“Eh? Of course!”

Suzuki Ayako was flattered that Qian Jingfuyu actually took the initiative to favor her.

“It’s going to rain soon, so let’s go up the mountain now, Dongshu-kun!”

Xiaolan wanted to go with them, but Yuanzi pulled her to stay.

“Xiaolan, haven’t you always been afraid of ghosts?”

“When it’s rainy and evening here, the mountain is very gloomy, so it’s better not to go there”

“I’m going to borrow a camera from Ota Masaru, let’s take a photo together~”.

Then she winked at her sister.

[Sister, please treat Fuyuki well! Qian Jingfuyuki could n’t help laughing. This Yuanzi is such a cute assist.

If I don’t take her down, I’ll be sorry for her.

He turned and looked at Suzuki Ayako with burning eyes.

“Ayako, let’s go.”


Suzuki”Six Three Three” Ayako blushed, not knowing what was going to happen!

When they got to the mountain, they were alone, and Suzuki Ayako’s heart was pounding.

[I wonder if Dongshu-kun likes the sweet cream of mushroom soup or the salty Japanese miso soup?

Qian Jing Dongshu looked at her and smiled:”As long as it’s made by Ayako, I like it!”

“Ah, Fuyuki-kun, how did you know?……”Suzuki Ayako was surprised

“Because the lovely Ayako has her inner thoughts written all over her face.”

Qian Jingdongshu continued to tease her,”Or maybe we can say that we have a spiritual connection?”

“Ah~ Dongshu-kun is joking”

[Fuyuki-kun is really a man who is very observant and makes people feel like spring breeze!]

Suzuki Ayako turned around, her cheeks getting even hotter.

She was distracted and her foot slipped unconsciously.


Qian Jingdongshu supported her.

“Looks like your ankle is sprained, let’s find a place to rest.”

A man and a woman alone, close to each other.

Suzuki Ayako looked up at him blankly, her cheeks flushed, and pointed to a small wooden house not far away.

“That’s where the hunters on the mountain rest. Let’s go over there.”

Qian Jingdongshu finished reading it, and his eyes flashed with a burning light of eagerness.

“Okay, I will treat Ayako well.”.

The rain was pouring down.

Qian Jing Dongshu lit the candles in the cabin, and Suzuki Ayako had fallen asleep due to exhaustion.

Using the magical skill of”I know women’s hearts”, he enjoyed the magnificent sight of the beautiful jade covered with red clouds.

At this moment, a scream suddenly came from the foot of the mountain.

It was Xiaolan!

A crime must have happened!

Qian Jing Dongshu wrapped Suzuki Ayako in his coat and walked quickly in the woods with her in his arms.

As soon as they reached the suspension bridge, as expected, it had been cut off by someone.

But that didn’t affect Qian Jing Dongshu. He took a step forward and jumped over with his men as if walking on flat ground.


Sonoko and Xiaolan ran out of the villa pale-faced to find him. Seeing this scene, both girls breathed a sigh of relief.

“Great! You’re okay!”

“What happened? I just heard someone screaming on the mountain.

Qian Jingdongshu pretended to be confused and asked with a frown.

“it’s me……”

Xiaolan lowered her head in embarrassment.

“There was a power outage at the villa without any warning just now, and a bandaged monster carrying Miss Chikako’s head floated over, scaring us all!”

[I hope Fuyuki-kun doesn’t think I’m a coward.]

Sonoko is still terrified and takes a photo of the murderer

“This is so scary! Is that bandaged weirdo a ghost lingering here?”

[Wow! I just wanted to create a small accident for Fuyuki to save the girl, I didn’t think it would be so big!! It’s so scary!!]

Qian Jing Fuyuki opened his arms and hugged the two girls one by one.

“It’s okay. I’m here, no undead ghosts can offend you.”

“”With Fuyuki-kun’s words, we feel more at ease.” Xiaolan nodded.

Sonoko was surprised to see Ayako sleeping soundly despite the noise.

“Hey, what happened to my sister?”

“Ayako twisted her ankle on the mountain, and I massaged her ankle and she fell asleep comfortably.

Qian Jingdongshu led the group upstairs without blushing or beating his heart.

“Foot massage? Is it that comfortable?”

Yuanzi was still confused, but Xiaolan, who had experienced it, immediately understood what it meant.

Her face turned red, she glared at Qian Jingdongshu, and hurriedly pulled Yuanzi over.

“Sister Ayako must have been overworked preparing for this team building, so let’s not disturb her.”

When the three of them came down from upstairs, Ota Masaru and the others also looked unhappy, and they all returned to the living room………

“Chikako was dismembered! The body parts were cruelly thrown around!”

“Damn it, who on earth did such a cruel thing!”

Hiroki Kadaya’s eyes were red, and he immediately stepped forward and questioned Qian Jingfuyu when he saw him:

“Qian Jing Dongshu, is it you who, just because Chikako expressed disdain for your aesthetic taste, you cruelly retaliated against her!”

“Hey! Stop spitting blood on me! Dongshu and my sister were picking mushrooms in the mountains, so how could they have time to kill people?”

Yuanzi was the first to stand up and defend her.

The good-tempered Xiaolan also got angry.

“You guys are just treating people as suspects, but you still need evidence!”

Qian Jing Dongshu also said calmly:”It’s not me.”

“When I came down from the mountain, the suspension bridge was cut down.”

“There is a cliff under the suspension bridge! How did you get over from the other side?”

Hiroki Kadaya kept asking.

Fuyuki Qianjing:”Of course I jumped over directly.”

After saying that, he jumped on the spot, and the person jumped directly from the first floor to the ceiling of the third floor, and even reached out to touch the gorgeous crystal chandelier.

“Hiss… this……”

Everyone present was shocked by this scene.

With this kind of physical fitness and jumping ability, an Olympic champion is only this good! ?

Who on earth is Qian Jing Dongshu?

[Ahhh, it’s my Fuyuki Sam0.8a after all!! It’s really amazing!! ]

Sonoko was even more excited with both hands, and her eyes were full of hearts.

“Si is enough……”Xiaolan also looked at her lover with admiration and respect.

“It seems that the thunder just now not only damaged the electrical circuits, but also cut off the telephone lines!”

“Now we can only use candles for lighting, and we can’t contact the outside world at all. We are trapped here!”

As luck would have it, another flash of lightning flashed by, casting shadows on the faces of everyone in the house!

Takahashi Ryoichi, who was already fat and gloomy, suddenly widened his eyes in horror and screamed:

“It must be that bandage monster! It’s not a human, it’s the ghost of Atsuko’s revenge!”

“Zhi Jiazi must have suffered retribution, that’s why she died so miserably!!”.

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