Teitan Elementary School!

"Did you watch Kaito Kid on TV yesterday?"

"That coward didn't even dare to go"

"My dad said Kaito Kidd is a bad guy!"


The elementary school students took advantage of the time before the teacher entered the classroom to discuss heatedly.

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi were also discussing that they should do something earth-shattering.

Ever since the last time the Shonen White Give Group personally participated in cracking down on a counterfeit money gang.

The three of them felt like a knife cutting their butts.

Their eyes have been opened!

The pattern is no longer limited to such small things as helping others find cats and dogs.

Conan on the side naturally could not participate in such a boring topic.

A thoughtful look on his face...

Very strange!

Last night, the Mori Detective Agency received an unknown package.

After opening it... inside was the file of Shigehiko Tsuguchi, a politician who died in the Haido Hotel some time ago.

Although it was just a photocopy, it was enough to shock him.

You know!

It is not a simple matter to enter the file room of the Metropolitan Police Department and take it out again.

But last night���Several doubts in Zongzhong gave him answers.

The death of politician Shigehiko Tsuguchi was definitely not an accident caused by the chandelier being out of repair.

It was a murder!

But he still couldn't figure out who the real murderer was.


"Shall we go play baseball together after school today?"

"Yes, let's go together."

After the last counterfeit money case, the Baige trio's admiration for Huiyuan was like a torrent of water.

The reason was because of Kizawa Yuu!

Huiyuan Ai used her real experience to tell them what a wonderful experience it is to have a detective brother.


"Why are you so sleepy every day?"

It's very strange!

Shouldn't children of their age be full of energy and youth?

"I'm busy at night"

"I'm going home after school."

"Go play by yourselves!"

Huiyuan Ai couldn't help but yawn.

You are still young!

You can't understand the danger of being handcuffed to the bedside and tossed around in the middle of the night.

It's really life-threatening.

She even suspected that Mu Ze Youyu had been taking drugs recently.


"So are you going or not?"

Ayumi put her hope on Conan.

If Conan didn't go, then she wouldn't go either.

It wouldn't be that much fun to play with two silly guys like Mitsuhiko and Genta.


"Go by yourselves."

"I have something to do tonight."

He couldn't even eat until he figured out the secret of Tsunoguchi Shigehiko, let alone baseball, which he wasn't very interested in.

Then again!

He had never expected that the Huihara Ai sitting next to him was actually a sibling of Kizawa Yuu.

"What a bummer!"

"We should play baseball together after school."

"Hey... Huihara-san"

"You still watch this kind of entertainment news?"


"Kill some boring time."

Conan was not interested in this kind of star-chasing thing.

His parents gave him a flexible brain, but not a complete five-tone.

But when he glanced at it... a flash of lightning flashed through his mind!

"Let me see it!"

Without waiting for Haibara Ai to agree, the next second, the entertainment weekly has fallen into Conan's hands.


"You are too much"

"You actually stole a girl's things."

Genta and Mitsuhiko seized on Conan's faults and criticized him harshly!

This established a tall and mighty image in the hearts of the goddesses.

""I see."

Conan's mouth gradually rose.

He had completely figured out the case of the politician Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi's death in the Haido Hotel.

This was not an accident!

It was a murder case with real evidence.

"Great detective!"

"You should have figured it all out."

Huihara Ai saw Conan's confident expression.

She also had the answer in her heart!


Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

Megure Jusan hurried in.……

"The death of politician Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi at the Haido Hotel was not an accident"

"According to the clues left at the scene, this person was murdered."

The police officers of the Investigation Division were all confused.


The case was just closed as an accident a few days ago.

Why did it change today?

"Who is the murderer who killed Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi?"

A detective asked

"It was the chairman of the car company who attended the memorial service that night."

"Kenzo Masuyama!"

"Takagi, Shiratori, take your men and arrest Masuyama Kenzo immediately."

Inspector Megure did not mention that the person who provided the clue was the famous high school detective Kudo Shinichi.

This guy repeatedly told him not to mention the name Kudo Shinichi.

I don't know what's wrong with this guy.


PS: Please give me flowers!

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