In an underground parking lot in Tokyo, among the neatly parked cars, a white AE86 is shaking slightly.……

"You are crazy!"

"Why did you kill Tequila?"

Vermouth hurried over after hearing the news that Tequila was killed in the explosion.

She knew that Mu Ze You Yu and Gin had never gotten along!

But this guy couldn't take advantage of Gin's recovery period to stab his subordinates crazily.

Killing each other... This is a taboo in the organization!

"He has been exposed"

"Itakura Taku's diary USB flash drive contains information about tequila"

"If it was Gin, he would do the same thing!"

Kizawa Yuu admitted that he had revenge in mind.

But he did it for his own safety!

He couldn't let a guy who was in danger of being exposed walk around the streets of Tokyo.

"Since you have the USB drive, why don't you destroy it directly?" Although

Tequila's business ability is not outstanding in the organization, his loyalty to the organization is clear to all!

Killing without hesitation is too hasty.

"The police already knew about the existence of the USB drive"

"I have no chance!"

Vermouth lit a cigarette:"You can completely delete the content about the organization."

"I did it!"

"But there are too many parts about organization"

"In order not to arouse the suspicion of the police, I only deleted the part about the two of us."

Kizawa Yu grabbed Vermouth's wrist, put the cigarette between his fingers to his mouth and took a puff, then pinched Vermouth's sexy chin and gently lifted her mouth to kiss it.


How good I am to you!

The smell of Kizawa Yu mixed in the cigarette made Vermouth's brain clearer.

She remembered! She did call Itakura Taku once on behalf of the organization before. Unexpectedly, just this one time, it was written in the diary by the software engineer.

Vermouth is an important member of the organization, a household name, and a veteran in the love field.

At this moment!

She has begun to respond involuntarily.

With the rhythm of breathing, wisps of smoke continued to emerge from the lips of the two.

Kizawa Yu inserted the key into the keyhole, turned it gently, and heard the roar of the engine.

AE86 went up the mountain!

His skillful driving skills made him get splashed in the face when he turned the drainage ditch


Vermouth lit a cigarette skillfully.

Puffing out smoke!

So happy!

It turns out that... after sex, cigarettes are not gender-specific

"Tell Gin that Tequila doesn't need to thank me for this."

"I think... you'll be able to see her soon."

Vermouth checked the time.

This was the longest time the two had ever met!

About an hour!

"Baby, you are awesome."

Vermouth gave a full five-star rating.

Today's trip to Akina Mountain was unforgettable for her!


Early in the morning!

Before Kizawa Yuu even got out of bed, a letter hit him in the face

"Up so early?"

Habara Ai rolled her eyes helplessly:"Thank you for keeping me up all night."

Her current routine has been adjusted to be almost the same as when she was in the organization.

Sleep during the day!

At night... do scientific research in the second half of the night.

"Kaito Kid?!"

The content of the letter told him: Kaito Kid has found a channel to sell the Emerald Emperor.

But this channel is in New York!

Very good!

The transaction location is abroad to avoid being tracked by the island police.

Kizawa Yuu took a look at the envelope... It was completely different from Kaito Kid's previous high-profile style of doing things.

This time there was no pattern exclusive to the Kaito on the envelope, let alone KID's signature.

It seems that the kid will not dare to use the name of Kaito Kid to continue committing crimes in the future.

Think about it!

An ordinary jewelry thief and a gangster with the blood of police officers on his hands are completely two different concepts.

If Kaito Kid comes out again now, the person in charge of the case will no longer be Officer Nakamori of the Second Investigation Division.

"You're going to New York?"

Mu Ze Youyu nodded.

He was just thinking about this.

The Emerald Emperor was just a green stone in his hand. He would definitely make a move if he had the chance!

At most, he would ask for a few days' leave from the Metropolitan Police Department, and by the way, he could go to New York to see Kisaki Eri who was pregnant there.

"Take... take me with you."

Huiyuan Ai's voice was very low, but it was very clear in the quiet room.

"You can't sleep alone without me, right?"

"I'm keeping an eye on you for my sister!"

She said one thing and meant another!

Huihara Ai knew her sister was safe now, but she couldn't leave Mu Ze You Yu. Didn't she want to sleep peacefully?

She was afraid! She was afraid that after Mu Ze You Yu left, the people from the Black Organization would come to her.

She didn't want to leave this world before she even saw her sister!

"Two plane tickets!"

"Once you arrive in New York, you must obey me in everything."

"From now on, I am your master!"

Huihara Ai had no objection to such an unreasonable request.

When did she ever have human rights?

Every time she resisted, she was tortured by Mu Ze You Yu.


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