Chapter 160: Miyano Shibo’s release, Ayako’s encouragement and acceptance!

Xiaolan was helpless about this.


She felt that Sonoko was a little exaggerated.

She and Shinichi had been separated for such a long time, but Sonoko was not as exaggerated as she was!

However, Sonoko still couldn’t get excited about her friend’s comfort.

“Xiaolan, you don’t understand!”

“You and Kudo used to see each other every day. He’s just not around lately.”

“I am different from Ah Zhen, we just met!”

Yuan Zi, with a depressed look on her face! Seeing this, Ayako frowned.

It’s so embarrassing!

If other people knew that the head of the Suzuki family was such a love-brained person, would the Suzuki family still have face?

However, when she was about to teach Yuan Zi a lesson, she was stopped by Li Ze.

“Ayako, forget it.”

“Sonoko is still a high school student, this is normal”

“Talking about the Suzuki family, do you still care about this?”

“Today is also a happy day, there is no need to make it unhappy!”

“Speaking of Yuanzi, her mood changes in waves, and she forgets about it after a while.”

“Let’s go over there and watch the sea together!”

Li Ze said at this time.

Although Ayako was still very unhappy, she gave up helplessly after being persuaded by Li Ze.

“Well, okay.”

Ayako was helpless.

Li Ze smiled and nodded, then waved to Shiho.

Miyano Shiho narrowed her eyes.

To be honest, although she had a good impression of Ayako, she didn’t want to get involved in these things.

But, forget it.

Since Li Ze had already spoken, he had to give her this little face.

He shrugged and walked over.

“What did you call me for?”

Myano Shiho was lying on the railing, staring at the sea in a daze.

Li Ze pointed at the seagulls in the sky and the sunset, then smiled and said:”I asked you two to enjoy the beautiful scenery together. I also want to know if you feel a little more relaxed after this journey?”

“I talked to the organization boss and we even reached a consensus last night.”

“From now on, we will keep our distance from each other!”

“So you don’t have to worry in the future, just relax and enjoy yourself.”

After saying that, he had no intention of hiding anything, and simply told Miyano Shiho what happened last night.

He knew very well that although Miyano Shiho had followed him for so long, she always had a heavy stone in her heart.

This was indeed the case.

After hearing these words, Miyano Shiho couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment, and then the whole person became completely relaxed.

Looking at the sunset in the sky, listening to the cries of seagulls.

After a long time, she couldn’t help asking:”Are we so strong already? Even Gin and Vermouth were caught?”

“Strictly speaking, it is still not as good as the organization.”

Li Ze shrugged, and then said helplessly:”This can’t be helped. How long has Umbrella been established?”

“The organization is a large organization that is spread all over the world, but it is only within the domestic scope. Our power is not inferior to that of the dark organization.”

“But, the same thing!”

“The real enemy of the organization is still those intelligence organizations”

“He has neither the time nor the interest to be our enemy. After all, among us chaebols and organizations, there is no life-and-death feud based on principles, right?”

“And don’t forget”

“I have analyzed it for you before. The organization is just a black glove of a certain chaebol.”

“If the opponent can have one black glove, why can’t he have a second one?”

“The organization has long been infiltrated by major intelligence agencies around the world and has become like a sieve. As long as the boss of the organization is not stupid, he will definitely keep something in reserve. Is it hard to understand why he would create a second black glove?”

“Even if the chaebol is hiding, they will inevitably reappear.”

“In my opinion, the other party is waiting for the success of Aptx’s research and development. When the other party really gets the elixir of life, the so-called dark organization will naturally lose its effect.”

“At that time, let the dark organization disintegrate, kill those who know the identity of the boss, and then arrange for a fake boss to commit suicide!”

“In the end, the other party changed his appearance and reappeared as a chaebol, still with a black glove in his hand”

“The boss gained immortality, and the intelligence organization destroyed the organization”

“Everybody’s happy, isn’t it?”

“Since the other party is finally going to reappear, and our status with Suzuki is sufficient, and since there is no life-and-death feud between us, maybe we can still do business in the future.”

“There are no eternal enemies or friends, only eternal interests!”

“Your identity as a researcher doesn’t matter to me.”

“Given the BOSS’s caution, there must be multiple research teams, and you are just one of them.”

“It is normal not to put all the chickens in one basket.”

“You are important, but not too important.”


“You know, Vermouth!”

“She, a living successful experimental subject, is truly irreplaceable.”

“You are more like a shield pushed to the front by the boss to confuse the major intelligence organizations!”

“Now that the boss is willing to trade with us and even promises not to interfere with us, it proves that he is ready to change his shield again.”

“So, don’t think too much.”

“I have told you so much now just to tell you how the chaebols think about problems.”

“Things are not as bad as you think, and you are not that important.”

Li Ze explained in detail.

After all, she is his woman, so he still has some patience.

And, yes.

He really doesn’t think that Miyano Shiho is that important!

If she is really irreplaceable, then the organization in the original book will not have such a low search intensity.


Even in the later period.

Gin really planned to kill Miyano Shiho!

If she really could not be replaced, would the organization boss allow it?


From the perspective of the chaebol, it was natural for Li Ze to make this set of inferences.

Miyano Shiho was stunned for a moment.

Is this the truth of the matter? Am

I overthinking?

Is she not that important?

Although she felt a little unbelievable in her heart, after thinking about it carefully, she felt that it seemed very normal.

Thinking of this, she breathed a sigh of relief.

“This is a good thing, isn’t it?”

Miyano Shiho smiled bitterly and said,”I feel much more relaxed now.”

“Li Zejun, thank you!”

And, in response to this.

Li Ze shrugged:”You are my woman, it’s all my duty!”

“Yes, Shiho!”

Ayako smiled and said:”We are all family.”

“The Suzuki family also has your back!”

“The chaebols are not as simple as you think. Unless they really want to break up, no one will do anything to the chaebol family members.”

“You are Li Zejun’s legal wife. Unless the boss of the organization wants to fight to the death, he will never dare to attack you!”

Miyano Shiho nodded.

At this moment , she felt relieved! She had never felt more relieved in her life.

The huge black organization and codename members such as Gin were all nightmares in her life.

Even after being rescued by Li Ze, she was often awakened by nightmares.

But now, with Li Ze’s words, she was really relieved.

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