“It turns out that the aesthetic taste of Kyoto’s popular landlord is just like this.”

A short-haired, fashionable woman in purple clothes pinched her waist and mocked Qian Jingdongshu.

“Chikako! How can you speak to Fuyuki like that? It’s so rude!”

Suzuki Ayako frowned immediately when she heard this.

Qian Jingfuyuki looked at the short-haired girl, the victim of the bandage monster murder case.

Chikako Ikeda, the screenwriter of the popular Blue Kingdom two years ago.

She is beautiful, but her inner thoughts are so stupid that people want to sneer.

[How can a handsome man like Qian Jingfuyuki only have eyes for those two stupid women from the Suzuki family?]

[Is it because her family is rich that I have to become a prostitute at a young age for the sake of my future?]

[Other women praised him, but I was the only one who ignored him. He must have noticed me and fallen in love with me, who has a unique personality! -] He was so narcissistic and stupid, no wonder he died so miserably.

Glancing at the [full-level plagiarism] on the meeting sign-in, Qian Jing Dongshu sneered even more, and didn’t give him a look.

“Sonoko, Ayako, and Xiaolan, let’s go in first”

“Fine, ignore her, what a weird woman.”

Yunoko stood next to Qian Jingfuyuki, and she and her sister surrounded Qian Jingfuyuki and walked in.

The three of them ignored her, which made Ikeda Chikako’s nose crooked.

“Hey! You rude people!!”

Xiaolan looked back and asked,”Who is that strange lady?”

“Chikako Ikeda is a classmate of our university film club.

Suzuki Ayako said apologetically,”I’m so sorry, Lan Sang. Chikako was not like this before.”

“Of course, when people become famous, they become crazy and don’t take others seriously.”

“”Ikeda Chikako, the famous screenwriter from our club, is so famous that she is so arrogant!”

Someone said sarcastically.

Then, three men appeared in front of Qian Jingfuyu and the others and introduced themselves.

The tall man with a long melon face, who looked cheerful and talkative, carried a camera on his shoulder.

“Ayako’s sister, Ms. Xiaolan, and this Qian Jing, hello, I am the club’s cameraman, Hiroki Kadaya.”

The fat man with glasses, with a round face that seemed to be gloomy and tired from kidney deficiency, also smiled honestly, scratching his head.

“I am Takahashi Ryoichi, who specializes in props.

The remaining man, who was wearing a suit and boasted of being handsome and romantic, looked at Qian Jingfuyu with jealousy.

“I am Ota Katsu, who is in charge of renting cars for location shooting.”

Suzuki Ayako smiled and pointed to herself and added,”As for me, I prepare clothes and make-up for everyone.”

As soon as they finished speaking, a series of ding-ding sounds immediately rang in Qian Jingfuyu’s ears.

【Sign in to Suzuki Ayako and get rewarded with maximum level of makeup skills!】

【It was detected that the positioning of the host’s”Thousand Faces Disguise” overlaps, and the skills have been merged!】

【Sign in to Suzuki Sonoko and get a reward for spending money like water! The host can give full play to the ability of money, even if you throw a coin, the income will increase a hundredfold!】

【Ding! This ability has been bound by the system, the host’s cumulative property upgrade speed +100%!】

【Sign in to Ota Katsu and you will be rewarded with racing skills, which overlaps with the positioning of”God-level Driving Skills” and has been merged!】

【Sign in to Takahashi Ryoichi and be rewarded as a god-level prop master, which overlaps with the positioning of”Magic Max Level” and has been merged!】

【Sign in with Hiroki Kadaya and you will be rewarded with a full-level videography, which overlaps with the”full-level photography” position and has been merged!

Qian Jingdongshu didn’t even blink, as if he was not disturbed by any sound, and greeted them one by one.

Hiroki Kadaya looked Qian Jingdongshu up and down, and pinched his thin muscles helplessly.

“Ah, this is the famous Fuyuki Sang in Kyoto. Her appearance really puts all men to shame!”

“No wonder Chikako said that she wanted to tailor a script for her when she saw it.

Xiaolan and Xiaolan were both surprised.

“That Chikako likes Fuyuki-kun?”

“Humph, isn’t this obvious?”

Ota Katsu said sourly.

He looked at Zeni Ichikawa and said,”No matter how much we don’t want to admit it, you are much more charming than what we see on TV!”

“At this station, women only have eyes for you, so there is no place for us.”

Qian Jingfuyushu smiled but said nothing.

Suzuki Ayako sighed,”It would be great if Atsuko was here. It’s been a long time since we got together properly.”

When Atsuko was mentioned, everyone’s face changed slightly.

The whole atmosphere became stiff.

“Why are you carrying that dead person?”

Ikeda Chikako dragged a heavy suitcase and shouted loudly as soon as she arrived at the entrance.

· ·······Request flowers0 ·······

“Can anyone help me carry this thing? It’s so heavy!”

[Qian Jing Dong Shu, why don’t you look at me! I am more famous than all of them combined!]

Qian Jing Dong Shu didn’t even turn his head

“Chikako, I’ll help you!”The licker Kakutani Hiroki hurried over.

Takahashi Ryoichi and Ota Masaru looked unhappy, so they explained to Qian Jingfuyuki and the other two.

“Atsuko was our college classmate, but unfortunately she committed suicide due to depression before graduation.”

“”I see.” Xiaolan and Sonoko looked regretful.

When it came to the room allocation, Xiaolan didn’t push the door randomly because everyone was there.

Qian Jingfuyu took her in a strong embrace.

……… 0

“We are boyfriend and girlfriend, is it okay for us to stay in the same room?”

“No, of course no problem!”

Everyone was shocked by his momentum and nodded subconsciously.

Yuanzi looked at Xiaolan enviously.

[Wow, Fuyuki-kun is asserting his sovereignty in public, what a cool man!]

[Xiaolan is so lucky. I have to discuss with my elder sister how to catch up with him! ]

Want to catch up with me?

Qian Jingdongshu smiled and glanced at Yuanzi, his eyes full of evil charm.

Her cheeks were burning when she saw it.

[Ahhh, Fuyuki-sama, this is too unfair!]

[It’s worth it that I deliberately removed the security, just waiting for something to happen so that Dongshu-kun could save the beauty and then fall into his arms.~]

[Oh~ Fuyuki-sama, please accept the little love of a pure girl~]

As expected of Sonoko, she speaks more from the heart than from the mouth.

Qian Jingfuyuki smiled and looked at Ayako again.

This elder sister was no less than her.

She covered Mifense’s face tightly.

[Which woman doesn’t like a domineering man like Fuyuki-kun!]

[I don’t know if he likes the virtuous type. I want to go up the mountain to pick mushrooms and give Dong Shujun a taste of my specialty mushroom soup.~!]

Go up the mountain?

The opportunity has come.

Qian Jingdongshu has no intention of saving the rotten crotch Chikako.

Seeing this, he gave the potential murderer a chance without hesitation.

“It’s a rare opportunity to come here. I heard that the beautiful scenery of falling maple leaves is very nice. Miss Ayako, can you take me up the mountain to enjoy the scenery?”Seven.

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