"Autumn bean sack!"

"If you help me sell this little stone, I will assist you in this mission."

Vermouth looked at the emerald that Mu Zeyou had.

Her eyes were wide open!

You call this a little stone?

Even a female star like her who has experienced a lot of things would be surprised to see such a big emerald.

"The Emerald Emperor?!"

"Did you do the Tokyo Suzuki Building incident?"

This incident caused a lot of uproar.

Even the organization was alarmed. As an intelligence officer in the organization, how could she not know about this incident?

But she didn't expect that this incident was done by Mu Ze Youyu!

"Help me sell it!"

New York is Vermouth's territory.

If this woman can't get rid of this emerald, he can't think of any other way.

"If the organization knows you are doing this"

"Do you know what the consequences are?"

The organization went to great lengths to get Kisawa Yuu into the Metropolitan Police Department, not to let him do robbery.

Once his identity is exposed, it will inevitably affect the entire organization's plans.

"As long as you don't tell me, who will know?"

"What if I said it?"

"Then I will kill you!"

Vermouth laughed!

This kind of deterrence is indeed the taste of the organization.

"Wait for my news!"

Vermouth put away the Emerald Emperor on the table.

She took the deal!

She finally understood why Mu Ze Youyu came to New York

"Let’s talk about it in advance!"

"I will only assist you in this mission secretly and will not confront the FBI head-on."

He is not stupid!

This is New York.

It is the territory of the FBI!

Once the mission fails, does he really want to go back to Tokyo?

Even if he can go back, I believe his identity will be exposed in the shortest time.

"Good night!"

Vermouth showed a sexy and charming smile.

She walked out of the luxurious suite on the top floor of the hotel and slowly disappeared from Kizawa Yu's sight.


Life in the hotel was boring and dull.

The two could only exchange postures to pass the time.

Haibara Ai wanted to take the opportunity to go out for a walk, which was also a break for her body.

But after knowing that Absinthe came yesterday, she completely lost the idea.

The Black Organization was active nearby. If she went out and met those people, she would probably be scared and unable to walk.

Destroy it!

Continue this painful and happy life


Vermouth is very efficient.

He sent me the news about the emerald transaction in the afternoon.

The auction was a success!

"One hundred million dollars?"

Kizawa Yuu had never thought that such a broken stone could be sold for one hundred million dollars.

Kuroba Kaito had told him that it was worth only five thousand dollars at most.

"I didn't expect it either"

"But such a sucker appeared at the auction."

Vermouth directly transferred 100 million US dollars to Kizawa Yuu's account.

A rich woman like her would not be interested in the commission in the middle.

In addition to sending money, Vermouth also brought a detailed plan for hunting down Akai Shuichi.

A road demon has recently appeared in New York!

Vermouth wanted to use his superb disguise skills to trick Akai Shuichi out.

What he had to do was to kill him from a long distance!

This mission was very suitable for him!

He could kill Akai Shuichi without exposing him.

After Vermouth left, Huihara Ai dared to come out of the bedroom inside.……

"Are you going to help the organization kill Rye Whiskey?"

She had heard her sister mention this person, and he was also an important member of the organization.

But she had never seen him!


"I'm actually a member of the Black Organization!"

That's right!

Huihara Ai suddenly realized.

If Kisawa Yuu hadn't said it, she would have probably forgotten that this guy was a member of the Black Organization.

And one of the top killers: Snow Flower!

But from Kisawa Yuu, she didn't feel the fear that belonged to the Black Organization.

Instead, she felt very safe!

"So when are we going back?"

I thought I could relax after coming to New York.

I didn't expect that I couldn't escape the big hand of the organization.

It would be safer to live across from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department.

"In two days

, he also wanted to visit Eri Kisaki who was pregnant in New York.


In the evening,

Kisawa Yu received a surprise!

Miyano Akemi sent him a text message: She is pregnant!

The text message was very brief!

Between the lines, it revealed Miyano Akemi's eagerness to see her sister.

Kisawa Yu was also looking forward to the birth of the newborn and the gift from the system.


PS: Please support me by giving me flowers and votes!

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