Beihu Building.

Underground parking lot.

Piske just sat in the driver's seat when a black pistol was pointed at the back of his head.


Pisk took a deep breath.

His heart almost jumped out of his throat.

"Snow... snowflakes!"

He saw the cold face of Kisawa Yuu through the rearview mirror.

At this moment!

He became more nervous.

Cold sweat began to appear in his palms.

Kisawa Yuu is the top killer in the organization. His professional ability and status in the organization are several levels higher than his.

If it weren't for Gin's previous arrangement, the two would never have met.

During this period, he was also monitoring Kisawa Yuu's residence.

It must be a bad thing for this guy to come to his door now.

"What's in the briefcase?"

"Information about me?"

Kizawa Yuu tapped the back of Pisk's head with his pistol, signaling him to open it!

This is the way members of the Black Organization communicate with each other.

"They are all... just some ordinary documents from the car company."

Although Pisco pretended to be calm, Kizawa Yuu still smelled something different.

He used his keen insight to find a piece of information about Shirley in the computer in the briefcase.

And... a photo of Haibara Ai!

"Why did the photo of this little girl appear in your computer?"

Sure enough!

The surveillance near the residence is not just aimed at him.


"This... this little girl is Shirley who defected from the organization."

"You let me go!"

"I attribute this achievement to you."

It was purely coincidental that Haibara Ai was Shirley.

At that time, a group of little kids ran into his building to play, and he accidentally noticed the little girl named Haibara Ai.

At that time, he had a bold guess!

After multiple surveillance and investigations, he finally verified his guess.


He believed that Shirley's defection was helped by Mu Ze Youyu

"I see!"

"It seems that you haven't told any organization about this matter."

Pisk's pupils shrank suddenly.

He realized that what he said just now had brought him a fatal disaster.

Before Pisk could beg for mercy, blood was already splattered in the car.

Under the effect of the silencer, no unusual noise was made in the quiet parking lot.

A professional killer not only has to assassinate, but also eliminate traces.

After erasing the traces of his presence, Mu Ze Youyu took out his mobile phone and called Gin...

He didn't rush to speak!

Instead, he took out a recorder from his pocket and decisively pressed the play button.

"The death of politician Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi at the Haido Hotel was not an accident……"

The voice in the recorder is Inspector Megure's voice!

An important name appears in this recording: Kenzo Masuyama

"The matter has been resolved successfully"

"You're welcome!"

Pisk is dead!

He died so that Gin lost all his temper, and he died so that the organization couldn't find any fault with him.


Almost at the same time,

Pisco's building and residence exploded.

Kaito in black, who was hiding not far away, pressed down the wide brim of his hat.

Damn it!

Kaito Kuroba himself couldn't believe that one day he would use his proud magic to sneak into a building and plant a bomb.

He felt that he had gone further and further on the road of crime.……

"Where are you?"

"A serious explosion occurred opposite Beihu Building"

"Superintendent Matsumoto Kiyonaga has arrived at the scene!" Sato

Miwako's slightly helpless voice came from the other end of the phone.

There have been too many explosions in Tokyo recently.

It makes the entire Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department very embarrassed!

When Kisawa Yu arrived, the explosion scene had been almost cleaned up.

"Why did you come just now?"

Misako Sato handed over a bottle of mineral water.

The entire Metropolitan Police Department is a privilege that belongs exclusively to Kisawa Yuu.

Seeing this, the little bastards around him gnashed their teeth!

Kisawa Yuu pointed to the time:"I wasn't around just now."

It's time to get off work now!

It doesn't seem too much to be late temporarily?

The explosion affected the entire floor, and all traces of Kenzo Masuyama disappeared in the high temperature heat wave.

There was no way to even know whether Kenzo Masuyama was in the building.

Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department looked unhappy!

An explosion like this that could not find a suspect would only once again realize how useless they are.

Half an hour later... the Investigation Division received a call and found Kenzo Masuyama's body in the parking lot under the Haido Building.

It also solved their previous doubts!

Kenzo Masuyama did not die in the explosion just now, but he died in the underground parking lot. He was shot in his own car!

"According to the investigation...there is no trace left now"

"It should be the work of a professional killer!"

The detectives present all looked unhappy.

Everyone could see that Kenzo Masuyama was silenced.

But that was all!

The clues left at present... did not support them in finding out the real culprit behind this.

Miwako Sato punched the stone pillar next to her angrily:"Damn it!"

Such a result would be more acceptable than Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi dying in an accident.

In the end, they had no choice but to clean up the scene!


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