Chapter 159 Comforting Ayako and preparing to go home!

3G mobile phone technology?

After hearing what Li Ze said, Ayako’s eyes were full of confusion.


When he saw the real thing that Li Ze took out and saw the many functions such as email, video calls, Internet access, games, etc., he couldn’t help but gasp.


She knew too well how huge the benefits of these functions were!

Thinking of this, her face couldn’t help but become serious.

“The benefits are so huge!”

“Even if we add the Suzuki family, we will never be able to eat it.”

“But I can’t figure it out!”

“Since the dark organization has such technical means, why doesn’t it eat the fat meat itself, instead of doing such dirty things?”

“Isn’t this too short-sighted?”

“It doesn’t make sense!”


, she couldn’t understand it!

In her opinion, she could instantly perceive the benefits contained in it. Even if the leader of the dark organization was stupid, he should have thought of it, right?

If he didn’t have this ability, he couldn’t come up with such a plan.

This is very strange.

And, in this regard,

Li Ze pondered for a while, and couldn’t help but explain with a smile:”Actually, there is nothing that can’t be said. In my opinion, the other party is just inconvenient.”

“This technology has long been used within the organization. If a company were to use this technology, wouldn’t that be an incrimination?”

“Compared to mobile phone technology, the research and development of longevity drugs is more important!”

“So the other party’s giving up is also a helpless act in my opinion.”

“But it’s cheap for us”

“In order to hide their identity, the other party is not willing to reveal their name, but we don’t have this concern.”

“But, again,”

“The benefits of this mobile phone technology are too great. Even if Umbrella and Suzuki join forces, they can only occupy the domestic market at best.”

“If you want to spread it around the world, you have to get some big financial groups involved.”

“But I rose too fast and I don’t have the resources, so I can only rely on the Suzuki family!”

Ayako nodded when she heard this.

This point really needs to be discussed carefully!

After all, it’s not easy to eat such a big piece of fat meat.

Then, after the two finished talking about the business, they started chatting about various things, and naturally talked about Kyogoku Shin

“Kyogoku Makoto and Sonoko, the two of them are developing very fast”

“To be honest, I’m a little worried!”

“After all, Kyogoku Makoto seems a bit unreliable no matter how you look at it.”

“I doubt it, did you see it wrong?”

Suzuki Ayako frowned slightly.

Especially when she talked about Kyogoku Makoto, her brows were filled with deep sorrow.


If Li Ze hadn’t said hello in advance, she would never agree to let Sonoko and Kyogoku Makoto contact each other.

Although Sonoko is usually careless, as long as her elder sister speaks up, she will never dare to refute the major issues in front of her.

Now she chooses to let it go for the time being, purely because of Li Ze’s guarantee.

But, even so.

When talking about this matter at this time, Ayako’s eyes were full of worry.

She was very scared!

If Sonoko really fell in love, and Kyogoku Makoto was not so good, then if they broke up forcibly in the future, she was really afraid of hurting Sonoko.

After all.

There are too many things to consider in marriage between chaebols!

Even Sonoko, the future head of the family, would hardly have too many selection qualifications.

“Ayako, don’t worry.”

Li Ze saw this and said with a smile:”I didn’t lie to you!”

“Kyogoku is indeed a talented person. I was not exaggerating before.”

“Right now, their relationship is still a little shallow. When they really get to meet their parents, then he can show his talents.”

“Now, don’t worry!”

Ayako nodded.

Although she was indeed very worried, what Li Ze said made sense.

So, forget it!

It’s normal to have a relationship anyway.

Even if her parents knew about this, they would definitely not care.

After a moment of hesitation, she slowly spoke.

“OK, I got it!”

Then, the two of them just looked at the beach and chatted casually. At five o’clock in the afternoon

, when everyone came back from playing, they began to pack their luggage and prepared to return directly to Tokyo.

However, when everyone ran to the ferry excitedly, they learned that today’s passenger ship had already sailed, and if they wanted to return to Tokyo, they had to wait for tomorrow’s ferry.

“What should we do?”

Xiao Lan frowned and said helplessly:”Shall we wait until tomorrow to leave?”

Hearing this, Sonoko nodded immediately:”I think there is no problem, I just happen to have a lot to talk to Zhen!”

Kyogoku Zhen’s face turned red instantly when he heard this.

Conan, with a drooping face.

He was not interested in these trivial matters at all.

He was still thinking about what happened last night.

Miyano Shiho, with her arms folded across her chest.

She didn’t care about these trivial matters.

Li Ze walked out and couldn’t help but said:”Why don’t you call the helicopter, I’ll make a call!”


If it was in the past, he might really have no way.

But now.

Since he has become a chaebol, this kind of thing is nothing to him.

One phone call can do it.


Conan was shocked when he heard this, and he wanted to jump up and refuse directly on the spot.

What a joke!

Everyone goes back to Tokyo and drives the armed Apache over?

Wouldn’t others be scared to death when they see it?

But… before Conan could speak, Ayako took the initiative to say:”Let’s use the Suzuki family’s plane. Umbrella’s plane is not suitable.”


As the CEO of Umbrella and Li Ze’s fiancée, he is very clear about his own situation.

Helicopters, indeed!

But all of them are equipped with so many weapons, and the impact of that thing is too great.


It’s better to use the resources of the Suzuki family.

“Hey, everyone, look!”

“There’s a ship coming over there. Let’s go over and ask.”

“If he goes back to Tokyo, he can give us a ride!”

Xiao Lan turned her head and said with a smile.


, as Xiao Lan spoke, everyone looked at the sea, and then saw a cruise ship coming in the wind and waves.

Li Ze:”……”

The corners of his mouth twitched.

Especially when he looked at Xiaolan’s appearance, he couldn’t help but gasp.

What a coincidence!

Could it be that Xiaolan is really the biological daughter of the goddess of luck?


After the ship docked, Xiaolan took the initiative to run over.

Seeing this scene.

The sisters Sonoko and Ayako naturally took the initiative to walk over.


Naturally, there were no surprises, and the other party easily accepted them.

An hour later.

After the cruise ship was replenished with some fresh water, food, and vegetables, everyone got on the ship.

Everyone was very happy, only Sonoko was a little disappointed.

There was no way.

Although she could return to Tokyo, she had to separate from Kyogoku Makoto.

“All right, Garden!”

“Can’t I accompany you to Haido High School next weekend and play with Kyogoku Makoto?”

“There’s no need to be so disappointed, right?”

Looking at her disappointed friend, Xiaolan hurriedly smiled and comforted her.


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