Now that the matter has come to this, the case can be closed.

“As expected of Fuyuki-kun, he was almost led astray by Maori again.”

Inspector Megure looked at Qian Jing Fuyuki with gratitude, and shook his head with contempt at Maori Kogoro.

He lowered his hat and announced it directly!

“Mr. Itakura Taku, a famous software system designer, died of natural causes after suffering a heart attack due to a prank on a ghost image on the Internet.”.

“The case is closed now. Mr. Mao Li and the three of you, please give me your statements again.

Qian Jingdongshu’s mouth curled slightly. He was fully aware of everyone’s reactions and was not surprised by this result.

“Not right……”

Conan looked at Qian Jingdongshu’s leisurely appearance, and he always felt a sense of disobedience.

He jumped onto the table while no one was paying attention and entered the laptop system.

“Ghost picture… Can a software engineer at the top level of the Internet really be frightened into having a heart attack without any warning?”

“Wait, didn’t he clean up the traces on the Internet too thoroughly?”

Conan was still studying it carefully.

Maori Kogoro was humiliated by Qian Jingfuyuki’s attack, and he roared at his iron head.


Conan stared and covered the big bump on his head, he was so angry that he was speechless.

Uncle Maori is a barbarian!

“Mr. Itakura Taku’s body will be handled by the police, and the reputation of our rice flower restaurant will also be affected.……”

Qian Jingfuyushu said this to Officer Megure, and Officer Megure immediately understood.

“Don’t worry, Dongshu-kun, this is purely an accident. The police will blur the existence of the hotel and it won’t cause you any trouble.”

“That’s good. I have an appointment, so I’ll leave first.

Qian Jingdongshu nodded and left.

“Wait, Qian Jing Dong Shu!”

Conan has not yet come out of the shadow of losing Xiaolan.

Now that he has finally found a chance to meet, how can he not have a good chat with Qian Jing Dong Shu?

“Stop! I have something to tell you–Ah!!!”

Conan ran too fast, Qian Jingdongshu closed the door casually and didn’t expect this kid to rush over recklessly.

He collided head-on with the corner of the door.


It was like an egg breaking.

Conan’s face turned green, and he fell down while covering his mouth.

He was twitching all over and foaming at the mouth.

“Hey, Conan!

Qian Jingdongshu hurriedly grabbed his hand, and as soon as he felt his pulse, his face suddenly became extremely interesting.

Good boy, you are the one who rushed to be a father-in-law. It’s even more thorough than your father, and it’s useless from the root..

When the protagonist of the science novel, Ke Xue, killed his brother, the headquarters of the Black Organization also suffered an unprecedented major network attack.

“What? All the information about Zeniji Fuyuki and the core of the organization is gone! ?”

“Those international intelligence organizations and hacker organizations are coming at us like sharks smelling blood?”

Karasuma Renya was furious and scolded the person in charge!

“Revenge! This must be the revenge from the forces behind Qian Jing Dongshu!!”

He was in doubt. After 17 years of secret investigation, even his confidant Gin and granddaughter Vermouth did not reveal any clues.

Qian Jing Dongshu, how did he and the people behind him suddenly find out!

Gin also looked grim, staring at the arrogant ghost on the big screen of the organization.


“Damn Qian Jing Dongshu, is he mocking our organization as a bunch of clowns?”

Karasuma Renye said coldly.

“In any case, Sulli’s suspicion has not been cleared yet”

“Before we get to the bottom of Qian Jing Dongshu’s background, he will be temporarily locked up in the solitary confinement cell, and no one is allowed to visit him, not even Vermouth!”

“In addition, we will continue to recruit talents from various industries, especially those in network technology!!”

Otherwise, everything they organized would become completely transparent in the eyes of Qian Jingdongshu and others!!

“Yes, BOSS!”

Gin hurriedly took the order and left..

“”Go in!”

A member of the Black Organization pushed Miyano Shiho into the confinement room.

Then, like a frightened bird, he hurriedly backed away, not daring to touch her.

This was a bloody lesson learned throughout the day. Anyone who wanted to hurt Shirley would die miserably before touching her.

Miyano Shiho didn’t understand why, but looking at the closed confinement room, she felt very heavy.

“The phone was destroyed and the signal was blocked. I put my USB drive there. If the boss’s confidant happened to find it, Qian Jingdongshu would still be in danger.”

You can’t rely on luck.

She has to find a way to escape and report.

Fortunately, no one dared to touch her now. Miyano Shiho touched her pocket and found a tablet of drug A that she had just developed.

By observing the principle of mice shrinking, she reduced the toxicity ratio and replaced it with a special shrinking sequence factor.

“Take a gamble and survive even if you become smaller!”

“Find Qian Jing Dongshu and my sister!”

Miyano Shiho took drug A without hesitation.

Then her pupils shrank and her whole body shook violently!

“The drug is taking effect… ah! It’s starting to take effect!”

She fell to the ground, her vision blurred, and she looked at the ventilation duct that was big enough for a child to get out..

“Xiaolan, Fuyuki-kun! You are here~”

An old mountain village that looks like a horror movie.

Qian Jingfuyuki and Xiaolan just walked across the wooden bridge when they saw Sonoko and a squinty-eyed, pretty and gentle girl waving at them.

Suzuki Ayako was wearing a beige T-shirt and bowed slightly.

“Dongshu-san Oh, my sister was visiting your house earlier, sorry to bother you!”

Qian Jing Dongshu saw her perfect curves, flat and slender waist and abdomen, and the pair of tight and slender jade chopsticks under her pants, and his mouth curled with satisfaction.

“Don’t bother me. I’ll trouble Miss Ayako to take care of me this time.”

I heard Suzuki Ayako’s shy voice in my ears.

[Dongshu-kun is actually taller and gentler than I thought!]

[Xiaolan is so lucky. If I had such a good boyfriend, it would be so wonderful.

Oh, should I say she is indeed the sister of the flower-crazy Sonoko? Sisters are indeed of the same blood.

Today is a rare opportunity. I have to hit the nail on the head with the two flowers of the Suzuki family.

Qian Jingfuyuki winked and joked

“In my opinion, Miss Ayako is such a gentle woman, I don’t know which boy will take advantage of her in the future.”

“Ah~ Dongshu-kun is really good at talking!”

Suzuki Ayako laughed so hard that she was shaking with laughter. As expected, she had a better impression of him.

[It was obviously me who invited you, why are you only praising your elder sister? Don’t ignore me!] Sonoko also wanted to praise her.

As soon as she pouted, Qian Jingfuyu heard her inner voice and immediately pinched her chin.

“Of course I won’t forget to invite my great hero, Ms. Sonoko.”

“Ah, you are my Fuyuki-sama, you are really good at talking!

Qian Jingfuyuki tried his hand at”I know women’s hearts” and immediately took control of the Suzuki sisters present. Just when he was enjoying the singing and talking, an arrogant voice suddenly sounded.

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