New York at night is full of lights!

The lights illuminate the whole city, neon lights flicker, and traffic is busy.

Thousands of streams of light merge into an eternal fountain of light, winding freely among the crowd. It was a good idea to bring this little girl, Ai Huihara!

He doesn't speak English!

It's wonderful to bring such a translator who can play and sing.

Maybe it's because of a day of translating English.

When Ai Huihara returned to the hotel, she had changed from the previous Yameide to ohyeah, ohno, ohmygod.!

"What on earth do you want to do in New York?"

Huihara Ai couldn't help asking.

She didn't know how long they would stay in this strange city.

Suddenly, a goose egg-sized emerald appeared in Kizawa Yuu's hand:"We want to sell it!" Huihara

Ai's eyes almost popped out!

She was a scientific researcher, but that didn't mean gems had no attraction to her.

What's more, it was such a big gem!

It was the first time she had seen one.

"Is this... the Emerald Emperor that the Suzuki Group lost?"

She is also a person who pays attention to current affairs!

The most serious incident on TV some time ago was the Suzuki Group's loss of the Emerald.

I didn't expect that it was actually done by this guy Mu Ze Youyu.

""Stealing from the company!"

What else can she say?

She can only give such a fair evaluation.

"You're wrong about this."

"Protecting the Emerald Emperor is the job of the Second Investigation Division. I showed up at the Suzuki Building that day just because I received an invitation from the second lady of the Suzuki Group."

Huihara Ai was even more unhappy:"Scumbag!"

She knew that the relationship between Mu Ze You Yu and the second lady of Suzuki must be special.

Saying that she is a real girlfriend?

She has never felt the slightest bit of a lover relationship with Mu Ze You Yu.

She feels more like a pet!

She doesn't know how Mu Ze You Yu will deal with her in the future?

Is he really going to let her have a child, or... kick her away?

Even she herself is confused!

"Emeralds of this size are very famous all over the world."

"Do you think you can sell it?"

She didn't believe that only people living in Tokyo had heard of the Emerald Emperor.

The Emerald might be even more famous in New York!

"You have to try your luck!"

Kuroba Kaito said in the letter that there will be an underground auction in New York in two days.

That guy shouldn't lie to him!


That night, an unexpected guest came to the hotel.


After the last in-depth communication, the relationship between the two had also undergone subtle changes.

Vermouth sat on his lap so naturally and skillfully.

"How did you know I was here?"

It's not an exaggeration to say that New York belongs to Vermouth's territory.

But even so!

Mu Ze Youyu didn't think that his whereabouts could be discovered by this woman in just one day.

He is a murderer!

How could he be so lame?

"Want to know?"

"You have to show some sincerity!"

Vermouth put her loose hair behind her head, revealing her fair neck. She was ready to do something big!

Active and skilled!

Kizawa Yuu doubted whether this woman had made her debut in the adult industry before.

Before his torture, he finally forced Vermouth to tell him that his whereabouts had been exposed.

It turned out that this woman was also on the flight to New York this morning.


This result is at least easier to accept than exposing his whereabouts as soon as he arrived in New York

"What are you looking for me for?"

Mu Ze You Yu didn't believe that a sexy woman like Vermouth was just looking for him to clear the waterway.

"There is a mission!"

"The organization asked us to get rid of Dai Moroboshi who appeared in New York this time."

Kizawa Yuu's thoughts instantly flooded his mind.

Dai Moroboshi?

One of the top killers in the organization.

Code name: Rye Whiskey!

In addition... he should have another name: Shuichi Akai!

"This is your own task."

"It has nothing to do with me!"

He immediately saw through the woman's scheming.

The organization didn't know about his visit to New York.

If he hadn't been encountered by Vermouth, this woman wouldn't have known his whereabouts.

"He is the enemy of the organization!"

"If you go to Japan someday, it will be a great threat to you."

Vermouth didn't expect that Mu Ze You Yu would reject her so decisively.

Is she not charming enough?

"What good will it do for me to help you?"

He and Akai Shuichi had never met in the organization.

It was for this reason that he had an undercover job in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

But Akai Shuichi was called the silver bullet by the organization.

The existence of such a person was always a huge threat to him.

"What do you want?"

I just slept with you, what else do you want?

However, in order to complete the task assigned by the organization, she still suppressed the fire in her heart.

She currently has too few people to use, and there is no one like Mu Ze Youyu.

"Let's go there and relive the passion just now!"

Vermouth looked in the direction of Mu Ze You Yu's finger.

Suddenly, she had the urge to shoot Mu Ze You Yu.

"You're sick!"

Want her to be on top of the Statue of Liberty?

Let's not talk about how the two of them got there!

If this kind of thing is photographed by the media, tomorrow's New York newspapers will not be able to let her go.

Vermouth turned around angrily!

She was played for nothing!


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