Kizawa Yuu bought another luxury house worth 100 million yen near the Metropolitan Police Department.

It is more luxurious than the previous one.

Having money is so willful!

However, since moving in, the atmosphere around him has changed subtly.

"We are being watched."


Grayhara Ai hugged her knees and curled up on the sofa in the living room.

Her radar ability was turned on!

Although she had experienced a lot before.

She was also brought by Kizawa Yuu to face the Black Organization.

But she did not lose her radar ability to explore the Black Organization.

The psychological changes told her: The Black Organization is nearby!

"Don't worry"

"It should be coming for me."

He has already investigated these two days.

It is indeed as Haibara Ai said... they are being monitored.

The person in charge of monitoring him is one of the important members of the organization: Pisker!

This old bastard is led by Gin in the organization.

This alone is an unforgivable crime for him.

"Are you sure they are targeting you?"

That doesn't make sense!

Mu Ze You Yu is the top killer in the organization.

Why is he under surveillance?

This time, the target of surveillance is more reasonable for her.

"Do not worry"

"You won't die so easily."

"I'm still waiting for you to have a baby."

Kizawa Yu stood in front of the mirror and adjusted his clothes.

He is a policeman!

Most of the time he still has to work from nine to five.

"If you have concerns, you can skip going to Teitan Elementary School during this period."

"Anyway, your little white mouse won't die for a while."

He was relieved to leave Haibara Ai alone at home.

After the last explosion, no one would dare to enter his room at will.

Haibara Ai listened to Kisawa Yuu's advice.

He took out the remote control and turned on the TV.……

"The Green Emperor is back in the hands of the Suzuki Group!"

"Jiro Suzuki once again used the Emerald Emperor as a bet. Would Kaito Kid dare to come this time?"

The TV was broadcasting about the Suzuki Group.

Not far behind the reporter was Mori Ginzo from the Second Investigation Division talking to Jiro Suzuki like a roar.

It's not hard to guess!

He should be questioning where Jiro Suzuki bought the Emerald Emperor from.

His girlfriend really didn't lie!


Ekoda High School.

Kuroba Kaito looked at the front page headlines of today's newspaper.

He was shocked!

It was exactly the same as the news released by the Suzuki Group before.

The incident set off a wave of enthusiasm in Tokyo... but it was completely different from all the previous situations.

The two big words"bandit" on the newspaper were particularly eye-catching!

More than half of the fans who once supported him in successfully stealing the gems hoped that he would be caught this time.

Today is not as good as the past!

The era of him, Kaito Kid, has passed.……


He was devastated!

It was because of that guy Mu Ze You Yu that his life became a mess.

"Very distressed?"

"Still wondering whether to go to the appointment today?"

Kaito Kuroba's hair stood on end.

He looked at Kizawa Yuu who suddenly appeared beside him in horror.

This guy... when did he come?

"I need your help."

Mu Ze You Yu handed over a candy.

"Stop dreaming!"

"I will never be your scapegoat again."

"If you want the emerald, you have to rely on your own ability."

I'm anxious!

Black Kaito is anxious.

Letting him appear in Suzuki Building is tantamount to sending him to death.

"You also know that your only skill is stealing"

"Regardless of the fact that I am not asking you to keep the appointment this time, nor am I asking you to steal the Emerald Emperor."

He is not stupid!

Since a policeman died in the Suzuki Building last time, the nature of the matter has completely changed.

If Kuroba Kaito goes to the appointment again this time, it will not only be the police officers of the Second Investigation Division who are waiting for him.

The Metropolitan Police Department has been provoked enough recently!

Now all the detectives want to take this opportunity to catch the bastard Kaito Kidd.

"Nothing works"

"There is no relationship between us."

Kizawa Yuu's response was plain and simple!

In front of Kuro and Kaito, he dialed the number of Nakamori Ginzo of the Second Investigation Division.

Officer Nakamori wanted to know the true identity of Kaito Kidd in his dreams.

"What do you want me to do?"


Kuroba Kaito finally compromised.

Once his other identity was known to Nakamori Ginzo, he would have no chance.

Even if he told the Metropolitan Police Department the truth, no one would choose to believe him without evidence.

"It's very simple!"

"I want you to sneak into the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and get the file of Shigehiko Tsuchiguchi, a politician who died in the Haido Hotel some time ago, from the archives."

Kaito Kuroba's hair stood on end! A mouse licking a cat's pussy?

Doesn't this mean he still wants him dead!

"Mr. Kizawa"

"I think you have forgotten that you are a policeman."

That's right!

How can a guy who shoots a detective and steals the emerald by violence be called a policeman?

"What else do I need you to do if I want to show up?"

"Most of the people in the Metropolitan Police Department are not here tonight"

"This is your best chance!"

He had just received a call from Sato Miwako.


Suzuki Building!

Mission: Capture Kaito Kid alive!


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