, everyone’s eyes were filled with emotion.

After all, in this era, ordinary people can’t afford satellite phones!

Ten minutes later.

Li Ze put down the satellite phone in his hand and said to everyone with a smile

“Okay, everyone.”

“The Metropolitan Police Department will arrive in about two hours.”

“I’m sure everyone is hungry, so let’s eat as soon as possible.”

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